
WW; Bambino & Bambini

Family October 27, 2010

The Simple White Top..

Fashion n Stuff October 25, 2010
It doesn't look too bad in the picture but you should see the stitches up close. They are horrible :D. As always, I used Jehan t-shirt for the pattern and you know what I used to make that circular neckline? My cereal bowl! ...Read More

Reevaluating Family Financial Plan

Family October 14, 2010
We recently committed to a very good habit, creating family financial plan and sticking to it :D. It's not like we didn't care about saving before, we always did, but we never put a lot of thought into which saving goes to what, which one is for paying kids' tuition, which one is the vacation fund and all that. We also didn't look...Read More

The Case with The Six Years Old

Family October 09, 2010
Jibran is a 6.5 yo first grader. Just like any other kids, there are times when he is just a bit harder to handle, although I have to admit proudly that so far, trouble is the word one would never associate with him. But I don't deny that this sixth year is the most challenging year to date.A brunch meeting with Najelaa Shihab...Read More

WW; Jibran & His Bike

Family October 06, 2010

First Attempt at Sewing

Fashion n Stuff October 05, 2010
It's all started when I asked my sister if she knew where to get a sewing machine. And then she said 'Mama kan punya'. I was like, really..and ran upstairs to my mom's room and asked her the sewing machine whereabouts. She pointed toward one of the corners of her room and then told me that the dynamo is somewhere in the storage....Read More