11 days 11 states...

July 09, 2006

a few days ago, all 12 of us just got back from our summer road trip, it was super fun..=). the states that we passed by were Illinois, Indiana, Ohio Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia. took thousands of pictures that i don't even know how to sort them out. some of the family members (d's sis and brother in law with their 2 sons and my little brother) have gone home this morning, his other sis and her son from new york are still here until this weekend and his mom will be here until next weekend. setiap weekend pada pulang gitu satu satu..huhu. but it's been an exciting summer in our part of the world..hopefully i'll have time to write the stories down soon..

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  1. edeuuhh..yang abis jalan" hehehehe...apa kabar mba' gimana summer tripnya?daku sudah lumayan kangen nich ma st.louis dan juga terutama sama 'si pesut' hehehe...gimana kabar abah,jibby ma hanna?yasud atuh mba' ampe nanti....salam yah ma semuanya!!!!"10"

  2. can we have some update please mba..
