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January 23, 2007

akhirnya...udah balik lagi nih di st. louis, tepatnya 8 jam yang lalu sampenya..males banget ngebayangin jetlagnya dan gimana mulai unpack isi isi koper..we brought 7 big suitcases all together, sama 2 koper kecil yang carry on..heheh..bingung gimana beresinnya. pingin banget cerita cerita banyak..but i'm physically and mentally tired. in a nutshell liburannya menyenangkan, tapi sedihnya the last few days were heartbreaking for me...i guess that's life ya, there's the ups and downs, but you still have to be thankful even in your down days because lots of other people have had it worse than you. udah dehh mau tidur tiduran dulu.....oh iya happy new year 2007 ya everyone, here's to a year full of good news, happiness and prosperity.....amiin..=)

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