bye bye J.J
March 25, 2006four year of J.J Redick, and no championship title for the dukies..he didn't even have a good game to end his career.. the duke haters are now happy to see them gone. I personally never have anything against them, i don't hate them but i don't root for them either, i don't really understand the root of the duke hatred. it seems to me that they run a clean program that is not scandalous, a respectable program in all the land of college basketball. their players are far from the thug types, they stay out of trouble, they are good athletes and good students all around. you have to admire the loyalty from the athletes for sticking around for 4 years to get a degree while many other athletes jump straight to the NBA at the first opportunity that they encounter. maybe they learn the loyalty from the coach who has been there for more than 20 years, resisting to coach in the nba that can triple up his salary. i think he is a classy coach. lots of people hate him..but i guess it's all the media's faults who sometime go above and beyond with their loves for all things duke. overexposure can hurt you. anyway, kasian si JJ kemaren fighting back his must be sad realizing that it's all over..hehe..i just felt bad for him. but i didn't feel bad for morrison though, if anything, i'm glad i don't have to see him all the time now (if he decides to turn pro that is)..hehe..i just can't stand the guy, i know it's okay to cry and show emotion but at least be a man and try to suck it up instead of bawling like a little baby.
anyway..game2 sweet sixteen lainnya seru seru, the ending of west virginia vs. texas was tragic, they lived by the three..only to die by the three at the very last second..tsk tsk. Villanova Vs. BC and Uconn Vs Washington stretched to overtime with 4 of the washington players fouled out in the last minutes. two of my final four picks are still alive in the elite eight..yay!
mba.. pakabar.. akhirnya update lage! hehe.. you guys are such basketball freaks! hahaha, it's a good thing tho'.anyway gue lagi spring break nih.. kapan2 bole maen kesitu yaaa? pengen ketemu jibran.. hehehe
ReplyDeleteHehehehe, basketball, salah satu sport yang gua kagak ngarti.....=p Anyway, khabar baek2x aja.....=) Pake tagboard aja atuh, gratis ini koq.....=p
ReplyDeletewulan: ayo doong kapan main kesini? Gue di rumah tiap hari kok..naik metrolinka ja biar gampang. ntar kita telpon2an deh yahh..Fari: basketball justru satu2 nya olahraga yang gue ngerti...hehehe, i don't even know what a homerun is..:P padahal tinggalnya di cardinal land gini.
ReplyDeletehai haaaaiiii...kangeeen. apa kbr kalian? ada rencana mudik gak taun ini? atow ortu elo yg kesitu kali yah? since your sisters are there too now. jd rame lah ya say rmh loe...asiknya. G-ban dah pinter maen basket kali skrg yak, scara dicekokin trs dr bayi hahaha...j/k. elo jarang onlen yak di ym? atow wkt qta gak pernah pas aja?
ReplyDeletehalo halo! lama ga mampir :) apa kabar? hows coelho? bagus ga? i bought it few weeks ago and havent started it yet. not a single page. call me lazy hihi
ReplyDeleteWah ternyata basketball freak juga... Yah mungkin orang ga suka Duke itu karena mereka terlalu bagus... It's the same reason why people "kinda" hate Walmart and McDonalds... it's just out of jealousy, isn't it?Nekat juga gua kasi komentar gini, baru pertama kali nih :p
ReplyDeleteRiaaa...akhirnya ceting juga ya kita...hihi. snmp: kabarnya baik baik aja, coelho nya juga gue belom selesai2 niih...jadi belum bisa kasih komen tapi supposedly sih bagus yaa..=)Mac: ehh ada budi di sini, hehe. iya tuh it's the same old thing, jealousy leads to hatred dan bosen juga kali di tv duke lagi duke lagi..=)