Some Fresh Air to Breathe
January 02, 2012I knew it's been a while since we have our family vacation, but I didn't have the exact date in mind when that last time was. Finally, we managed to have a little getaway last Christmas weekend to visit Bandung and as I was sitting at the rattan lounger by the pool it just hit me that the last time I stepped out of Jakarta was exactly a year ago! And it was also to Bandung during Christmas weekend. Oh my God, no wonder I was so stressed out especially the second half of 2011.

2011 went by like blur to me. It consisted of work, work and more work it's unhealthy and scary. All I know is now I don't want to be consumed by work in 2012. I want to have a life outside of and enjoy more of it. I want to be in tune with my emotional side and take pleasure in little things that make life interesting. I'm in desperate need of traveling and seeing new places. Even my kids had airplane time last time when they went to Solo. Oki visited Hong Kong and Bali, my sister went to China, my mom went to Australia & Umrah and all the people in my in laws house got to go to the US, Brussels & Paris. Everyone around me had some mileages outside the country. It was only me who was suffocating in this deadlock city. Oki just realized this too when I told this to me and felt bad for not taking me out of my routine.
So this Bandung trip was something I needed to freshen up my mind. Good thing we stayed at Padma, I couldn't be thankful enough for its green scenery that sooth my eyes. We also went to Tangkuban Perahu, it was pretty chilly up there, definitely something different that I'm facing everyday here in Jakarta. Lunch at The Valley was reviving too even though the food was crap. But I was there solely for the view and let the kids run wild at the big playground by the hill.