
Weekend Budget!

Family February 28, 2011
Waktu Gong Xi Fa Cai kemaren, kita sekeluarga ke PIM (jarang-jarang lhoo sekeluarga ke mall gini). Truus gue iseng nyatetin uang yang keluar hari itu. Ini dia listnya: - Lunch, GM = Rp 125,000. Ini termasuk murah lah ya, kalo makannya di Duck King, Bakerz Inn pasti udah 200an lebih - Yogen Fruz = Rp 20,000. Bagus cuma beli satu untuk rame-rame..hehehehe - Mango Dress =...Read More

Next on my reading list..

Books Movies & Gadget February 27, 2011
I found this book last night at Periplus Ranch Market, so itching to get it but I know I won't have time to read it. Plus it would be ironic to read this particular book, when it means I buy more stuff, while I still have a pile of books I need to read because the essence of the book is to suggest...Read More

The Homework

Family February 26, 2011
You know what, it's 10:36 PM...and I just got home at 10:00 PM. I wish I didn't have to have a date with my laptop and just lay down, finish of Eat, Pray, Love movie or read one of the books I just got this week (there are six!!). Honestly, I'm getting sick of my laptop :D. I know I want to write...Read More

Friday Randomness

Family February 25, 2011
It's 11:21 PM...so I'm gonna be very random on this post. If it wasn't for #7hari challenge, I would've gone ZzzZzz I went to a parenting seminar today, followed by a little bit of work at Black Canyon, picked up Jibran in school and then took him to his first swimming lesson. Jehan came along too. After they were done, we went to get...Read More

For The Love of The Game

Entrepreneurship February 24, 2011
The AFF Suzuki Cup last December was one of the highlights of 2010 for me. And I thought I didn’t like soccer? :D. Well, the world cup a few months before sprinkled a few interests in me, not just because of some good looking athletes :p but because it just felt good to see a festivity and to be supporting something, although I...Read More

My Take on Father & Kids

Family February 23, 2011
Last Saturday, I got to moderate #PeekAbook talkshow, a regular event held by Buah Hati and Mommies Daily. The topic was about Father & Kids, so unlike any other parenting seminar I've been to, half of the attendee was the dads, including Oki (and the kids who were playing at Giggle). Najelaa Shihab was the speaker (along with Trias and Sogi as the...Read More

The Kids This Morning

Family February 23, 2011
Jibran just before he left for school, proudly showing the iPad replica we made last night :) Jehan with her 'pillow face', she was waiting for me to take a shower in the bathroom :) ...Read More

Tantangan #7hari!

Entrepreneurship February 22, 2011
6:52 PM and stuck in Kemang Utara on the way home. I usually won’t bother to open my laptop in the car and just read my Twitter timeline from my iPhone..but not this time because this is where the #7hari challenge starts!. And my challenge is to update this blog everyday. I know it sounds like a walk in the park..but it’s not....Read More

First Attempt at...Walking :)

Home n Living February 17, 2011
I love walking..I really do. I mean if Jakarta is pedestrian friendly I would walk everywhere my short feet could take me :D. I used to walk a lot when I lived in Singapore, Perth & Carbondale (where I easily lose 20 kgs in a year due because of it). Not so much in St. Louis because it's just impossible to walk where...Read More

Behind The Urban Jungle

Home n Living February 15, 2011
Today is mom's fourth day at the hospital. I've been here since 6:30 in the morning. The weather is rather gloomy with light rain splashing the city. Mom is taking a nap before undergoing a few scan tests. So it's just me, my iphone and the fashion tv showing clips from Milan fashion week.The window is open and i can feel the fresh...Read More

Creating The Big Plan

#theFDNLife February 06, 2011
Minggu lalu kita ngadain financial seminar bersama Ligwina Hananto, pesertanya ada 100 orang dan baru dibuka beberapa hari aja pendaftarannya udah penuh. Kita udah tau sih pasti bakalan rame deh seminar ini karena memang semua orang kayanya lagi pada antusias untuk beres-beres kondisi keuangannya, di Female Daily forum aja threadnya selalu rame. Udah banyak yang tau kalo menabung aja nggak cukup, udah banyak...Read More

Love is My Religion

Faith February 05, 2011
Happiness & peacefulness is...listening to Jibran and Jehan happily praying or singing any Islamic songs :). Really, those are like music to my ears and heart. I especially love it when they sing the asmaul husna. Too bad they don't sing it as much as they did a year ago so I have yet to have the video, only the audio in Blackberry....Read More

The Best Alfredo Ever!

Home n Living February 04, 2011
Well, at least in my pasta cooking history..:D. But seriously though, it tastes like heaven!!. Creamy, with the right amount of cheese and the perfect texture (chewiness?) of the fusili. Too bad the picture is so crappy. I always cook at night and didn't have the camera handy so I just snapped it with my iPhone. Ingredients: Cooking cream, cheddar cheese, garlic, olive...Read More