15 Months today
April 20, 2005Jibran is one year and three months old today. We didn't do anything...ya abisnya mau ngapain coba?..hehe..It seems just last week when he was 3 months old and just sitting pretty in his bouncer mesmerizing the imaginary fishes floating around the screen. ..so helpless, so immobile and so fragile. Now one year later I can't even make him sit still for more than a minute..except when he is strapped in his high chair or car seat or stroller but other than that...my attempt has never been successful. I even have to chase him around the house to put his diaper on, and most of the time I failed to put it on him before he peed on the carpet!!. Akhir2 ini kelakuannya dia yang selalu bikin ketawa tuh kalo dia di tanya where his fat belly is, he will pull his shirt up over his tummy and patting his belly button...hehe..
Speaking of birthday, I just realized that I haven't wrote anything about Jibran first birthday party in here..i know i have a looot to tell but haven't got the time to write, either because i'm busy or just plain lazy. But I'll give it a try this time. His birthday was on wednesday, three days before we went back to the states. We didn't plan a party with a clown and a room decorated with balloons and confetti..soalnya memang nggak sempet arrange yang ribet2 gitu dan kayanya percuma juga Jibran belum ngerti, nanti aja lah ulang taun yang ke 2 ato ke 3...instead we went to my dad's pesantren in parung. We were planning to go there in the afternoon to have lunch together with the kids (30 of them yang semuanya yatim piatu) and the teacher, but two days prior to his birthday the principal told us that they were gonna be fasting on that day..soalnya kan 2 hari sebelum Idul Adha. Jadi daripada kesana trus cuma nge drop in makanan kan mendingan malemnya aja, pas mereka buka puasa. Yang ikut kesana itu gue, dendre, nyokap, bokap, my sister and brother, dendre's mom, dika, alvin dan mbak2nya. Kita sampe sana menjelang maghrib...pertamanya kenalan dan ngobrol2 dulu sama santri2 nya trus mereka semua pada ngaji dan pas waktu buka puasa kita hidangin kue2 yang udah di siapin...abis itu sholat maghrib bareng..berdoa..dan nggak lupa minta Jibran di doain juga..hehe..abis itu makan makanan yang udah di siapin di box2..pesen di cateringnya sodara gue, menunya nasi kuning, ayam goreng, perkedel, tempe kering, sambel goreng hati, lalapannya dan kerupuk. Tadinya mau pesen Mac Donald aja..tapi setelah di pikir karena acaranya selamatan kayanya lebih afdol nasi kuning yah. Mereka semua makan dengan lahap...trus abis itu tiup liliin..tapi nggak pake acara nyanyi happy birthday siih..trus potong kuenya dan di bagi bagiin deh..nggak lupa juga bagiin goody bag untuk semuanya, isinya snack2 kaya cheetos, bengbeng, permen2, minuman juice, ada juga alat2 tulis, baju koko buat lebaran, peci dan kerudungan sama ada angpao juga sedikit.
Ya walaupun dengan ulang taun begini juga tetep aja Jibran juga nggak ngerti apa apa tapi mudah mudahan kalo dia udah besar nanti dan liat foto2 ulang taun pertamanya dia tau kalo we put emphasize on teaching him to share with the unfortunate from early on. Btw, kemaren itu juga pertama kali nya gue ke pesantren itu..jauuhh aja lokasi nya, tapi tempatnya enak sih..it's huge..halamannya luas banget, it has a swimming pool, its own petting zoo dan ada banyak pohon duren sama rambutan. There are 3 small houses, untuk yang santri cewe, cowo sama untuk ustadnya dan satu aula untuk kegiatan belajar sehari hari. Memang pesantren ini khusus untuk belajar agama aja sih...he owns another school yang sekolah umum SD-SMA nggak jauh
dari situ..kurikulumnya pake yang di keluarin pemerintah but he only charges a very minimum monthly fee. My dad really takes his giving-back-to -the world mission seriously and has set a high standard for his children that's just seem impossible to surpass, or to even come halfway close to what he has done. He builds mosques both in and out of the country, sponsors a few HopeChild in Kenya, donates here and there and is now working on the permit to adopt 10 aceh children..and soo many other things..he is definetely the most generous man in the planet that i know..and i'm so proud of him for that. God bless his heart.
Pas udah mau pulang dari pesantrennya..we got a phone call from my auntie..telling us that grandma is in the hospital..waahhh..memang sih sakitnya bukan sakit parah..cuma mau operasi bisul aja..hehehe..but still kasian aja kan. But it was late so I didn't go to the hospital right away, besoknya baru deh kesana. Hari Jum'atnya Idul Adha..trus malemnya ada makan2 di rumah, sekalian farewell dan makan2 Jibran ulang taun. Everybody was there, practically the whole family deh, my mom's side, my dad's side..dari nenek (udah keluar dari rumah sakit), buyut, tante, tante, saudara ipar semuanya ada...plenty of foods..and good thing we found the cake we were looking for..it was huge..it was like 30 inches by 16" or something...everybody got a piece of it. .dan kali ini dinyanyiin selamatulangtaun dong sebelum tiup lilinnya...hehe..dan ada juga goodie bag buat anak2 kecilnya. Jam 10 malem mulai pada pulang deh...kayanya yang terakhir sekitar jam 11 an. Asli capee..tapi seru juga sih, cuma panik juga karena packingnya belum selesai..padahal pesawatnya jam 2 siang besoknya. Tapi bener deh nggak kerasa udah setaun aja umur Jibran yah..and he survived his first year with me as his mother!!!..wow..that is something to celebrate...:p