Bidding Farewell to 2013
January 01, 2014
2013 flew so fast for me, maybe because it was such an eventful year. So much happened, so many new experiences, so much learning involved. Mudah-mudahan sih, I come out of 2013 a better person that I was in the beginning of the year.
One thing that always need to be grateful for: a healthy family. I've been so blessed that aside from minor flu and migraine, we have practically been healthy throughout the year. No doctor was involved, except for the dentist :). I know health is something that we can't take for granted and even though I have taken better care of myself, I cannot say I've done the same thing to my family. So, my goal is to introduce more and more greens to my family. More home-cooked meals prepared by me and (much) less junk food.
Travel-wise, I didn't visit that many new places in 2013 except for Balikpapan, Macau & Las Vegas. But that's not bad, right? Considering I also went to KL, Singapore, Hong Kong, SF, LA, St. Louis, Carbondale and Chicago. I was supposed to go to Bangkok and Taiwan and also another Hong Kong Trip in 2013, but I learned a great deal about priority so I had to cancel the trip in the last minute. My travel wishlist in 2014 is quite a few! I've always have endless list of must-have visit. But here's my top list: Belitung, Malang, Gili Trawangan, Pulau Macan, Turkey, Perth, a winter trip to maybe Shanghai or Japan, a road trip around UK. Hey a girl can dream, right? :)
Of course, the majority of my 2013 was spent working my ass off in Female Daily HQ. I'm happy with what we have achieved and the shape that we are in now. A lot of things can be improved, of course..but we learned through the process and the trial and error. I can't emphasize enough on the importance of process, making sure that we all enjoy the journey together and we learn, improve and gain a lot of things from it.
The word focus was the highlight of 2013. We started the year by closing a division in the office, to focus more on our core even though we had to cut the sweet revenue. It was a bold move, but it was something that had to be done. We thought we've had it all figured out, but no..we still needed to focus more. We realized that we were way too stretched out. So another bold decision was made towards the end of 2013. Something that we haven't announced yet but will be out in the open on the first month of 2014. We are ecstatic with the new direction and can't wait to execute the plan and truly own the space :).
If I have to pick one thing that leaves the deepest mark was participating in Endeavor Entrepreneur program and went to Silicon Valley. I called that my real learning journey because it had the potential to open me to vulnerability and the embarrassment of incompetence. But I guess that's how you can learn a lot, some jleb moments to bring you back to reality, a snap to make you realize that you still have a lot of homework to do. Not only I learned about entrepreneurship but also about myself. Life affords us a few chances to learn how others really see us, so I was really appreciative of that especially when they come out of the highly remarkable people with amazing experiences under their belt. I can't thankful enough for the valuable feedback and support. It's nice to be able to say that after all these years, I finally have mentors :).
So tomorrow is the first day of work. I have huge plans and dreams and ready to roll up my sleeves to achieve them. 2014, I'm ready for you :).