Iseeeeeng nyobain posterous. Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry® Iseeeeeng nyobain posterous. Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry® ...Read More
solo and yogya. i'm sure it will be chaotic. last time we went on a road trip, jehan was still an innocent three months old baby. this time she is an adventurous nineteen months old..:D i will have my hands full. maybe i should stop by at the music store to get her some cds that could help entertain her. i need to...Read More
Barusan disapa bule di PP, yang nanya kalo Senayan City deket gak dari sini. I told him it's nearby, about 10 minutes by cab. Trus dia kayanya lega gitu, katanya udah nanya ke beberapa orang kok ga ada yang tau Senayan City dimana. (Masa sih?!). Trus ya udah gue cuma tekenin lagi kalo itu deket kok. Trus ya udah dia bilang makasih dan...Read More
Jujur aja, selama puasa kemaren gue ngerasa kurang produktif. Ya ya, lapar, haus dan ngantuk (serta sedikit keleyengan) memang selalu dijadikan kambing hitam..:D Makanya sekarang menggebu gebu sekali rasanya. Walaupun tetep aja belom bisa berbuat apa apa sampai si mbak balik. Now I'm just gonna cherish the moment with the family sebelum diterjang kesibukan lagi. Ada beberapa personal challenge that I'm going to...Read More
Since nduti went for interview for his current job. Exactly a year cause he started his job in September and received the hiring news during Ramadhan too. Will this Ramadhan bring him another new challenge? We'll see, cause he will have a phone interview tomorrow, for a job he would call a dream job, position and company wise, referred by a headhunter. I...Read More
Maksute opo toh? Maksute opo toh? ...Read More
Kalau ditanda rambu lalu lintas dibilang kecuali hari libur, berarti pengecualian itu diberikan pada hari Sabtu, Minggu dan tanggal merah, kan? Makanya 3 in 1 itu tidak berlakukan kalau hari Sabtu. Nah trus kenapa gue diberhentiin Polisi waktu hari Sabtu kemaren yah?Jadi ceritanya gue belok kanan di Imam Bonjol, dari arah Kuningan. Menurut rambu, dilarang belok kanan, kecuali hari libur. Tapi karena kemaren...Read More
Baru aja Jehan bisa nyanyi "Dendong..mana mana", si Mbah Suripnya udah pergi. Mungkin seperti orang orang kebanyakan, gue juga awalnya cenderung sinis sama si Mbah ini dan bingung sama phenomena nya. Abis kayanya nggak jelas gitu, siapa sih nih orang? Kok gayanya serem gitu? Tapi ternyata tak kenal memang berarti tak sayang. I've grown to like him since then, nggak tau banyak tentang...Read More
Living in the US is different with living in here. Well, of course, especially with the fact that my role and my responsibilities has changed a little. I was a stay at home mom back then, taking care of the house and the three of us. There was nothing else I needed to do outside of my role as a mom and as a...Read More
I just spend the last hour trying to install wordpress for Blackberry. It won't let me add this blog, instead it gives me the 401 error message. I'm typing this from the blackberry browser, a little too overwhelming. But I'm lying down due to a sudden nausea so I cannot do anything else anyway, just trying to maximizing the use of GPRS connection...Read More
Iyap, udah bulan Mei aja dan tetep yaa belum bisa rutin nulis..:-(. Bahkan password untuk login ke wordpressnya aja lupa lupa terus.. Anyway, sekarang Minggu sore, lagi di rumah Pondok Indah, nungguin orang-orang balik dari Cilegon. Pengen J-CO froyo, toppingnya seperti biasa, longan sama kacang kenari..hihi, almond itu kacang kenari kan? I think my monthly guest is about to come, aslii keram keram...Read More
I'm not a bitchy person, I think I'm pretty tolerant when it comes to people shortcomings, but today..I couldn't hold it anymore...I.s.n.a.p.p.e.d o.u.t!!. Like really mad for a good 1 minute, I was screaming and feeling like throwing everything on my sight...:(. It's scary, you don't want to see me go crazy like that, even I scared of my self because I don't...Read More
Udah beli domainnya dari dua minggu yang lalu tapi mana...postingan baru juga belum ada..huh. Susah deh kalo banyak maunya tapi tidak bisa memanage waktu dengan baik. Padahal hari ini nggak ada kerjaan banyak sih, I updated FD, reply some emails, wrote notes on the MOU and some other things. Did monthly grocery shopping at Carrefour this afternoon too. Senangnya grocery shopping siang siang...Read More
Yay, finally I have my own personal space again in the world wide web. I'm determined to maintain this blog but it's gonna take a while for this to look organized and somewhat nice. The most important thing is to get this going and start writing, like everyday no matter how piece of junk it is. I just have to make it a...Read More
“ Forgive all who have offended you, not for them but for yourself" - unknown “ Forgive all who have offended you, not for them but for yourself" - unknown ...Read More
Kemaren baru denger kabar kalo seseorang baru pindah kantor, jadi dia udah tiga hari ngantor di kantor barunya, dan berarti selama tiga hari itu pula dia ngilang dari kantor lamanya. Yupe, this person started a new job without even giving a resignation letter to the old office. Padahal dia juga baru 2 bulanan kerja disitu dan seneng seneng aja sebenernya sama kerjaannya dan...Read More
Kemaren ini sakit dari hari Sabtu dan jadi cuma bisa browsing browsing aja and it hit me hard that I miss writing, dan kasian juga sama Jehan yang nggak ada cerita apa apanya di blog. Kalo Jibran kan lengkap banget tuh ceritanya. Lagian selain tentang Jehan juga banyak banget sebenernya yang pengen ditulis, just little tidbits I find in my daily life. Kemaren...Read More