It's Official

February 20, 2008

The house is on the market now. We listed last weekend, sign contract nya hari Jum’at kemaren tanggal 15. Sebenernya mau di listingnya hari Senen nya, tapi ternyata harus pas sign contract nya, jadi as of today, Days On the Market nya udah 4 hari deh. We priced it at $178,000…I think it’s a fair price, the other houses in the neighborhoods who are 500 sq feet smaller priced their house around $165, ours is definitely a good deal. We are not reaping any profit, in fact, we are losing money…but that’s fine with us, especially when you factor in the opportunity cost that we’ll be missing if we’re still here.

We decided to list with Lucy and Lacey, waktu hari apa tuh yah, gue sholat istkharah dan setelah itu semakin mantep sama mereka. Lagian yah, selling a house is a stressful thing, you want someone who is reliable to work with, someone who you can contact anytime of the day, someone who will responds to your every inquiries fast….and of course someone who is nice, who has a high standard of honesty and integrity.

Pas hari Jum’at, for sale sign nya di pasang. Sabtu nya kita masih beres beres, nge drop in barang di Goodwill, di Once upon a child, sore nya nge drop barang di storage. Minggu nya Oki pun masih nge cat trus kita ke rumah Manda untuk nge drop barang barang di storage nya. Hari Senin Lacey pasang listing sheet nya di depan rumah, gue lanjut beres beres dan foto foto rumah juga. Oki posting rumahnya di Hari ini gue masih foto foto, tinggal laundry room aja yang belom di foto. Rumahnya udah ada di MLS. Hopefully we’ll get a showing soon..amiiin.

Tadi nya gue mikirnya the best scenario would be rumahnya laku sebelom melahirkan, tapi pindahan ke apartemennya setelah melahirkan. Sekarang gue berharapnya rumahnya laku cepet aja dehh, langsung pindahan ke apartemen juga nggak pa pa, I’m ready to move on!!. Baru nyadar dan ngerasain nih kalo jual rumah, especially at this time of day is really a stressful job!!

Wish us luck!!

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