Entrepreneurship Seminar @ Prasetiya Mulya
June 08, 2012Last Friday, Affi and I was invited to speak at Prasetiya Mulya Career Week. It was an honor for us to be in the same flyer with Ligwina Hananto & Alex Sriewijono. Perjuangan sampe ke lokasi itu heboh berat. For a start, it was late Friday afternoon and there was a road construction in Cilandak. It was hellish. So we were already 15 minutes late. We decided to stop at Pondok Indah Mall and ride ojek to the campus. Since Nopai wasn't going to speak, she continued the journey driving Affi's car. So Affi left first with the first ojek we saw, and I was standing under the crossing bridge waiting for another ojek to arrive. After a few minutes, I lost hope and just walked to a nearby gentleman and asked him if the motorcycle parked there was his and if he could take me to Prasetiya Mulya :D. After a few seconds digesting what I said, he finally said yes. What funny was, when I arrived there, the talkshow hasn't even started and only 5 people in class. Nopai arrived 5 minutes later and the talkshow still hasn't started -__-. Tau gitu nggak usah ada yang naik ojek, kan?
Anyway, I don't think I'm that comfortable yet speaking in public. But I believe I'm getting better. This one was especially enjoyable because I was sharing my entrepreneurship journey since college years. There were a lot of memories, a lot of personal stories to be shared. A lot of pictures too!.
I've spoken in front of college students for a few times now (Bakrie University, Bunda Mulia University and Binus International) and the one message that I always want them to remember is; one of the biggest tasks in our life is to find what we like and to know what our strength is and what we're good at. We owe it to ourselves to recognize those.