Top 10 Tips

December 22, 2005

have you started thinking of your new year resolution? here are a few tips to make you keep the resolution and actually make change for the better..=). (source:

1. Choose New Year's Resolution you can reach
(kalo terlalu muluk2 ya percuma juga, put that on your wish list instead!)

2. Have a plan
(contohnya misalnya pingin nabung, caranya: beli starbucksnya seminggu 2 kali aja, instead of setiap hari, lumayan seminggu bisa ngumpulin $20..:p)

3. Find Support
(seringnya emang harus ada yang ngingetin)

4. Make small attainable goals to reach along the way
(kalo misalnya mau quit smoking that nggak bisa berhenti gitu aja, coba kurangin dari sehari sebungkus jadi sehari setengah bungkus for about a week, trus kurangin terus gradually)

5. Reward yourself
(kalo udah berhasil nabung boleh dong beli tas baru..hihihi (sama aja boong yaa..:p))

6. Anticipate Craving
(pastinya selalu ada jalan lain yang lebih gampang/murah kan...misalnya pingin berhenti ngerokok, jangan lupa untuk bawa2 permen kemana mana)

7. Accept that mistakes happen
(but don't let that cause you to quit)

8. Have a list of reasons
(katanya nih: Write yourself a secret note that tells the most in-depth reasons for your resolution)

9. Keep a Journal

10. Review and Re-Evaluate!!

Good luck with your new year resolution, hope you can achieve every single list you have on your new year resolution. i'm going to write mine after this.

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