Writing is Therapeutic
February 15, 2013At least it is for me.
Writing has always been a big part of my life. Ya, sejak jaman SD suka nulis-nulis diary gitu deh. Dan waktu SMP sampai SMA, selain nulis diary juga suka surat-suratan sama teman se-gank :D. Ada yang surat-suratan sama satu orang, ada yang satu buku diisi curhatan anak-anak se-gank. Hihi, seru!
Lanjut waktu kuliah sih porsi menulis di kertas memang agak berkurang, kan ceritanya udah kenalan sama email dan blog. Tapi agenda tetep dong pake. I LOVED going to the stationery sections. Pilih-pilih insert, tempel-tempel sticker dan foto box. Foto-foto agenda pernah dipajang di forum Female Daily sini nih...http://femaledaily.com/showpost.php?p=29889&postcount=15
Terakhir-terakhir, memang berusaha untuk mengurangi ketergantungan sama agenda, sih. Setengah tahun terakhir di 2012, agendanya udah nggak dipakai lagi. Bergantung sama iPad dan iPhone, sekalian untuk mengurangi isi tas dan pemakaian kertas. Tapi, kayanya ada yang hilang, yah. There's just something about writing on a pen and paper that can't be replaced. I enjoyed pouring what's inside my head into my own handwriting, no matter how ugly it gets these days. I loved crossing my to-do list or my goal after I have accomplished them. Writing allows me to keep my sanity as I can empty my mind without worrying that I will forget about its content.
So now I have 4 agenda that I write almost on daily basis. The first one is the picture above. It's basically just to-do list notes, for the things I have to do every day. I write all the little things I need to do, things I cannot do at that very moment. Some times it freaks me out knowing that the list is just going to get bigger but at least it keeps me on track.
The blue one below is the Kate Spade small agenda that I've started using since the beginning of 2013. This agenda goes with me everywhere, it's always in my bag. Meetings, appointments, events are all written in there. It's nice to see a month worth calendar all in one page. Also short story about my days and other notes, for examples notes to track down the maids and driver salary, etc. Penting banget, kan? :p.
The third notebook is the Moleskine Lego Edition. This notebook stays in the office. It's to write everything work related. A bigger scale to-do list, article ideas, all tidbits about product development, minutes from any meeting that happens in the office (and we have that like, everyday). Ideas, future projects, project timeline, feedback and everything else is written in there too.
The last one is the notebook that stays at home, it sits right next to my bed. An Hermes agenda as my gratitude journal for all the little things that I'm grateful for. Writing on this journal at the end of the day helps me to keep my perspective, to feel more calm and content. No matter how shitty some days can be, there are always things to be thankful for. It makes feel blessed. It's good to end the day with positive note, right?
So you see, I do write a lot. And I still write on this blog or in Fashionese Daily and Mommies Daily every now and then. Through writing (in the form of blogging), I created my own path that become Female Daily Network. So writing is indeed a big part of my life.
Wowwww!!! I'm exactly the same! Well, minus the neat order hehe. I worship my handwriting a lot so agenda/notebook is a must-have. Sayangnya, gw mudah berpaling hahaha. Begitu ada agenda baru yg bagus, yg lama ditinggalin :( jadilah smuanya berceceran dan suka panik klo nyari2 tulisan yg lama hahaha. Kecuali agenda ttg kunjungan pasien sih baru tetapp.. hehe. Nice organizers btw!!
ReplyDeleteAt least for me too!
ReplyDeleteMeskipun blog, twitter, path udah bertebaran dimana-mana, masih nggak bisa melepaskan diri dari tulisan tangan. Lebih caem dan otentik rasanya. Sekarang sih punya dua notebook aja, satu buat kerjaan, satu buat personal, ala-ala diary gitu deh. I've been keeping this habit since elementary school! :D