solo and yogya. i'm sure it will be chaotic. last time we went on a road trip, jehan was still an innocent three months old baby. this time she is an adventurous nineteen months old..:D i will have my hands full.
maybe i should stop by at the music store to get her some cds that could help entertain her.
i need to buy a butterfly tie for the groom too. he asks me to get a gel from LuVaze too but i don't think i can make it.
hoping i could squeeze in a haircut today to freshen up my look during vacation..hihi, but i don't want to do it at the salon next door though.
still have to write a few post. sort out bags of customer clothes....packing and such.
Barusan disapa bule di PP, yang nanya kalo Senayan City deket gak dari sini. I told him it's nearby, about 10 minutes by cab. Trus dia kayanya lega gitu, katanya udah nanya ke beberapa orang kok ga ada yang tau Senayan City dimana. (Masa sih?!). Trus ya udah gue cuma tekenin lagi kalo itu deket kok. Trus ya udah dia bilang makasih dan jalan lagi.
Truuss sekarang gue baru nyesel aja. I could've been more helpful, ya gak nganterin kesana sih tapi at least tulisin 'senayan city' gitu so he can just show it to the cab driver. Mungkin aksen inggrisnya susah didenger makanya ga ada yang ngerti dia ngomong apa. Kalo gue sih denger nama mall memang langsung ngerti ajaaaa biar yang ngomong pake aksen apa juga..LOL.
Sekarang jadi ngerasa ga enak dan kasian deh sama tu bulay. Gue kaya gak niat gitu yah tadi nolonginnya. Gak nolong sama sekaliii!!!..huhuhu...
Truuss sekarang gue baru nyesel aja. I could've been more helpful, ya gak nganterin kesana sih tapi at least tulisin 'senayan city' gitu so he can just show it to the cab driver. Mungkin aksen inggrisnya susah didenger makanya ga ada yang ngerti dia ngomong apa. Kalo gue sih denger nama mall memang langsung ngerti ajaaaa biar yang ngomong pake aksen apa juga..LOL.
Sekarang jadi ngerasa ga enak dan kasian deh sama tu bulay. Gue kaya gak niat gitu yah tadi nolonginnya. Gak nolong sama sekaliii!!!..huhuhu...
Jujur aja, selama puasa kemaren gue ngerasa kurang produktif. Ya ya, lapar, haus dan ngantuk (serta sedikit keleyengan) memang selalu dijadikan kambing hitam..:D
Makanya sekarang menggebu gebu sekali rasanya. Walaupun tetep aja belom bisa berbuat apa apa sampai si mbak balik. Now I'm just gonna cherish the moment with the family sebelum diterjang kesibukan lagi.
Ada beberapa personal challenge that I'm going to take. First is joining the gym and getting rid of my flabby arms and abs. And tone down my tights. Will work on personal trainer cause I just know myself..:D.
Beauty n other health challenge is to finish of the rest of my teeth work and then getting rid of my freckles, nailing a sleek blowout at home and then applying false lashes effortlessly.
Work wise, will focus and try to take FD, along w/ its PR division and closetquickies to a whole new level. It's doable, we just need to put more effort and heart into it :)
Next week, I will also begin to teach Jibran how to read..:D. I am determined to teach him myself, without the help of Kumon reading center or other institution that offer private lesson. If my mom was able to teach me then there's no reason I can't.
Makanya sekarang menggebu gebu sekali rasanya. Walaupun tetep aja belom bisa berbuat apa apa sampai si mbak balik. Now I'm just gonna cherish the moment with the family sebelum diterjang kesibukan lagi.
Ada beberapa personal challenge that I'm going to take. First is joining the gym and getting rid of my flabby arms and abs. And tone down my tights. Will work on personal trainer cause I just know myself..:D.
Beauty n other health challenge is to finish of the rest of my teeth work and then getting rid of my freckles, nailing a sleek blowout at home and then applying false lashes effortlessly.
Work wise, will focus and try to take FD, along w/ its PR division and closetquickies to a whole new level. It's doable, we just need to put more effort and heart into it :)
Next week, I will also begin to teach Jibran how to read..:D. I am determined to teach him myself, without the help of Kumon reading center or other institution that offer private lesson. If my mom was able to teach me then there's no reason I can't.
Since nduti went for interview for his current job. Exactly a year cause he started his job in September and received the hiring news during Ramadhan too. Will this Ramadhan bring him another new challenge? We'll see, cause he will have a phone interview tomorrow, for a job he would call a dream job, position and company wise, referred by a headhunter.
I wish you the best of luck nduti..:)
I wish you the best of luck nduti..:)
Maksute opo toh?
Kalau ditanda rambu lalu lintas dibilang kecuali hari libur, berarti pengecualian itu diberikan pada hari Sabtu, Minggu dan tanggal merah, kan? Makanya 3 in 1 itu tidak berlakukan kalau hari Sabtu. Nah trus kenapa gue diberhentiin Polisi waktu hari Sabtu kemaren yah?
Jadi ceritanya gue belok kanan di Imam Bonjol, dari arah Kuningan. Menurut rambu, dilarang belok kanan, kecuali hari libur. Tapi karena kemaren itu hari Sabtu, ya bablas doong supir gue. Ehh pas baru belok langsung di stop-in Pak Polisi. Oki langsung bilang.."Udah Ndang, nggak usah berhenti...jalan aja terus"...(gak baek untuk ditiru yaaa anak anak..:p). Trus Polisinya ngikutin sampe lampu merah dan langsung ngetok2 kaca.
Pak Polisi: Kenapa saya suruh berhenti malah jalan terus?
Supir: Saya disuruh Bos jalan terus
Oki: Bapak ngapain nyuruh saya berhenti, emangnya saya salah apa?
Pak Polisi: Bapak tau nggak, disitu nggak boleh belok kanan
Oki: Nggak boleh kalau hari biasa Pak, hari libur boleh
Pak Polisi: Hari ini bukan hari libur Pak!! (dengan muka nyolot)
Oki: Sejak kapan Pak hari Sabtu bukan hari libur?
Pak Polisi: Hari Sabtu itu Samsat nggak libur, kita kerja (tambah nyolot mukanya)
Oki: Bapak nggak libur, saya sih libur Pak, dimana mana hari Sabtu itu hari libur (mulai nyolot juga)
Pak Polisi: Gimana sih, tadi kan aturan berhenti dulu dong, biar sama sama enak.
*lampu merah berganti jadi hijau*
Pak Polisi: Coba minggir dulu
Oki: Pak, bapak yang ikutin saya ya, kita berhenti disitu (sambil nunjuk pinggiran taman Suropati di sebrang lampu merah)
Mobilpun melaju dan motor Polisi itu bukannya ngikutin malah belok kiri dan kabur!!.
Aneh bin ajaib tuh Polisi!
Jadi ceritanya gue belok kanan di Imam Bonjol, dari arah Kuningan. Menurut rambu, dilarang belok kanan, kecuali hari libur. Tapi karena kemaren itu hari Sabtu, ya bablas doong supir gue. Ehh pas baru belok langsung di stop-in Pak Polisi. Oki langsung bilang.."Udah Ndang, nggak usah berhenti...jalan aja terus"...(gak baek untuk ditiru yaaa anak anak..:p). Trus Polisinya ngikutin sampe lampu merah dan langsung ngetok2 kaca.
Pak Polisi: Kenapa saya suruh berhenti malah jalan terus?
Supir: Saya disuruh Bos jalan terus
Oki: Bapak ngapain nyuruh saya berhenti, emangnya saya salah apa?
Pak Polisi: Bapak tau nggak, disitu nggak boleh belok kanan
Oki: Nggak boleh kalau hari biasa Pak, hari libur boleh
Pak Polisi: Hari ini bukan hari libur Pak!! (dengan muka nyolot)
Oki: Sejak kapan Pak hari Sabtu bukan hari libur?
Pak Polisi: Hari Sabtu itu Samsat nggak libur, kita kerja (tambah nyolot mukanya)
Oki: Bapak nggak libur, saya sih libur Pak, dimana mana hari Sabtu itu hari libur (mulai nyolot juga)
Pak Polisi: Gimana sih, tadi kan aturan berhenti dulu dong, biar sama sama enak.
*lampu merah berganti jadi hijau*
Pak Polisi: Coba minggir dulu
Oki: Pak, bapak yang ikutin saya ya, kita berhenti disitu (sambil nunjuk pinggiran taman Suropati di sebrang lampu merah)
Mobilpun melaju dan motor Polisi itu bukannya ngikutin malah belok kiri dan kabur!!.
Aneh bin ajaib tuh Polisi!
Baru aja Jehan bisa nyanyi "Dendong..mana mana", si Mbah Suripnya udah pergi. Mungkin seperti orang orang kebanyakan, gue juga awalnya cenderung sinis sama si Mbah ini dan bingung sama phenomena nya. Abis kayanya nggak jelas gitu, siapa sih nih orang? Kok gayanya serem gitu? Tapi ternyata tak kenal memang berarti tak sayang. I've grown to like him since then, nggak tau banyak tentang dia juga sih, tapi denger cerita tentang bagaimana dia yang mendadak kaya raya cukup inspiring juga lah...and he is loved by soo many children across the nation. For me personally, one of the meaning of success is to be loved by many children. And he is not just loved by children but also adults. Di rumah gue lagi ada sekitar 25 tukang dan kerjaannya nyanyi Tak Gendong rame rame sambil tertawa riang gembira. Berarti, suksesnya dobel kan. Combine that with the billions he has in the bank I would say he had a remarkable end of life. And he achieved everything effortlessly, at least that's what he come accross as, a laid back 'Mbah'. May he rest in peace!
Living in the US is different with living in here. Well, of course, especially with the fact that my role and my responsibilities has changed a little. I was a stay at home mom back then, taking care of the house and the three of us. There was nothing else I needed to do outside of my role as a mom and as a wife, and I depended on no one. Just myself. In here, I'm not a 100% full time mom, I have works to do outside and I can do that because I have the support system. My mom, to watch the kids when I'm away, the maid to make sure the house is always clean and we have food to eat, the nanny to take care of the kids, the driver, to take me anywhere I need to go. All of them is interconnected so when one of them is missing that means I have to alter the plan. That's how depended I am on them...:(
The situation in these past few days haven't been on my side. The nanny is sick, I haven't even seen her the last 2 days cause she just sleep helplessy in her room (mom took her to the doctor today though). The house is super messy cause we just moved in, boxes and stuff is everywhere. I have a lot of works to, FD-wise. But I don't have a land internet connection yet, Telkomsel Flash is unbelievably slow. Nduti is sick as a puppy, his temperature is pretty high. And when Jibran went home from school, his temperature skyrocketed too, he said he was dizzy and he felt warm too...:(. Meanwhile, it's the first day of my period and I made a dumb mistake by chewing a gum on the tooth that has untreated cavity and it hurt like hell!! I even cried for a good one minute, not just because of the toothache but by everything that has spiraled down since this morning..:(. I felt like ripping my hairs off.
Thank God I feel much better now (eventhough my throat and my nose is giving me annoying flu symptomps, hopefully they'll go away tomorrow morning). Let's hope nduti and Jibran feel much better too tomorrow.
The situation in these past few days haven't been on my side. The nanny is sick, I haven't even seen her the last 2 days cause she just sleep helplessy in her room (mom took her to the doctor today though). The house is super messy cause we just moved in, boxes and stuff is everywhere. I have a lot of works to, FD-wise. But I don't have a land internet connection yet, Telkomsel Flash is unbelievably slow. Nduti is sick as a puppy, his temperature is pretty high. And when Jibran went home from school, his temperature skyrocketed too, he said he was dizzy and he felt warm too...:(. Meanwhile, it's the first day of my period and I made a dumb mistake by chewing a gum on the tooth that has untreated cavity and it hurt like hell!! I even cried for a good one minute, not just because of the toothache but by everything that has spiraled down since this morning..:(. I felt like ripping my hairs off.
Thank God I feel much better now (eventhough my throat and my nose is giving me annoying flu symptomps, hopefully they'll go away tomorrow morning). Let's hope nduti and Jibran feel much better too tomorrow.
I just spend the last hour trying to install wordpress for Blackberry. It won't let me add this blog, instead it gives me the 401 error message.
I'm typing this from the blackberry browser, a little too overwhelming. But I'm lying down due to a sudden nausea so I cannot do anything else anyway, just trying to maximizing the use of GPRS connection that's never been avaliable before in my room since I moved in a week ago.
I'm typing this from the blackberry browser, a little too overwhelming. But I'm lying down due to a sudden nausea so I cannot do anything else anyway, just trying to maximizing the use of GPRS connection that's never been avaliable before in my room since I moved in a week ago.
Iyap, udah bulan Mei aja dan tetep yaa belum bisa rutin nulis..:-(. Bahkan password untuk login ke wordpressnya aja lupa lupa terus..
Anyway, sekarang Minggu sore, lagi di rumah Pondok Indah, nungguin orang-orang balik dari Cilegon. Pengen J-CO froyo, toppingnya seperti biasa, longan sama kacang kenari..hihi, almond itu kacang kenari kan?
I think my monthly guest is about to come, aslii keram keram gini perutnya.
Weekend ini cukup menyenangkan. Jumat treatment di Itje and then a little shopping spree with Ella at PIM, Sabtunya makan di Red Duck FX with my high school friends, Aan, Popi, Mina and Ratih. It feels warm to see the familiar old faces, the ones that you spent your days together, the ones that so close they feel like your family..:). Hari Minggunya cuma belanja di Ranch Market aja. We might go to PIM before going back to Cemput.
Semalem ada Indonesian Movie Award, dan Laskar Pelangi banyak dapet nominasi, which is not surprising at all. Filmnya bagus..dari aktingnya, soundtracknya, sinematografinya dan juga pesan pesan moral yang ada di dalamnya. Film ini juga berperan dalam meningkatkan pariwisata dalam negri. Pasti banyak banget yang langsung pengen jalan jalan ke Belitung setelah nonton film ini. Semalem juga ada pemain-pemain Laskar Pelangi yang anak anak, they looked so cute with their suit on. Just like them, I will dream big and keep my dreams alive. Hope you will too.
Anyway, sekarang Minggu sore, lagi di rumah Pondok Indah, nungguin orang-orang balik dari Cilegon. Pengen J-CO froyo, toppingnya seperti biasa, longan sama kacang kenari..hihi, almond itu kacang kenari kan?
I think my monthly guest is about to come, aslii keram keram gini perutnya.
Weekend ini cukup menyenangkan. Jumat treatment di Itje and then a little shopping spree with Ella at PIM, Sabtunya makan di Red Duck FX with my high school friends, Aan, Popi, Mina and Ratih. It feels warm to see the familiar old faces, the ones that you spent your days together, the ones that so close they feel like your family..:). Hari Minggunya cuma belanja di Ranch Market aja. We might go to PIM before going back to Cemput.
Semalem ada Indonesian Movie Award, dan Laskar Pelangi banyak dapet nominasi, which is not surprising at all. Filmnya bagus..dari aktingnya, soundtracknya, sinematografinya dan juga pesan pesan moral yang ada di dalamnya. Film ini juga berperan dalam meningkatkan pariwisata dalam negri. Pasti banyak banget yang langsung pengen jalan jalan ke Belitung setelah nonton film ini. Semalem juga ada pemain-pemain Laskar Pelangi yang anak anak, they looked so cute with their suit on. Just like them, I will dream big and keep my dreams alive. Hope you will too.
I'm not a bitchy person, I think I'm pretty tolerant when it comes to people shortcomings, but today..I couldn't hold it anymore...I.s.n.a.p.p.e.d o.u.t!!. Like really mad for a good 1 minute, I was screaming and feeling like throwing everything on my sight...:(. It's scary, you don't want to see me go crazy like that, even I scared of my self because I don't sound or look like my self. I didn't lost control but I could if I really let it out. Good thing I was carrying Jehan so I had to watch my way around afraid I might hurt her.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or anything, but I just wanted to make a point, to wake you up from your hopeless days, hoping you can turn things around and make something worthwhile out of your time because you need to, and you have to, for your own benefits, for your own future.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or anything, but I just wanted to make a point, to wake you up from your hopeless days, hoping you can turn things around and make something worthwhile out of your time because you need to, and you have to, for your own benefits, for your own future.
Udah beli domainnya dari dua minggu yang lalu tapi mana...postingan baru juga belum ada..huh. Susah deh kalo banyak maunya tapi tidak bisa memanage waktu dengan baik. Padahal hari ini nggak ada kerjaan banyak sih, I updated FD, reply some emails, wrote notes on the MOU and some other things. Did monthly grocery shopping at Carrefour this afternoon too. Senangnya grocery shopping siang siang atau pagi pagi dikala weekdays, no one is waiting in line at the checkout counter...blissful.
Tomorrow is the opening of the photo exhibition by Nicoline Patricia at Senayan City, after that is the fashion show from Fashion First. Saturday is Clinique event, but this one should only take about one hour. Can't wait for next week, or is it the week after that we're gonna have a loong loong weekend?
Anyway, I dreamt about snake two days ago, it's not the first time I dream about snake, always have one every now and then, I don't know why. Maybe because I'm petrified of something? Or maybe because deep down I'm worried about something?...I don't know. But the dream was not so bad, the two snakes were not that long, maybe about 1 meter long, the skins were pretty though, one is bright yellow with black stripes and the other one is black with some shiny jewels. I think I killed the yellow one, shot it by the neck!
Tomorrow is the opening of the photo exhibition by Nicoline Patricia at Senayan City, after that is the fashion show from Fashion First. Saturday is Clinique event, but this one should only take about one hour. Can't wait for next week, or is it the week after that we're gonna have a loong loong weekend?
Anyway, I dreamt about snake two days ago, it's not the first time I dream about snake, always have one every now and then, I don't know why. Maybe because I'm petrified of something? Or maybe because deep down I'm worried about something?...I don't know. But the dream was not so bad, the two snakes were not that long, maybe about 1 meter long, the skins were pretty though, one is bright yellow with black stripes and the other one is black with some shiny jewels. I think I killed the yellow one, shot it by the neck!
Yay, finally I have my own personal space again in the world wide web. I'm determined to maintain this blog but it's gonna take a while for this to look organized and somewhat nice.
The most important thing is to get this going and start writing, like everyday no matter how piece of junk it is. I just have to make it a habit.
This post won't be a long one though since I type it from Oki's Bold and my fingers are getting sore. We're spending the weekend at his parents' so we only have 1 laptop around. I didn't bring my acer aspire because Jibran decided to bring his Nintendo Wii and I thought it's already too much things to bring for 2 nights.
Oh well, nighty night..and have a great weekend.
Btw, as usual thank you pak thomas for registering the domain and installing the wordpress.all done in a mere 30 minutes...:))
The most important thing is to get this going and start writing, like everyday no matter how piece of junk it is. I just have to make it a habit.
This post won't be a long one though since I type it from Oki's Bold and my fingers are getting sore. We're spending the weekend at his parents' so we only have 1 laptop around. I didn't bring my acer aspire because Jibran decided to bring his Nintendo Wii and I thought it's already too much things to bring for 2 nights.
Oh well, nighty night..and have a great weekend.
Btw, as usual thank you pak thomas for registering the domain and installing the wordpress.all done in a mere 30 minutes...:))
“ Forgive all who have offended you, not for them but for yourself" - unknown
Kemaren baru denger kabar kalo seseorang baru pindah kantor, jadi dia udah tiga hari ngantor di kantor barunya, dan berarti selama tiga hari itu pula dia ngilang dari kantor lamanya. Yupe, this person started a new job without even giving a resignation letter to the old office. Padahal dia juga baru 2 bulanan kerja disitu dan seneng seneng aja sebenernya sama kerjaannya dan suasana kantornya, nggak pernah ngerasa di perlakukan secara tidak fair. So why did this person leave the office abruptly is beyond me. I mean, I can understand if there’s a better opportunity come knocking your door that you can’t pass, afraid that it might not come again. But it’s only common sense to handle the whole thing with dignity and follow the standard procedure, like giving them two week notice and say proper good byes and thankyous to everyone at work and leaving a good impression about yourself.
I believe good manners can take you faaarrr in life, especially when you’re just at the start of your career. Jakarta is small, it’s not impossible to bump into the people from the old office in the future, or to have the ex boss become your boss again. I also believe that unfinished business can create obstacle down the road. So better closed one chapter first before moving on to the next one. But hey maybe that’s just me, afterall we all have different set of standards and values for ourselves.
I believe good manners can take you faaarrr in life, especially when you’re just at the start of your career. Jakarta is small, it’s not impossible to bump into the people from the old office in the future, or to have the ex boss become your boss again. I also believe that unfinished business can create obstacle down the road. So better closed one chapter first before moving on to the next one. But hey maybe that’s just me, afterall we all have different set of standards and values for ourselves.
Kemaren ini sakit dari hari Sabtu dan jadi cuma bisa browsing browsing aja and it hit me hard that I miss writing, dan kasian juga sama Jehan yang nggak ada cerita apa apanya di blog. Kalo Jibran kan lengkap banget tuh ceritanya. Lagian selain tentang Jehan juga banyak banget sebenernya yang pengen ditulis, just little tidbits I find in my daily life.