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July 25, 2006

yanguti nya jibran, yang di panggil utiii sama jibran udah balik kemaren, jadi di rumah tinggal ber 4 lagi deh (ber 5 siih sama happy karena udah hampir seminggu dia tinggal di sini secara rumahnya masih mati lampu), jibran hari ini udah mulai sekolah lagi. hari hari udah mulai berjalan seperti biasanya lagi. it's been a fun summer, but now i can't wait for december to come, so i can pack my stuff, hope on the plane and smell the hot and stinky jakarta..=)

seneng deh pokonya beberapa minggu terakhir ini, ketemu keluarga, denger cerita cerita banyak, tukar pikiran, belajar banyak..belom lagi acara jalan jalannya, although it wasn't my first time to visit most of those places tapi tetep aja menarik. apalagi yang namanya new york city, there will always new things you will find in that place. tapi yang paling gue seneng dari trip kemaren itu akhirnya gue kesampean juga pergi ke boston and my oh my..it's beautiful, i think it's one of the prettiest cities that i've been to in the states. it's clean..and it has everything, the skycrapers, the shopping (hello newbury street), the pretty little stores, the parks (in every neighbourhood), the lake, the water sports, beaches, the cafes, the good education, beautiful neighborhoods, the prestige (penting ya?..hehe), the good transportation, the culture dan lain lainnya. the people are nice dan kayanya pada relaxing and enjoying their life. satu aja sih complain gue, cari jalan itu susahhh banget banget di boston, forget the map deh karena kita nyasar terus walaupun udah ngikutin petunjuk map. nanya ke orang orang juga percuma karena kebanyakan yang kita tanyain nggak tau jalan, heheh..padahal kita nanya2nya sama petugas2 yang emang kerja disana.

anyway, ada lagi nih highlight dari beberapa minggu ini, we have finally set the month and the year to go home for good, emang nggak sekarang sekarang ini sih..masih lamaaa sebenernya, tapi dari dulu itu kita kalo di tanya kapan mau pulang for good pasti jawabannya 'nanti deh palingan 3 atau 4 taun lagi', begitu terus setiap tahun, padahal kan taun berikutnya jawabannya harusnya udah 2-3 taun lagi dan taun berikutnya tinggal 1-2 taun lagi..heheh. kita emang tau sih kalo we'll be going home for good, we just didn't know when. but we knew we didn't wanna stay here for the rest of our life. nah kalo sekarang kita udah tau deh mau pulangnya kapan dan udah yakin seyakin yakinnya nggak mau di mundurin lagi, heheh.

banyak lah alesan kenapa mau pulang walaupun jelas udah enak di sini. gimana yaa..it's been too long, memang sih kita udah settle down ya but being settle down is not the final destination, well...not when you are in your twenties at least, because there is more opportunities waiting for you to grab out there. you don't wanna wake up one day when you are much older and thinking that you have wasted your younger days doing boring routines from day to day, living in the same old place, working in the same place with pretty much the same challenge, taking the same route to work over and over again. you have to push yourself outside your comfort zone, give your self new challenge, learn something new and gain new confidence. seperti yang di bilang di buku buku self help and motivation, comfort zone is a dangerous place to be because it doesn't do you any good, at best you're just maintaining your life instead of growing and when you are not growing, you are dying. so if you really want to accomplish anything of any significance then you absolutely have to take a chance...

and that's the chance that we are willing to take, enggak sekarang siih..masih lama, karena masih banyak yang harus di selesain dulu di sini especially for d..tapi karena udah ada deadline nya sekarang jadi tau apa aja yang harus di prioritasin dan apa aja yang harus di kerjain dan di selesain... dan dalam 2 minggu ini he has taken the little step that's needed towards achieving our goals. ya pelan pelan lah...mudah mudahan aja semuanya berjalan seperti yang di rencanain yaa...amiin..=)

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  1. wow, your post is so inspiring.. lemme quote some sentences from there for my blog ya mba? :) it's so relevant to what i'm goin through.jadi udah set tanggal nih? kapan... hehehe.. i hope it won't be too soon.. i still wanna spend more times with you guys.kapan ketemu2 mba? i think i will need to talk to you about so many things.. mba hani kan wiseeee... hehehehe.. i miss y'all!

  2. wah wah jadi udah set tanggal nih? bulan desember ini bukan? kalo masih 2-3 tahun lagi, most likely, if everything goes as plan.. we'll never live in the same country ever deh!! hehe.. but then i'm way ahead of myself.. who knows yah?btw.. how's my new york city? still stinky and crowded like always in the summer? boston is nice.. but i'd prefer the mini version.. providence, for schooling. though i wouldn't mind living (for work) in boston.. but on the other hand.. mendingan ke new york sekalian (dih maunya apa sih? hehhe.. )

  3. shinta darling, you know what.. if everything indeed goes as planned for you and me, most likely we will live in the same country..;)..ntar di YM deh di omongin yahh..ehhehe...and no, not this december, december ini sih cuma liburan aja kok..heheh..Wulan: pssttt jangan kenceng2 dong ngomong wise nya..banyak yang protes loh nanti, hehehe. feel free to quote anything from here and buzz me on YM or MSN whenever you need to talk, okay?..
