Times Square, NY

April 15, 2005

We just got back from new york trip yesterday (saturday-wednesday, from albany new york to tarrytown and weschester area to new york city) and still too tired to type. Too bad we didn't take lost of pictures..the trip alone (although so much fun) was exhausting so I didn't bother to take my camera out of my purse most of the time. I was planning to call baby dylan and baby toby to meet up and was looking forward to it..but i didn't realize that it would be so 'ribet' there..soalnya rame2 sih disananya, there were my Dad, my sister Nabila who came to study there and also Jibran's cousin Indy, Mbak Nanda and Jason who live there. Dendre didn't go with us, so it was my first trip out of town with Jibran...and i think it was my first time to miss a flight too..haha..story to come later..and oh Jibran fell of from the bed for the first time since he was born..and I bought my very first flat shoes in a looong time...I guess there's always a first time for everything.

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  1. Hey, Jibraaannnn ...we've been waiting for you to call.wek, wek ... kok jalan2 di Times Square gak nengokin aku seh??Pasti mamamu shopping ya .. mana tahaaannnn. hehehe ...-baby Dy

  2. Oala...Jibran fell from the bed mbak? gapapa kan tapinya ya? Oh mbak Hani teh jalan2 ke New York ya? Asik bangett! Well, just want to say miss you and Jibran too!

  3. wiiiy.. yg ke NY.. kok ga singgah di Cle han? :( ngga jauh kok han.. sama2 di east side.. tapi jauhnya 9 jam by road :P hihihi..eniweis han.. jibran kapan mo dikasih adik?? jangan mau kalah ama k rina han.. dia udah mo ngelahirin anak ke-3 skarang... hohohohuuuh.. dah lama juga gw ga ngisi.. kekeke..

  4. Baby Jibran tambah lucu amat, Han!Cubit pipinya dikit ah.. gemez ;)
