It's 1433!
December 03, 2011Last week on November 26 the Muslims celebrated Islamic New Year, a month in advance of the Gregorian calendar. Enough to give me a double take on my 2011 resolution and realize just how far behind I am :D.
I heard it's good to pray before the year closed down and the new one rolls up, well anytime is always a good time to pray, but the moment seemed to be perfect to turn a new chapter. Too bad I was having my period so I didn't do the five times and pray. Well, come to think of it, I rarely take my time to pray after sholat. It's almost always Assalamualaikum and up I went to fold my mukena. But I do pray everyday, everywhere, anytime of the day. Could be when I send my kids and husband to work, on the road, when I kiss my loved ones, when I take a shower, when I'm about to sleep and I could only hear my own breathing, anywhere. I found that most of my deepest, intense & sincerest prayer happened when I'm in the car. I like to look at the sky when I do that, it's like looking for the superpower up there. When I say pray, I don't always ask, mostly just saying thank you wholeheartedly for everything he has given me.
Anyway, I read one quote from Surah Ar-Rahman that hit me and sent me all shivering that day, "Maka nikmat Tuhan yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?" :((. Whoaa! I was immediately seeking for forgiveness after that. This quote shall be my guide in life from now on.
Happy Islamic New Year, may we build a firmer roots of Iman in our hearts :')