Jibran dari bayi pasti rambutnya selalu pelontos, pertama potong rambut waktu lagi di jakarta, di salon daerah fatmawati, nggak tau apa namanya soalnya saya nggak ikutan. tau tau di gondol aja dia sama neneknya ke salon pas saya lagi pergi, hehehehe. Tapi udah beberapa bulan terakhir rambut jibran di biarin panjang aja nih, abis pingin tau aja kaya apa sih kalo di panjangin, ternyata rambutnya cukup ikal, hehe. udah awut awutan banget deh jadi nya, kalo bangun tidur pasti ada yang jingkrang gitu rambutnya dan nggak bisa di rapihin lagi kecuali di basahin. trus berhubung udah mulai panas, jadii aja rambutnya basah terus karena keringetan, jadi dia suka risih sendiri dan sering di garuk garuk sampe baret baret, huhu. trus juga kalo liat clipper, alat potong rambut itu, jibran langsung minta di pangkas rambutnya sampe nangis nangis, hehe. ya udah lah karena kasian jadinya di gundulin aja deh, lagian pas ke dokter kemaren itu jibran di bilang kena ear infection..mungkin karena kalo cuci rambut harus di siram berkali kali kepalanya ya karena rambutnya banyak, jadi suka ada yang masuk ke kuping. jadi ya udaah hari ini di pangkas deh rambutnya...
ekspresi pas lagi di cukur, kayanya sih dia ke enakan tuh, mungkin geli geli enak kali yaaa.
look, that's a lot of hair
voila, selesai deh dalam 15 menit, dianya kesenengan gitu, kepalanya di pegang pegang terus..hehe.
we went to dave mungenast in south county again today, and took the pilot home..=), the color is sage brush pearl. i love it. d said it's an early birthday present for me, hehehe..but i guess it's more like an early birthday present for himself since his birthday is coming up too..:D..hehe, but the most important thing is the whole family can be benefited from it, so..thank you..=))
hari minggu kemaren, sebelum berkutat di kebun, kita jalan jalan ke garden ridge pagi pagi nya. kayanya pas hari itu memang lagi mood deh untuk berbenah rumah, di sana beli pernak pernik kecil, beli lukisan lukisan, sama bunga bunga plastik juga siih untuk di dalem, sebenernya pinginnya sih bunga yang hidup yaa..tapi biar nggak ribet mendingna yang plastik aja dulu deh.
Trus beli keranjang keranjang juga buat di rak buku yang kecil..abis ada beberapa bukunya jibran di situ yang berserakan..jadinya di siasatin pake keranjang deh..lumayan kan keliatan lebih rapih..=).
Akhirnya..front yard rumah ini di make over juga..lumayan jadi cantik dan lebih hidup, too bad i can't take credit for that..soalnya itu di sulap sendiri sama sang gardener yang di datangkan khusus dari st. ann..hehehe. Thank you ya tante, biarpun lagi kena alergi pollen tapi tetep aja mau bantuin berkebun..=)). Anyway, emang udah agak lama nih pengen ngerombak halaman depan, but I didn't know what to do, i'm not a green thumb kind of person, but that's maybe because i haven't tried it?..I don't know. Tetangga kanan kiri udah mulai nanem bunga bunga warna warni, mangkas pohon pohonnya, pindahin taneman, ini itu. Pokonya halaman depannya bagus bagus deh, and the grass is greener on the other side, and that's literally..hehe. Ya udah akhirnya tante anne setuju buat bantuin, ,jadinya hari minggu..setelah makan buffet, kita pergi ke nursery deket rumah..tapi tanemannya udah kosong, akhirnya ke lowe's..wahh banyak pilihannya, nggak lupa juga beli alat alatnya sama humus, batu batuan, etc. Setelah itu langsung deh balik untuk mulai berkebun. By the way, ini foto foto sebelumnya
Ternyata boww, gardening itu lumayan bikin cape dan pegel2, tapi setelah liat hasilnya sih puas juga yaa. Kita ngerjain banyak juga hari itu, ada beberapa tanaman yang di cabut, ada yang di pangkas, trus nyangkul2 untuk nanem taneman baru, buat lahan baru juga untuk bunga bunga..setelah itu nyebarin humusnya, kasih batu batuan putihnya sama batu2an untuk pinggirannya. Lumayan keliatan kan tuh bedanya di before and after, kalo yang lama kayanya dull gitu, nggak ada warnanya dan nggak rapih, mudah mudahan aja nggak ada yang mati yaa, i just need to water it everyday right?..that i can do..hehehe. Tapi sayangnya bunga nya ada yang keinjek jibran tuh satu sampe udah kaya mau patah gitu, huhu..gara garanya dia lari larian sama michael, kesenengan kena water sprinkler. Oh iya selain ada om, tante, manda, and adit, mbak vivi sama mas bingbing and michael juga dateng ke rumah, sama happy juga malemnya..ikutan mandorin kegiatan berkebunnya kita..hehe. Selesai nya kira kira jam 8 malem dehh, trus langsung pada teler gitu, enggak lupa juga bersin bersin gara gara pollen, hehe. We ordered pizza trus akhirnya jam 10.30 pada balik deh. Pagi pagi nya pas liat tamannya seneeng banget, heheh...jadi nggak malu lagi deh sama tetangga...:p
mulai hari senen kemaren jibran udah sekolah lagi lhooo..di TreeHut Pre-school and child center, deket rumah sini kok, palingan kalo nyetir cuma 5 menit. Sekolahnya cuma seminggu 3 kali..dari jam 8 sampe jam 12:15. Seneng banget deh akhirnya nemu juga sekolah yang mau nerima schedule part time dan half day pula. Biasanya kalo part time mereka maunya seminggu 3 kali tapi full day, kaya sekolahnya jibran dulu di 123 & ABC Academy. Males aja kan kalo kaya gitu, soalnya selain mahal ya memang nggak perlu, toh saya juga sehari hari nya di rumah. lagian dari pengalaman dulu itu, jibran kalo pulang sekolah suka cranky..gara gara tidurnya siangnya nggak pules..dan makan siangnya juga nggak bener, maklum lah jibran kan picky eater..kalo di rumah kan nggak mau satu menu ya bisa di ganti menu lain yang ada.
Anyway, kita memang dari bulan lalu nih pingin banget masukin jibran sekolah. soalnya pingin aja jibran bisa sering main sama anak anak seusianya, belajar bersosialiasi..(bukan berarti dia selama ini anti sosial lho..hehe, he is a friendly boy, kadang2 suka too friendly sama orang malahan a.k.a so akrab, haha) trus kalo di sekolah kan mainnya lebih ter struktur ya, udah ada program2 nya sendiri..dan karena rame rame pasti nya kan lebih fun, lagian biar dia juga terlatih dari kecil jiwa kompetitifnya kali yaa..:p trus biar lebih mandiri juga and i can finally have some 'me' time..:p. abis kalo di pikir kasian aja kalo sehari hari nya di rumah terus..i'm afraid i'm taking away his privileges to have fun with the kids his age, dan takut juga kalo i'm slowing his development down..huhu. apalagi pas liat anak anak seumurnya di sekolahnya.. wahh kok pinter pinter yaa, they speak well, they know numbers, colors and shapes..(but i'm pretty sure none of them can shoot, dunk, guard and slash like jibran though..hehehehe..:p)..
ya udah lah makanya sibuk telfon sana sini sampe akhirnya pas telfon treehut itu directornya bilang kalo dia nggak punya program part time yang half day, tapi trus akhirnya bilang 'why don't you come here tomorrow and i'll see if i can work something out' gitu. ya udah kita dateng deh besoknya. Jadi minggu kemaren kita kesana 3 kali..i think the director wanted us to really get a feel about the school, biar bisa liat aktifitas nya, cara guru2nya ngajar dan lain sebagainya and I'm liking the school. guru gurunya baik baik sekali, they look happy dan welcome banget sama orang tua murid yang dateng, jadi kalo ada yang nge drop in anaknya juga bisa main2 dulu di situ dan bisa nengokin kapan aja. sekolahnya juga ter-akreditasi and i'm happy with the fact that they don't have TV in school, nggak kaya sekolahnya jibran dulu. jibran sih kalo di rumah boleh boleh aja nonton tv, tapi kalo di sekolah di tontonin tv juga ya what's the point dong?..trus menunya juga variatif sekali, dalam sebulan sama sekali nggak ada pengulangan, soalnya mereka pake catering, kalo sekolahnya jibran dulu in house gitu masaknya, makanya menunya chicken finger lagii chicken finger lagii...:p. Trus kegiatannya tuh banyaak banget, hampir tiap hari ada theme nya, kalo lagi beach theme jadi anak anaknya pake baju hawaii gitu, ada juga pajama day, jadi ke sekolah pake baju tidur, trus ada silly day yang mana mereka di suruh pake baju yang nggak nyambung, macem macem deh.
waktu kita kesana mereka lagi bikin kalung dari fruit loop cereal, jadi di masukin ke tali gitu cerealnya. jibran di suruh ikutan, tapi bukannya nyoba bikin malah cerealnya di makanin sama jibran, hehehe. dia langsung seneng maen maen trus pas di stel musik langsung deh joget2..abis itu waktunya main di luar..jadi pada di suruh baris..dan jibran juga semangat banget langsung ikutan baris, bahkan nyelak2 gitu sampe dia jadi di depan, hihi. playground di sekolahnya ada beberapa, jadi di sesuain sama umurnya. seneng banget lah dia main di playgroundnya..apalagi waktu pada bikin lingkaran trus nyanyi "ashes ashes"..asli seru banget ngeliatnya. Pas hari jum'at nya ada tricycle day, jadi setiap anak bawa sepeda nya, trus parking lot-nya di tutup dan mereka di biarin main sepeda di situ..lucu banget deh ngeliatnya.
untungnya sih rate nya di range that i was looking for, jadi cocok deh. lagian nggak tega aja untuk nggak jadi masukin setelah ngeliat betapa senengnya dia sekolah. jadi ya udah...hari senen kemaren hari pertama nya. i dropped him off at 8 o'clock, ikutan main main sebentar sampe 15 menit trus pergi deh, sedih juga sih pas ninggalin dia..huhu, i kissed him, told him to have fun and that i'll be back in a few hours. jibrannya nggak nangis sih, tapi diem aja gitu kaya bingung..trus ngeliatin dari jendela nya, pas gue masuk mobil dia langsung balik badan ke gurunya..kayanya sih mewek..hehe. pas di jemput dia lagi makan, abis itu sikat gigi dulu trus pulang deh. lunch nya hari itu sausage gitu, so i brought him noodle soup for substitute. kata gurunya (miss pam) jibran did good for his first day, nangisnya cuma pas di tinggal aja..yayy good job jibran. waktu hari rabu kemaren sih dia nangis gitu pas tau gue nya mau keluar..mungkin dia nggak begitu comfortable soalnya gurunya dia belum dateng, tapi trus baik2 aja sih, cuma aja makan siangnya kayanya dia nggak begitu suka.."but he sure does like ketchup"..kata gurunya..haha..tau aja dia.
i know you're dissapointed. i'm sorry i've put your hope up high and turned it into ashes when you were so close to achieving it. i promise i'll make it up to you. i'll help you put your broken wings together so you can spread them out and fly away to touch the sky and soar above the clouds. i love you.
last week was a busy week, my mind was filled with a looot of things. things to be discussed, things to be decided, things to be done (baju2 yang harus di setrika contohnya..haha), quite a few forms to be filled, paper to be revised, emails to be replied (yang penting2 aja tapi), packages to be sent, appointments, research and more research. dan kalo lagi banyak pikiran..pasti deh susah tidur cause i kept thinking about those over and over, tambahan lagi minggu lalu kan jamnya di mundurin jadi berasanya masih sore aja. padahal yang di pikirin itu bukan hal hal menyedihkan, malah justru sebaliknya kali yaa..there were all exciting things, tapi tetep harus di pikirin dan di kerjain dan lumayan menyita waktu, pikiran dan tenaga. anyway, punya pilihan dalam hidup itu kan harusnya menyenangkan ya? but there are just times when having choices lead you to confusion instead, jadi bingung mau yang mana, maunya pasti dua dua nya but you know you can't have it all. it's nice to be able to explore something new, but then it's also nice to have something familiar, the one you call your comfort zone, to look forward to. ahh, decision decision.
but anyway, we had a good weekend to close the week. sabtunya pengajian seperti biasa..and i was amazed with the speech with mas cecep's speech. katanya banyak orang yang salah kaprah with the fundamental of Islam. Banyak yang mengira kalo yang di ajarkan itu hanya sholat, sholat dan sholat, paling paling di tambah puasa aja pas bulan ramadhan. padahal, there's more than that..bahkan di al-quran sendiri porsi bahasan sholat itu (hubungan manusia denganNya) cuma sedikit saja, yang jauh lebih banyak adalah bahasan tentang hubungan manusia dengan sesamanya seperti how you treat the unfortunates; how many you helped to clothe and eat?, how you treat your neighbours, how many people you welcomed into your home? how dedicated you are with your job and if you compromise your integrity to obtain your success? and also about your relationship with your parents like if you do stuff behind their backs that can give them a heart attack when they find out..and so on and so forth..and i couldn't agree more with him.
hari minggu nya, we went to eat at the emperor's wok palace with the supriyadi's + happy. dari situ mampir ke babies r us trus ke chesterfield mall. trus ke st. joseph hospital untuk nengok bayinya yuliana + craig, baby Aaron Mathew..he is soo cute.. congrats to the happy parents..=). dari situ kita pulang deh. hari ini biarpun nggak ada sesuatu yang spesial tapi nyenengiin banget, kita semua ketawa ketawa bodoh aja seharian..hehehehe..apalagi waktu nyasar nyasar di rumah sakit...oh myy....:D
oh iya jibran juga pas weekend ini banyak kosakata baru, contohnya..'some?' kalo dia minta sesuatu..trus 'see' kalo dia mau liat sesuatu, kaya kalo abis di foto abis itu langsung lari lari..see see..minta liat hasilnya di digital kamera. trus juga sekarang dia bisa bilang 'read' more like weed sih kedengerannya..hehe..trus juga 'scared'..waktu dia kaget pas denger suara lawn mower..dia langsung lari lari sambil bilang scared gitu..hehe..kasiaaan. trus juga Water (wire)..trus Tattoo (ini udah lama sih tapi baru sekarang ini dia inget lagi) sama Share...just this mornings he said "share mommy share!!" when i didn't want to share my ghirardelli chocolate with him. Yay..way to go jibran..=))
are you??
the college basketball season has just ended, and with that..the medias have starting to release their projected rankings for next seasons. Most of them have the salukis somewhere from the the top 15 to the top 25. The highest is from the Sports Illustrated Magazine that has us ranked as the number 10!!!..you seee i wasn't drinking too much maroon kool aid when i said we'll be good next year..:p..
Here's the rankings:
1. Florida Gator
2. UNC Tar heel
4. Memphis
5. Kansas
6. Ohio State
7. GeorgeTown
8. Texas
9. Texas A&M
10. Southern Illinois Salukis. The Salukis, who tied for second in the Missouri Valley Conference, have their top nine scorers back, including the senior backcourt of Jamaal Tatum and Tony Young, who will be gunning for their fourth -- and the school's sixth -- straight NCAA tournament appearance. Veteran squad + prior Big Dance experience + strong guardplay = dangerous in March. Blowout loss to West Virginia this year be damned.
Btw, here's an interesting list on why college basketball games are more fun to watch than the NBA (dikutip dari sini: http://www-tech.mit.edu/V123/N65/65_-_ncaa.65s.html)...hehe..I'm not a fan on the NBA, I guess I used to be a fan of lakers, but then I jumped off the bandwagon, hehe..but I'm still a fan of Mr. 81 though..=).
1. Egos
college basketball players always play their hearts out..and they are humbled by the fact that they are paid in education. beberapa dari mereka ada yang datang dari keluarga di bawah pas pasan, they live in the projects, and mostly the first generation in college, ada yang udah punya anak, ada yang keluarganya addicted to crack dan lain sebagainya..and most importantly they have to juggle between their academic responsibilities (Exams, assignments, group meetings, etc) and their responsibilities as atheletes (working out, practice, travelling, etc). Memang sih pemain nba juga pasti nya ada yang backgroundnya seperti itu, but once they are in nba of course they lead a pretty good and easy life.
2. Playing style
college basketball is more of a teamwork, not just relying on two or three stars for individual performances, like in the NBA. and plus the NBA is boooring..and the game is too long..:p.
3. College Fans
The feeling you get when you're in the arena is like no other. There is no NBA stadium that can produce the intensity and outright crazy fanaticism that college students show for their respective teams. You don’t see NBA stadiums filled with an entire section of screaming college fans all with painted bodies and choreographed, traditional tactics to disrupt the opposing team on free throws. It adds a level of excitement and enjoyment to college games that isn’t there in the NBA. The passion of college fans is so intense and so contagious it easily affects other people.
4. Parity
In any given year of college basketball, there are at least twenty teams that are good enough to win the championship, unlike the NBA, where you know a Western conference team will win, and you usually even know which one by the first round of the playoffs. In college b-ball, you never know until the final game who’s going to win since it's a one and done tournament. The greater number of teams also means there are more possible match-ups between good teams, and so generally more good games than in the NBA.
5. Permanence
In college, there is a much better chance the team you root for will be around for as long as you are, and there is no chance of the team being sold or moving cities. Along the same lines, the sheer number of college teams means that more people have a team they can root for, even if they do not live near a major city.
6. March Madness
This one goes pretty much without saying. To me, the NBA playoffs never come near to the excitement of March Madness. Thanks to office pools, just about everybody in the country fills out a bracket and discusses games over the water cooler. Throw in the fact that so many casual fans are rooting for either an alma mater or a state university in the field of 64, and it's easy to see how March Madness has become a social event.
Jum'at kemaren Jibran check up ke dokter, di imunisasi hepatitis A (not required but recommended untuk anak kecil especially those who travel to 3rd world countries and eat out a lot. We eat out about 3-4 times a week, i figured it's considered a lot?!). Anyway, he cried for like 3 seconds..waktu mau di timbang dan di ukur panjangnya seperti biasa dia nggak mau. he would not lie down on that scale no matter what. kalo di timbangan yang berdiri juga nggak bisa diem, akhirnya ibunya dulu yang di timbang sambil gendong jibran, abis itu jibrannya di turunin dan di liat bedanya deh. he weight 28 pounds, kalo di liat percentile nya sih about average ya, tingginya 38", a little over average. Waktu di tanya speech developmentnya, his doctor seems happy with it..tapi waktu saya complain soal jibran yang picky banget makannya dokternya santai2 aja tuh, katanya memang biasa anak segini susah makan..nanti kalo udah besaran baru deh mereka mau untuk nyobain and decide that it's not that bad afterall, and as long as he is gaining some weight from his last visit then it's all good. Dokternya jibran emang santai banget deh..mana baik lagi. Her and my obgyn are my fave doctors. Oh iya dokternya Jibran ini, Dr. Mona Yassin, was chosen as one of the best doctors in St. Louis for 2005. Yang di survey itu para dokter2 dan suster2 di rumah sakit seputar st. louis, mereka cuma di tanya satu pertanyaan: If you or a loved one needed a doctor in your specialty, whom would you choose?? So I guess I made a pretty good choice..;)
Keluar dari dokter sekitar jam 1.30, trus kita ke kantor pos di ballas, abis itu beli tinta printer di Office Max..jibran beli crayons..trus abis itu ke bubble tea deh yang di delmar, just me and jibran, we were chitchatting over fries, cripsy chicken and bubble tea. The lady who works there gave jibran a full cup of boba for free, that's more than enough to fill his little belly, hehe. Di sana dia sambil mainin crayon baru nya, jibran nih belum bisa nyebut nama nama warna sih, padahal udah tiap hari di ajarin..tadinya takut juga kalo dia buta warna, hehehe..tapi alhamdulillah enggak sih kayanya, soalnya kalo main lego, dia suka nge groupin lego nya sesuai dengan warnanya masing masing. Trus kemaren di bubble tea kan ada gambar2 buah buahan di temboknya, trus dia sibuk nyamain crayonnya sama buah2 yang ada di tembok, yellow for pineapple, red for strawberry, etc. So that's good enough for now..=). Abis itu jemput d di downtown trus jemput hana sekolah deh.
Jibran memang belum lancar nih ngomongnya, jadi masih di hitung per kata, hehehe. Kalo di bandingin sama anak anak yang lain sih i think he's about average in the speech development, banyak yang ngomongnya udah lancar, tapi banyak juga yang ngomongnya lebih sedikit dari Jibran, so i'm not worried yet. Besok kan waktunya jibran check up ke dokter, jadi pasti di tanya kosakatanya udah berapa..jadi mendingan sekalian di hitung aja deh. So far, kosakatanya jibran sbb:
adit, aminah (nggak tau nih aminah siapa, tapi jibran sering nyebut2),anneke, arya (aya'), baby, ben, daddy, didi, etha, george, hana, happy, josh, melissa (issa), mommy, nabila (bila), syamil (amish), wulan (wuwan). Kalo kita nyebut nama orang ke jibran pasti depannya pake aunty/tante/om/pade/bude dll..tapi jibran nggak pernah mau masa, entah belum bisa atau nggak minat.
ants, bird, bear, fish, hippo (popo), horse, kitty, lion, mouse, penguin (mimi), puppy (biar anjingnya gede juga tetep di bilangnya puppy sama jibran, nggak perduli itu chihuahua apa bulldog, doberman or pitbull) shark, snake, squirrel (sku)
boobah, elmo, lala, nemo, jojo, pho, robot, spiderman (memen)
boba, banana (nana), cake, coke (no he never tastes it), cheese, cheese puff, egg, gummy bear, pizza, snack, soup (soon), tea
almost, ball, basketball, go, man, nice, shot, player, S-I-U. Ini kosakata basketnya jibran.
book, bubble, bus, boat, choo-choo, eyes, fire (dire), hat, moon, mouth, neck, nose, shoes, sky, spoon, straw, tail, teeth
again, bath, big, bye-bye, cold, dark, draw, eat, McD (edi), hallo (hawwo), gone, mall, mine, messy, more, no, school, small, sit, stuck, three, yes, yummy
allahuakbar, amin, abis, awas (kalo nyuruh orang minggir..nggak sopan yaaa bukannya permisi atau excuse me gitu..), basah (kemaren ini dia ngomong mommy basah again..hehe) ------ kosakata bahasa indonesia (sama arab?!?!) nya jibran.
Trus yang lain lain palingan where are you (ayyuu), i got you, i'll get it, there it is, what's this? what's that? dan lain sebagainya...jadi kalo di itung udah lebih dari 110 yaa... i'm sure there's more..but these are what i could get at the top of my head. jibran bisa sih nyambungin 2 kata gitu, kalo 3 kata kayanya baru sekali sekali deh. Btw, yang di tulis di atas itu kata kata yang dia ngerti dan bisa ngomongnya, ada banyak banget kata kata yang jibran ngerti dan nggak bisa ngomongnya, ada juga yang dia bisa ngomong tapi nggak tau artinya apa, asal ngikutin orang ngomong aja. But he understands intruction, even complicated ones sometimes. So again I'm not worried, every child develops at his/her own pace. Cuma saya suka bingung aja sih kalo jibran yang ngomongnya belum banyak banget aja udah cerewet banget apalagi kalo dia udah lancar ngomongnya yaa..?
Pertama tama, mau kasih selamat dulu nih buat mbak risti and mas didiek atas kelahiran Raida Fatina Rissyanto (adenya Rashad)...enjoy your little bundle of joy..=))..senangnya sekarang udah sepasang..=))
dududu..rashad yang lahirnya 2 minggu setelah jibran aja udah punya ade niih..hehehe..jangankan yang lahirnya 2 minggu setelah Jibran, temen saya yang anaknya lahir 9 bulan setelah jibran juga udah punya anak lagi yang sekarang umurnya udah 6 bulan..:D. Emang nih sekarang lagi musim hamil...beneran..temen2 di jakarta, di sini, sodara dan juga orang orang yang saya sekedar tau aja (bukan kenal) banyak yang lagi hamil anak keduanya. ada apa niihh kok pada kejar setoran bareng sih?..hehehe. kadang saya kangen sih pingin punya perut gendut lagii (emang sekarang kurus gitu han perutnya?..:P), lucu aja rasanya ada yang bergerak gerak di perut, i kinda miss the attention too..:p. Trus juga kangen meluk dan cium2 bayi mungil secara bayi kecil ku sekarang udah jadi teroris kecil. ngurusin bayi itu lebih gampang daripada ngurusin toddler, hehe..bayi kan nggak bisa ngapa ngapain, cuma bisa tidur tiduran aja, kalo udah sebesar jibran sih rusuuuhh (see picture below!). Tapi saya belum kangen bangun bangun malemnya sih..huhu. Jadi mungkin tidak sekarang kali yaa..:p..i'm still too selfish right now. there are still other things that i want to do before comitting to another responsibility, not to mention the unfinished businesses that i still need to take care of. i'm sure once i get those taken care of, i'll be much more happier as a person thus allowing me to be a much much better mom for jibran's little sister..or brother??..sister aja dehhh..heheh.
I have watched quite a few basketball games these past weeks..and the more i watch it the more i think that the game gives a pretty similar picture on life in general, the only difference is that it is played on a smaller and simpler stage. I believe we can follow example on how we're supposed to live our life from how a good basketball player conduct his game and how he handles his attitude on and off the court
So here are some thoughts that i have gathered from watching too many games.. (maap yaa kalo nggak penting..:p)
- Life is just like a basketball game, there's always the ups and downs. In basketball, sometimes you lead, sometimes you have to trail..and when you're up by more than 10 points doesn't mean you can sleepwalk for the rest of the game, you still have to play your A game, be aware and watch your back because your opponent will try hard to snatch the victory away from you. nothing is for granted.
- I have learned that mo matter how bad you are beaten, you will always see hope. Being beaten is often a temporary condition, GIVING UP is what makes it permanent. Besides, the world doesn't stop for your grief, so you might as well fight your way through the game. remember, it isn't over till the shot clock hits zero and the buzzer beats. one second certainly can change the outcome of the game, unless you're down by 10 with 5 seconds to go..but even then..you can still make the situation better. I know a loss is still a loss, but there is a difference between losing by 20 points and losing by 5 points.
- If you win games, win with class, you don't need to rub it in your opponent's place about how you are better than them..and when you lose, don't be a sore loser, don't whine and make excuses, just feel grateful that you get to experience it all.
- Sometimes, the players have some off night, a night where they couldn't throw a rock in the ocean, much less the basket. But there are still other things you can do to help by playing good defense, rebounding, setting up screen and all that. Same thing happen in life too, maybe you just lost your job and can't help your family financially..but you can still do other things to help in the meantime...or maybe you don't have have much money left in your disposable account to help the poor, but you can still do other things to help like donate some of your used clothes or something (aduh kok contohnya uang2 terus yaa....I'm so lacking in analogy.:p).
- Your mental has a lot to do with how you play your game. Your opponent might be talented and have that famous school name on their jerseys and have a hall of fame coach sitting on the sidelines..but then so what..it doesn't mean you can't compete with them. the thing is to not be easily intimidated, it doesn't mean that you have to disrespect other people or your opponent, but you just have to realize that they are all human too and they are not immune to losing. besides, it is not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog that matters the most. so you just got to be tough and lay it all on the court. tough times never last, but tough people do.
- Same goes if you are from the so called power conference..you might be talented, but if you are not willing to give 100%, somebody else will. nothing is a gimme.
- Respect has to be earned, and in basketball..it is earned on the court. you don't need to be offended when others do not respect you because you're not from the power conference. by being offended means that you're not content with yourself.
- Don't be selfish. teamwork is the key. you may have the all american atheletes, but if they don't play together, it won't mean a thing, it might win you games, but not championship.
- Be cool. just..be..cool. don't yell and curse at the referee (or anyone else for that matter) ...or doing anything that shows your anger. relax, it's not a life and death matter. losing your composure only makes it easier for your opponents..they are the ones smiling cause you've let them know that you're frustrated. just like in life..you need to be able to manage your emotion, you need to have a poise to get the job done and have the attitude of a winner. losing your composure signals insecurity.
-Preparation is the most important thing, the will to win is worthless if you don't have the will to prepare. you can't depend on your luck, afterall luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. (coach Darrel Royal)
anyone want to add to this?..:p