Bathroom Reorganizing
March 16, 2011One of my hobbies is..beberes! Asli, setiap weekend pasti adaa aja projectnya. Weekend ini beres-beres kamar mandi, weekend lalu kamar Jibran, weekend kapan itu kamar sendiri, trus ada saatnya beresin gudang, dapur dan lain-lain. Beneran deh, I found it theurapeutic :D.
Nah weekend lalu beresin kabinet kamar mandi, decluttering, throwing stuff and rearranging. Kalo mau cari sesuatu agak susah karena barang-barangnya udah kecampur. Belum lagi bagian top cabinetnya yang penuh dengan botol-botol.
Before picture
After picture
Not bad lah ya, this can be achieved by placing a rolling shelf next to it to storage all of the bottles and stuff. The green basket is used to place stuff that we use everyday and are too tall to be placed in the rolling shelf.

This is how the rack looks like. The top two container are used to hold Oki's gel, deodorant, shaving cream, perfumes, etc. Btw, I like how the neatly placed basket inside the cabinet can be seen through the glass door.

The top part is for hair brush and face brushes and a jar for cotton pads and buds.
This is how it looks like inside. A basket for hair stuff (rubber band, hair pin, extra brushes, etc). A basket for my makeup, a small basket for nail polishes (which Jehan will happily take it out), a basket for supplies (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc), a basket for everything else..mainly ointment, Vaseline, minyak telon, minyak kayu putih, etc) and a basket full of hair products!. The bottom part is for hair styling tools. I just realized most of the stuff is related to my frizzy hair.

See, there is a LOT of hair products, some freebies for Fashionese Daily. Those should last me for more than a year. Next to it is my makeup stash..this is what's left after I gave away most of my makeup. The small pouch is for basic makeup stuff that I need everyday.

Soo..what's next? Maybe the study corner :D
Rarraaappiii banget Han.
ReplyDeleteLumayan Jen..walaupun dalem keranjangnya berantakan kan yang terlihat hanya susunan rapi keranjangnya :D
ReplyDeleteHan, mau lho rumah gue dirapiin. Soalnya kebalikan lo, gue paling mualeess kalo disuruh beberes. Untung laki gue rada OCD, jadi dia deh yang suka beberes smbl manyun :P
ReplyDeleteGue seneng beberes, tapi sehari-harinya gue bukan yang super rapih gitu kok, walaupun setelah beberes pasti berjanji untuk hidup lebih organized lagi tapi tetep aja beberapa hari kemudian udah nggak jelas lagi bentuknya.