As I have written in Mommies Daily, one of my parenting resolutions is to spend more time in the kitchen. So that what I did last Sunday. I made fruit kabobs in the morning, followed with Banana Bread. Later on in the afternoon, I made Mac N Cheese cup using this recipe , with the help from Jehan. Then, Oki made himself Philly Cheese Steak while I stir-fried some veggies to bring to work for the next following days.
Jehan is currently into reading. As in learning to read. Well, she has actually shown interest for quite a while but I have never invested my time in showing her how to read :(.

As far as I remember, she always loves book and has huge interest in language. Her Bahasa Indonesia is impressive for her age, "Daripada, Mommy..bukan dari" when I wrongly use the word dari to compare one thing to another. One time I said ban sepeda and then she asked me, "roda sepeda, maksudnya?". She picked up English really well too and always eager to learn more. There's not a day gone by without her asking me a vocab question. Last time, she stunned me with question, "Yang bener goody bag atau goody bags sih, mommy?".

As far as I remember, she always loves book and has huge interest in language. Her Bahasa Indonesia is impressive for her age, "Daripada, Mommy..bukan dari" when I wrongly use the word dari to compare one thing to another. One time I said ban sepeda and then she asked me, "roda sepeda, maksudnya?". She picked up English really well too and always eager to learn more. There's not a day gone by without her asking me a vocab question. Last time, she stunned me with question, "Yang bener goody bag atau goody bags sih, mommy?".
Last night, Oki was telling Jib that Mommy might have to go to KL next week.
And then Jib asked me..
Jib: What for, Mommy?
Me: I'm invited to see a fashion show.
Jib: Do you have to go there?
Me: Yes, it would be good if I come
Jib: Do you NEED to?
Me: Yes....(not a firm OF COURSE as I'm thinking that maybe I can be replaced)
Jib: Do you WANT to?
Me: yes...*I couldn't help but laugh...I really didn't see that coming! My son is trying to help me set my priorities straight :D*
JIb: It's either you need to or you want to
Me: Well Jib, I guess I'm lucky that everything that I need to do is something that I want to do too...:)
Terharu anakku sudah besar. Kalo Jehan komentarnya.."TOLONG ya Mommy nanti di sana beliin aku scooter" :-)
And then Jib asked me..
Jib: What for, Mommy?
Me: I'm invited to see a fashion show.
Jib: Do you have to go there?
Me: Yes, it would be good if I come
Jib: Do you NEED to?
Me: Yes....(not a firm OF COURSE as I'm thinking that maybe I can be replaced)
Jib: Do you WANT to?
Me: yes...*I couldn't help but laugh...I really didn't see that coming! My son is trying to help me set my priorities straight :D*
JIb: It's either you need to or you want to
Me: Well Jib, I guess I'm lucky that everything that I need to do is something that I want to do too...:)
Terharu anakku sudah besar. Kalo Jehan komentarnya.."TOLONG ya Mommy nanti di sana beliin aku scooter" :-)
This was what I found yesterday when I reorganized a small book case in my mom's house :)
A newspaper clipping of my dad's writing. Dated all the way back to 1980s.
My dad owned an Intellectual Property law firm. He handled all things related to copyright, patent, trademarks and other things I don't understand :-). Discovering these clippings kind of put a big slap on my face. They remind me again to never touch my hands on the pirated dvds ever again!
At first, I limited myself to buy only foreign movies, but then I was being good and stopped buying altogether when I realized there were so many unopened dvds lying around in the house.Trying to #livewithless.
A newspaper clipping of my dad's writing. Dated all the way back to 1980s.
My dad owned an Intellectual Property law firm. He handled all things related to copyright, patent, trademarks and other things I don't understand :-). Discovering these clippings kind of put a big slap on my face. They remind me again to never touch my hands on the pirated dvds ever again!
At first, I limited myself to buy only foreign movies, but then I was being good and stopped buying altogether when I realized there were so many unopened dvds lying around in the house.Trying to #livewithless.
- Solutions should never come at the expense of your reputation
- Being demanding of yourself is a must. Focusing on the quality, on the speed, on the clarity of whatever tasks you're asked to do.
- A can do attitude doesn't mean you don't see there's an obstacle. It's about realizing there are obstacles to getting things accomplished but figuring out how to overcome them as opposed to saying "here is a wall I cannot climb over"
- Effective leaders often exhibit high expectations, strong resilience and perseverance and an affirmative attitude.
- You should intentionally spend time with people who are different from you
- The most important perspective in life is to have the long-range view over the short term expediency.
- If you're hiring, you should take your time to recruit. You must get the best possible person for the job, even if it take longer than you'd ideally like.
- You should always question your first choice for the role. Are you taking her on because it is the easy option or because she is the perfect person for the job?
- By making time to purse your interests, you broaden the range of future opportunities. This way you can optimize every opportunity in your current role.
- Successful leaders envision where they want to go, and map out the process for getting there.