2012 Wishlist

January 26, 2012

I was gonna post my new year resolutions, but that one is gonna be a long one so I decided to write down my wish list first :D.

On traveling:
  • January - Singapore. Done :D
  • March/April - Umrah. Setelah tahun lalu nggak jadi, mudah-mudahan sekarang bisa kejadian. Trus jadi mikir mungkin ajak anak-anak juga apa? Insya Allah bisa kesampean yaaa.
  • June/July - Bali. Liburan anak-anak kan, and the last time (which happened to be my first time too) I went to Bali was 2004.
  • June/July - KL. Ini maksudnya kalo nggak ke Bali mungkin bisa ke KL. Jibran really wants to visit Malaysia, we could also visit a few friends there.
  • October - Europe trip. Not sure where but I'm sure if we go it's to the places where soccer is a big thing considering it's soccer season. But what makes me excited is the fact that it's fall!
  • December - Belitung. After the addiction of Laskar Pelangi, it's about time to finally visit the city.
On Photography:
  • February/March - Take the online class!
  • The 24-70mm f/2.8L . Need to sell my 24-105mm f/4.0L first, though.
  • The 85mm f/1.2L. Mau pingsan sih liat harganya but this lens is supposed to be the perfect lens for portrait pictures, the kind of photograph I take the most. But I need to sell my 35mm f/1.4L first and definitely need to rent the 85mm to make sure I like how it works.
  • I was going to add the 70-200 mm f/2.8L, but it would be asking too much! (Apalagi coba yang mau dijual). But I need a lens that range to capture Jibran while he is playing futsal/soccer :p
  • February - New camera bag. Mine is too small to hold my camera.
On Bags:
  • Bottega Veneta or a classic Chanel. I'll write more about it on Fashionese Daily. Just like the lenses, one or two of my bags got to go too.
On House:
  • February - Kitchen Remodeling. Not a complete remodeling, but we want to add stove and cabinet and turn it into a real kitchen.
  • February - Of course, need to buy the stove too, right? -__-
  • February - Finishing up the bathroom project. I need to make up my mind whether to put stones or just regular tiles on the sides.
  • February - Submitting the KPR documents for the townhouse! I've been putting this one off since 2-3 months ago.
  • Ohh, there's a lot I want to do for the house; Finishing up the kids bedrooms, figuring out what to do with the empty area under the stair. It's a never ending project, really.
Pheww, hard core ya wish listnya. Yaa namapun wish list :D. It never hurts to aim high on your wish list. Plus, I need a list like this to remind me not to waste money on little things that give instant and short-lived satisfaction.

Soo, let's go to work and get things done :)

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  1. Europe Visit - Can it be sooner than Oct? pleaseeeee ;)

    1. Nggak bisa..dananya belom ada sebelum Oktober :D, unless jatah tiket lo ditransfer ke gue? hehe. Tadinya pengennya emang Juni Lin, pas ada Europe Cup gitu, tapi kayanya enakan pas fall yah. Apalagi Oktober gitu tiketnya lebih murah kan udah nggak peak season. Elo extend aja yaaa :))
