My First E-Book
November 05, 2013
So anyway, I went to Barnes & Noble during my last trip to the States. I found the 4 books I was looking for but then before I brought them to the cash register, I realized just how much space they would take in my suitcase :(. They have the Nook section in the bookstore, I played around with it and checked if the 4 books I was planning to buy are available in the Nook. Turned out they are, and some of them are much cheaper.
The Nook that I wanted (with glowlight) was $99, but they had a $20 promo and there was other coupon I could use off the Internet for another $20 discount. So the price ended up to $59..something that I couldn't pass up. So the Nook went home with me.
Buying the books from Nook is not that simple when you don't live in the States. They need to have a US address credit card on file. Since my uncle lives there, I just use his credit card to register. So far, I buy the book using Barnes & Noble gift card that I've bought while I was there. I think I can refill the gift card with Paypal.
So far, I've enjoyed reading from the Nook. The glowlight is especially helpful when I put the kids to bed. I won't be able to read from book because the kids like it dark. So I usually checked through my Instagram or Twitter. Now I'm doing something much better than mindlessly waste my time with social media.
The Nook is also unbelievably light that I've been able to carry it everywhere. My first book that I bought is the Conscious Business, recommended by Jeff Weiner, CEO of Linked In when I visited the HQ during Endeavor ISP. The second book I bought is titled Good to Great. It's interesting to learn about the level 5 leadership that is described in the book.