to shop for a car insurance!
My sister in law list consist of:
- A new set of Tupperware to bring foods, snacks, drinks for everyone to consume on the road.
- A stack (new and crisps) of money (maybe some ten thousands rupiahs or something) for angpaw.
- Vitamins for the kids
- MAC Charge Water
- Longchamp Le Pliage, large size with long handles
- Blackberry car charger
- Flat shoes
Rencananya kan kita pengen beli mobil, we’ve been eyeing on one car from Toyota. Hari Jum’at kemaren mampir dong ke dealernya di Jl. Pramuka, pengen liat mobilnya, nanya nanya and possibly sekalian inden juga karena mereka nggak ada ready stock, jadi harus nunggu satu dua bulan.
Ternyata yaa, contoh unitnya aja nggak ada..gimana coba orang mau inden kalo nggak pernah liat mobilnya sedetil detilnya..palingan selama ini juga liat seliweran aja di jalanan. Pernah juga liat di pameran sekali sama punya temen sekali tapi kan tetep yaa pengen liat lagi. Trus ya udah kita liat liat brosurnya aja, trus minta dong brosurnya satu untuk dibawa pulang. Ehh ternyata brosurnya pun nggak boleh dibawa pulang, tinggal satu satunya katanya. Ya ampun mbak..kita kan mau beli mobil..bukan sekedar beli sepatu yang maen asal bungkus aja, we need detail information, we need something to assure us that this is what we’re looking for and we want to inspect and test drive the car before we want to plunge a good chunk of money out of our bank account.
How can they expect to get a commitment from potential customer kalo begitu caranya siih? And how expensive it is to print a stack of brochures for a company as big as Toyota??..Kok merki banget yaa…mana nggak mau nyediain satu display pun, mendingan untuk dijual aja kali yah pikirnya?
Tapi yah..memang begitu ya, whenever you have a brilliant idea, anytime you’re thinking about something, it’s possible that someone else is also thinking about it. Someone who will act fast and will not think twice.
Most of the time, when we want to start something, we always think that the timing is not right, that we don’t have enough time, that we don’t have enough money, tools or resource to build it all from scratch.
But I think I have learned that time will never come knocking our door, we have to find it in between the 24 hours that we have and we don’t need the complete tools to start. We just need to start n.o.w. Start with what we have around us and work with it. We’ll find better tools along the way and without we know it..not only we’ll have everything we needed in the beginning, we’ll also have something that is taking off.
Back in STL, 8 miles is a distance from our house to Emerson Park Metro Station.
How long does it take to get there?
10 minutes flat, anytime of the day!
So what does that mean? That means time is really precious here in Jakarta because we have less time to do things now since we already spend so long on the road. It’s a sad fact considering that we actually have more things to do here than in STL. Time management skill is a thing that we need to excell in now.
..*sigh* many things to do, so little time.
Yang paling nyenengin itu kalo lagi plan on road tripping, semangat deh liat peta nya, cari rute yang paling enak, paling deket atau paling bagus pemandangannya. Pas liat peta mudik kemaren, ternyata gue tetap merasakan excitement yang sama. Kirain senengnya cuma liat peta negara lain aja..hehe..ternyata peta Indonesia nggak kalah serunya deh. Langsung terlintas untuk nyetir ke Yogya pas abis lebaran. Rutenya Jakarta, Cikampek, Jatibarang, Cirebon, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang, trus bisa lewat Salatiga atau Magelang, baru deh sampe ke Yogya. Nanti bisa juga mampir ke Solo atau bablas ke Blora sekalian.
Kebayang mau belanja batik, mau ngajak Jibran ke Candi Borobudur/Prambanan dan ke Parang Tritis, ketemu FDers di Yogya (Thomas, Lala, Opi dan kayanya ada lagi deh beberapa), jalan jalan sepanjang Malioboro dan lain lainnya.Dulu waktu umur setaun sebenernya Jibran juga udah pernah ke Yogya, tapi kayanya dia udah nggak inget deh.
Nduti is going to start work on the 13th, dan setelah itu nggak ada cuti sampe setelah setahun kerja. Jadi kalo mau pergi ke luar kota ya harus sebelum masuk kerja. Makanya gue kemaren asal nyeletuk aja kita jalan jalan dulu. Kebetulan pas lagi sahur juga papanya tau tau ngajak jalan jalan ke Yogya (terinspirasi dari peta mudik yang gue bawa tampaknya) yang pastinya langsung disambut baik oleh para krucils yang langsung repot sendiri. Kayanya sih brangkuts deh kita. Sik asik, me super duper excited.
- The ability to know yourself; to be able to assess your strengths, weaknesses, talents and potential.
- The ability to love and accept yourself as you are, knowing that you can improve and develop any aspects of yourself that you choose.
- The ability to be honest with yourself and be true to who you are and what you value.
- The ability to take responsibility for your choices and actions.
Taken from
I’m happy for him. He got the job in the industry he’s so passionate about, in the kind of company he was aiming for. He landed the position he’s been dreaming of and got the salary that he was expecting. He even got to pick the starting date he wanted. Boy got everything he asked.
Besides writing, I’ve decided to start reading book again. I have Paulo Coelho ‘The Witch of Portobello’, Djenar Maesa Ayu ‘Nayla’, and Andrea Hirata ‘Laskar Pelangi’ on my bedside table now.
Life has been hectic for me the past 6 months, I’ve always told myself that I’m gonna do this, I’m gonna do that once everything is settled down. But now, 1.5 months after we’ve been home for good, I don’t see sign of life slowing down. Maybe it will never go back to the slow down mode like back in St. Louis, after all this is Jakarta, the city known for its hustling and bustling.
Maybe I just have to get used to this new pace..
That’s Jibran new words of the day..:D. He’s been saying new words lately like atas, bawah, makan, tidur, sepatu, mandi, kecoa, susu, abis and trying to put them into sentence. When he just finished his milk this afternoon he told me that “My susu is abis”. Tadi dia juga bilang “I like donat kamphung”..cinca lawra style..hehehe.
He understands Indonesian better too now, I’m amazed at his emotional intelligence and his adaptation skill. He doesn’t have problem in his new school, in fact he enjoyed it since day one eventhough he didn’t understand what his friends were talking about. Dari hari pertama juga udah ditinggal aja di sekolah nggak pake ditungguin. Tapi kasian Jibran ternyata paling kurus di sekolahnya…hihi..ya abis temen temennya masih asik minum formula sih.
Finally!!. Let’s see how long I can keep this. I’ve been meaning to re-create my personal blog but just couldn’t find the time to do so, lame excuse, I know..but I really have been living a rush mode these last few months, always on the go, the to do list is growing even before I got the chance to finish the old ones. My belongings and my mind are scattered everywhere, it’s really time to get organized and order everything in line.
Friday night, right before I left for Sally Koeswanto Fashion Show at Senayan City, I fell into the ground because the the garage floor was really slippery, I was wearing 4″ wedges that were not strapped properly because I planned on doing so in the car (see, I was in a rush). I was holding my bag and some other staff and completely slipped at the first step by the gate..:(. It wasn’t just a minor slip as I tumbled over, lost my balance, fell into the ground with my face down, kissed the asphalt and got two of my teeth chipped..:(.
It was pretty bad, thankfully the chip is not so bad, I was just afraid they fell off completely. My left knee and my right waist is bruised and I have minor scratches everywhere..:(. It hurts, of course..I went back inside to check on my teeth and get betadine for my bruises. I was thinking of staying at home instead because I got dizzy and just felt like laying low but then I remember I got Chey’s camera with me and she wouldn’t be able to take pictures without it. So off I went..
Now I have funny looking teeth, I didn’t have a nice set of teeth to begin with, so it’s not that much of difference..:D. At least that accident forced me (which I have been meaning) to go to my uncle, the dentist, house at the very next day. I got some of my teeth temporarily filled. Sometimes this week I have to take panoramic pictures before he decides on what to do with my problematic teeth.
Maybe it’s a sign, that I should take things slowly and step wisely.
Wish us luck!!
Bingung niih pilih agent yang mana yah? Udah interview 4 orang…tapi teteup masih bingung…
Yang ini datengnya nggak tepat waktu gitu, telat sekitar setengah jam lebih deh, mana nggak telfon dulu, trus juga pas dateng nggak siap dengan data data kaya Lucy gitu. Orangnya keliatannya baik, tapi ya kebanyakan ngomong sih..dan gue rada sebel dia yang..”dang, you guys don’t have basement?”..aduh udah lah ngapain juga permasalahin apa yang rumah ini nggak punya, just work with whatever we have. Fee nya dia 4%, and she keeps a lot of inventory.
Yupe, kehamilannya udah masuk 7 bulan mulai hari, udah masuk trimester atau bulan bulan terakhir, alhamdulillah lancar lancar aja semuanya sejauh ini..:). Palingan back pain aja nih yang nggak kira kira. Kemaren ke dokter, ada glucose test, jadi satu jam sebelumnya di suruh minum glucose juice satu botol, trus di ambil darahnya. I think I gained a lot of weight, tapi lupa nyatet berapa timbangannya sekarang. Di ultrasound juga sebentar…pas pertama liat, Dr. Haifaa yang langsung “What did Renee tell you about the gender?”..”A girl” gue bilang, sambil was was gitu takut ternyata si Renee salah, hehe…tapi trus dia bilang..”yea, she makes it obvious..”..Yayyy….Saking senengnya sampe gue lupa nanya posisi bayi nya. Tapi kan 2 minggu lagi balik lagi ke dokter, karena udah 7 bulan, jadi ke dokternya setiap 2 minggu sekali.
Tapi ada sad news nya juga niih….Dr. Haifaa bilang kalo dia bakalan relocating to Jeddah for the whole year starting next month!!..huwaahh!!!..I didn’t see it coming, beneran deh. Dia bilang dia udah lama sih mikirin ini, sibuk contemplating dan sholat Istikharah katanya, tapi sekarang udah mantep untuk pergi, huhu. Sedih deh gue, abis gue kan percaya banget sama dia, sampe sampe waktu itu gue rela di induksi gara gara dia udah mau berangkat pergi haji..hehe. Tapi nggak mungkin gue di induksi akhir bulan ini kaan. Dia bilang pengganti nya dia orang India, Dr. Lakshmi something, she said the other Doctor is good too..ya udah lah is she’s good enough for Dr. Haifaa then she’s good enough for me. Gue nya nggak mau yang jadi nggak percaya sama dokter baru nya sih, abis malah takut ada apa apa kalo kitanya udah nggak percaya duluan sama dokternya. Mudah mudahan aja dia baik juga yahh, dan mudah mudahan kehamilan gue dari sekarang sampe melahirkan nanti juga nggak ada masalah apa apa. Amiiiin…:)
Hari ini ada handyman di rumah, namanya Jim, Oki dapetnya dari craigslist gitu…SuperDad desperately needs work gitu iklannya. Yang perlu di benerin nggak banyak sih, ada tile yang retak di kamar mandi Hana, trus tembok kamar mandi gue ada yang perlu di patch sedikit, trus handrail tangga ada yang perlu di benerin satu, shield juga ada yang mesti di benerin, sama nge cat deh. Nge cat juga nggak semua, palingan kamar Hana aja dari pink jadi netral, trus kamar gue yang satu sisi itu, garasi, sama daerah sekitar tangga dan dalem dalemnya closet sama pantry deh.
Kita nggak telfon telfon handyman laen, abisnya ribet, kayanya si Jim ini orangnya baik, dan kasian juga dia single dad gitu, lagi butuh kerjaan gitu, Oki nya nggak tega jadi ya udah lah..mudah mudahan aja emang kerjaannya bagus yaa.
Abis jemput Jibran nanti gue mau ke storage sih, dan mau mulai masukin beberapa barang yang bisa di masukin, biar rumahnya nggak berantakan banget.
Hari ini nggak jadi ke dokter, pagi pagi di telfon nurse nya katanya Dr. Haifaa nya lagi sakit, ya kebetulan deh gue juga lagi maless nyetir jauh, capek bow, trus reschedule buat besok jam 1. Setelah telfonnya di tutup, gue baru nyadar kalo besok kan handyman bakalan ke rumah untuk nge cet, so I have to stay at home, duuh gimana siih kok pikun gini. Langsung telfon balik tapi voice mail, besok pagi harus telfon lagi nih…
Hari ini gue masih bersin bersin dan idungnya kadang mampet, kadang meler, semalem udah minum vitamin C dan tadi juga minum CDR, ntar minum vitamin C lagi dan makan jeruk deh. Jibrannya masih lemes, masih batuk batuk dan suaranya jadi ngebass gitu..hehe, mudah mudahan cepet sembuh deh dia.
Manda nanti mau dateng ngambil buku buku, trus hari ini gue bikin soup, padahal sayurannya nggak lengkap, ya udah seadanya aja lah, nggak lupa pake merica yang banyaaakk biar bersin bersin..hehe. Bikin banana bread juga tadi siang, yum yum!!.
I arranged the dining table and cleaning up the mess, abis ini mesti beresin kamar dan kamar mandi niih
Iseng nyoba nyoba nge blog di wordpress. I’ve always been a blogger girl, tapi kayanya kurang canggih yah, not that I’m going to do anything fancy in this blog (CSS? What CSS). It’s just I’m used to wordpress now since FD has been using it for a while. I’ve tried blogging in Multiply, I like the fact that it can be set as contacts only, but I don’t know if it’s just me or what, but writing in there doesn’t seem as effortless as in other blog machine. Besides, I’ve always feel bad if I didn’t get a chance to visit and comment to the other people blog that’s in my network…and it’s kinda weird knowing who visit and read your blog..I want to write like no one is reading..that’s why I’m not going to put visitor counter in here, and this blog is supposed to be un-google-able..:D
I woke up at 6 today ..but then went back to sleep again for another 2 hours. Udah berapa hari ini tidurnya nggak nyenyak gara gara dari hari Jum’at minggu lalu Oki nya sakit selama 4 hari. Abis itu Jibrannya yang sakit for 2 days. Jadi practically baru semalem deh tidur nyenyak gitu….jadi pas bangun seger banget. I feel like I can conquer the world..:)
Hari ini ada pengajian sih di rumah Agas, tapi Jibrannya kayanya belom sembuh banget, trus tadi pas di tanya mau pengajian apa enggak katanya enggak, that means he’s still not feeling well. Lagian Oki kan hari ini sekolah seharian dari tadi pagi, sekolahnya pas di sebrangnya rumah Agas, jadi kalo mau kesana kita mesti naik metro biar baliknya nggak bawa 2 mobil..takut juga nih kena angin nanti Jibrannya sakit lagi..:(. We’ll see lah……