look...you make bunny cries...=((

June 17, 2005

last tuesday i found out something yang bikin gue sebeeeeLLLLL banget dan bikin gue nyadar kalo ternyata to some people...when it comes to money, nothing else should matter, even if that means stealing your good friend idea...from the exact same product *even though there are hundreds of other models out there*, to the way he explains the description of the product *he flat out carbon copy mine word per word without asking me first* and even taking the same angle of pictures and to make me feel even more backstabbed, he does it way more aggresive than me. so i decided to go under a new name, new domain, layout, add a new bank account and everything supaya dia nggak bisa ngikutin lagi...hope that solves the problem. lesson from this: don't be too naive next time..

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  1. ihhh..bunnynya lucu..kasihan gitu ngeliatnya. Emang sebel sih kalo di jahatin sama orang. Waktu itu accountnya Dinar pernah di hack gitu sama orang...terus dia posting barang yg sama tapi kategorinya buat farming..loh...padahal barangnya accessories gitu loh. Di charge gitu $20 buat posting fee. Suebbelll seleher nggak ketulungan. Dasar orang iseng merugikan. Karma!! I'm telling you.

  2. Adudu itu bunny lutunaaah..eh btw yang dicolong apa nih Han? ebay2an gitu? atau apa? ko trdengar gawat sampe ganti account bank sgala. Yang gituin lo orngnya kenal? Temen gitu? Ih ko bisa2nya sih?

  3. yes dear...never ever be a naive person in this cruel world. in a mean time...let me give you a big hug (((((((((((()))))))))))). kpn niiiih, onlen lagiiii? daku keilangan temen ngobrol niiiy. plus mo' denger crita lengkap soal posting ini hehehe *gosip dot com*. MISS YOOOOUUUU!!!!

  4. eh.. ituw bunny ya? hihihi.. kirain anjing :P mbak haniiiiy..... jibran gimana kabarnyaah?

  5. eits... ternyata salah masukin login han.. hihihi.. *malu

  6. huuuuuuu... sebel sama orang itu... teganyaaa... :(
