There it is...My New Year Resolution

January 01, 2011

I bet new year resolution is the most popular topic in blogging world these past few days as 2011 has just arrived. I don't think I made one last year, although I did have some kind of plans sporadically. I've been thinking about my plan and what I want to achieve this year and thought it'll be good to list them down (it's the first step toward making it happens, right?) even though now that I'm making a mental seems that all my plans is pretty generic, like to lead a healthier life, to spend more times with the family, to spend less and save more. Standard banget deh seperti sejuta orang lainnya.

Ya memang sih semua orang pasti cita-citanya kurang lebih sama, pengen hidupnya lebih berkwalitas. Hanya aja cara untuk mencapainya berbeda untuk setiap orang, tergantung kemampuan, keingingan dan kapasitasnya. Jadi daripada menulis rencana-rencana besar, kayanya saya juga harus menuliskan langkah apa aja yang akan dijalankan untuk mencapai rencana besar itu. Kalo perlu sekalian tentukan deadlinenya juga. Afterall, it's not just a dream, right? It's a goal. A goal is a dream with a deadline. Jadi bukan hanya angan-angan kosong aja.

1. Hidup lebih sehat!
Nah tuh kan standard..hehe. Ini berlaku bukan untuk gue aja tapi juga sekeluarga. Pokoknya mesti melakukan hal-hal di bawah ini:
- Cek kesehatan lengkap sama oki juga (kolesterol, jantung, dll) di laboratorium Pramita dekat rumah: Januari
- Pap smear!. Padahal dekat rumah ada Rumah Sakit Asri. Bagus, dokter-dokternya oke dan nggak pake ngantri parah. Januari harus ya!! Di push sampe minggu ke empat juga nggak pa-pa kok.
- Imunisasi. Jelas bukan buat gue...tapi buat Jehan sama Jibran. I think I kinda lost track on their recent immunizations. Mesti ke Markas Sehat bulan Januari minggu kedua.
- Harus lebih rajin lagi siapin lunch box buat Oki. Tiga kali seminggu lah. Jangan lupa juicenya juga ya.
- Bikin menu khusus untuk anak-anak dan buat Oki juga sekalian. Jadi setiap weekend udah tau minggu ke depannya mau bikin apa aja, sekalian disiapin juga bahan-bahannya. Termasuk juga menu breakfastnya Jibran. Jangan turutin roti + Nutella aja setiap hari.
- Treadmill!! ya ampun beli treadmill itu kapan ya, taun lalu kayanya? dan saya udah pake berapa kali ya? Five times at the most :(. Haruuss dimulai minggu ini, seminggu dua kali!
- Kurangin makan nasi, apalagi kalo malem. Kurangin gorengan (susah!). Tadi pagi aja udah disediain pisang goreng, trus siang ada tempe goreng tepung dan malemnya ada tahu goreng tepung!. Tapi udah mendingan sih konsumsi gorengannya dibanding waktu masih berkantor di Bangka Raya.
- Udah itu aja kayanya. Gosh, that's a lot and that's only for the health section!!

2. Spend more save less!
Ehh kebalik ya? :p. I was good at curbing my spending for quite a while and but then everything went downhill came November and December. I started a #livewithless project when I came back from vacation. Throw a lot of my makeup stash and clothes and shoes. Now I only have a small box of makeup, three blushes instead of thirteen blushes. The only makeup I bought since July was a Lancome eye kohl. I didn't buy any clothes for almost two months but then I started to loosen up a little bit and still gave myself a restriction such as: buy only local brands, buy used, etc. But towards the end of November and December was the worst, I shopped and spent quite a lot :(. So, what's the plan?
- Finish of the remaining of family financial plan. First week of January
- Recalculate the monthly budget and give myself an exact amount for shopping allowance
- Set up an automatic credit/debit for cable, Internet, etc.
- Get a life insurance for Oki.
- The first fashion item I bought in 2011 has got to be special. I have to ask myself 'Will I like it by next year? The next two year? Can it be passed on to Jehan?'. Chances are, I will bump into many mediocre items. That way I can wait and save until I can get the one I truly desire.

3. Spend more time with the family!
- I think I need to take a day off every two weeks so I can do anything I have to do on personal level (going to the bank, pampering, grocery shopping, visit grandmas & relatives, lunch with mom and sister, bake something with Jehan, pick up Jibran at school, lunch with bestfriends, clean up the house, anything!). It's for anything that I seem to never have time to do and don't want to sacrifice weekend. I hope it's not too much to ask if I start this day off this month.
- Quality time with husband :D. When was the last time we went to watch movie together? Right, it was for Slumdog Millionaire. We need to allocate at least once a month to go see movie or have dinner together. January 5 is a perfect date to pick, but it falls on Wednesday, I'm afraid it's not doable :(. Maybe this weekend?
- Wake up at 5 (and not just for Subuh and back on the bed afterward). I need to start and take care of myself early so then I have more times to prep for my three babies and avoid the morning rush we always seem to have in the house. January 5
- Project time with the kids. Maybe doing a craft together? Cook or bake? Or I can take Jibran to Starbucks and accompanying him study there and then we can chit-chat for a little bit. It's anything that we start together and then accomplish it as a team. I'm still thinking about the kind of projects we can do together.
- Get moving. Like swimming together? Riding a bike in BSD? (Pe ernya mesti beli sepeda dulu sih bapak ibunya). Hmm..what else?
- Take time to visit families, relatives, friends. I haven't visited one of my best friends to see her daughter (and she is one year old now), I haven't visited my cousins new house even though they have been coming over my house a few times. It seems like I've always too busy for those things and too occupied to be thoughtful. I hated this :(

4. Explore new hobbies.
- I picked up sewing as my new hobby a few months back. I liked it a lot and planned to do and learned more but as expected, I didn't have the time, so I haven't touched the sewing machine again for the last two months. Not sure if I'm able to resume it this month. But hopefully, come February I can sew something for the kids or for myself.
- Take pictures! I'm always a happy snapper and one of my long term goals is actually to learn photography and get that full frame camera. For now, I have to try to maximize my Lumix, iPhone and sometimes the 500D. I'll try to take at least one picture a day starting January 2. And finish reorganizing all of my pictures since 2003 and upload them to Flickr. Can I get it done at the end of February?
- Dance class? Maybe starting in July
- What about the public speaking class? The time has never seem right and I'm still on and off about it. But it's a skill I need to develop. Plus I kind of miss being a classroom student again :). We'll see what happen in March/April
- My sister has been asking me to make a small business along with my aunties. It's something that I can't say No because one of the reasons why I'm here is to help out my families in anyway I can. And the good thing is, it's something that I have huge interest. So yea maybe we'll start something and can talk about it seriously in the beginning of February, after I can set up the online version of Closet Quickies in January
- Write more!

My goodness, that's a lot and I'm not even done writing it down *inhale & exhale*...but I am overwhelmed I will leave it at that for now. Will report back in a month on the progress of my so called new year resolution

Happy new year everyone...wishing you a blessed year ahead :).

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