#theFDNLife; Arabian Night

July 20, 2015

Beberapa hari sebelum kantor libur lebaran, kami bikin buka puasa bareng sekantor. Tadinya mau pas hari terakhir ngantor, tapi ternyata restoran yang dipilih udah fully booked pas tanggal itu. Jadi terpaksa deh beberapa hari lebih awal.

Restoran yang dipilih? Abunawas dekat kantor :D. Temanya Arabian Night. Dresscode? Arabian prince and princesses..haha. Selalu seru lah kalo FDN bikin office party karena dandannya pada niat! 

Almost full team karena Catra lagi sakit, Sharon lagi liputan ke Hong Kong dan Amel ada acara di Bandung!

More pictures...

Assegaf, Ambadar and Partners :D

The IT team kecuali Mas Dwi yang grogi foto bareng cewe-cewe di Operational

The Operational team that run the back engine of Female Daily. If you call our office, Ningsih with the black outfit will answer your phone with her signature voice. If you send your resume, Nopai with the white top will screen your resume and interview you. So you gotta be nice to her. If you receive invoice from us, that's gotta be from Febi and Rini who will hunt you until you transfer us the payment :p

The marketing and creative and event team with their new mom. Wait, where's Farida the intern?

The sales team who bring in the $$$. Affi and Gyanda are moving in to the marketing team from the sales team but of course they still want to be in both of group pictures :D

Ochel, Mbak Santi and Dara. They are female Daily editorial team, minus Catra

Mommies Daily editorial team. Fia and Adis won the best dress awards (along with Dori as Arabian bride :D). Adis dressed as a King and Fia is actually not a muslim but she went all out since early in the morning and had to borrow her maid pashmina to be worn as scarf..haha.

Taking picture by myself because being a CEO I don't have a group of people working directly with me except for the product development and community. But both Sharon and Amel was away :(. hiks!

Sebenarnya, Abunawas udah paling cocok sih dengan temanya. Sayangnya, kami dapat tempatnya di paling atas, bukan di ruangan-ruangan yang dekornya maksimal dengan musik-musik Arab. Kalo di atas yaa standard aja sih open space area dan agak nyampur dengan pengunjung lain. Musiknya juga nggak ada sama sekali. Agak-agak drop shayy siih. Tapi untungnya makanannya enak dan ditutup dengan sesi foto-foto yang nggak selesai-selesai. So it was still a good night :)

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