friday muse

September 16, 2006

1. nanti gimana?
2. gimana nanti

dua kata yang sama, tapi kalo di balik arti nya jadi beda...the first one makes you well prepared of what's going to happen in the near future, the second one gives you the unneccesary trouble that you can easily avoid had you prepared better.

memang bener kok sebenernya life is indeed's only complicated when you make it complicated. intinya sama sih kaya yang di atas, hidup bakalan simpel simpel aja kalo pola pikir kita terbentuk seperti yang by the rules, play by the rules..kalo masih student ya berarti belajar yang bener dan jangan berpikir "ya udah dehh gimana nanti aja toh test nya masih lama ini"..supaya nanti nggak ribet pas final week udah mau deket dan akhirnya nggak bisa ngerjain apa apa dan pas udah selesai baru deh stress sendiri when you see those Fs and Ds starting to appear on your transcript...jadi nya complicated kan karena bingung harus bilang apa ke bokap nyokap kalo ketauan kelas nya fail, malu kalo ketauan temen ambil kelas yang sama lagi, stress gara gara lulusnya berarti ketunda dan ngerasa bersalah udah buang uang yang nggak sedikit dan juga waktu yang berharga.

kalo untuk yang kerja..kurang lebih juga sama sih..jangan kkn kecuali terpaksa..oopss..heheh..ya pokonya gitu deh..bottom line i think this kind of thinking can be applied to any kind of situation..i'm sure you can find a lot of other examples out there. life is indeed simple..well okay lah maybe not THAT simple, but it's actually not THAT complicated either... semuanya gampang gampang aja..tapi kalo kitanya nge gampangin..ya nanti nya jadi ribet sendiri kitanya.

and yes... i'm schooling myself here guuyyysss...:p

ada satu lagi yang gue baru nyadar, and it is discipline. i know most of us dread this word and little do we know kalo sebenernya disiplin ini adalah hal yang paling penting dan paling berharga untuk di miliki. i don't think those who are at the top of their games right now will be as successful if they didn't implement discipline in their life. biasanya juga lack of discipline is the main reason why we experience disease, obesity, grades problem, financial problem and other failures. note the key word here is biasanya

memangnya disiplin itu apa sih? kalo menurut gue's doing what is RIGHT instead of what is EASY..doing the right things for yourself and for your future eventhough you don't feel like it and also to be consistent on a regular basis, despite situational changes or feelings.

"discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not." Elbert Hubbard

trus gimana dong caranya untuk disiplin? nah kalo itu gue juga kurang it is one of the areas in my life that i really need to work at..:p. emang susah yah soalnya biasanya kita meng-asosiasikan disiplin with discomfort instead of hal hal menyenangkan yang akan terjadi kalo goal yang akan kita raih itu tercapai. oh well..

it was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action and discipline that enabled us to follow through - Zig Ziglar

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