

March 25, 2005

Gloomy thursday

March 25, 2005
Maybe it won't be this gloomy had we won the game last sunday..cause that means we are gonna play tonight against Arizona..hehe..masih sebel nih gara2 kalah, padahal we would have a good chance of winning the game tonight since it's gonna be in Chicago...which is like our second home and everybody knows we never lose at home..the entire all state arena will be...Read More

Great Season Salukis

College Life March 21, 2005
I hate to lose, but the salukis didn't dissapoint anyone today, they played their heart out and showed valiant effort, there are absolutely no reason to hang their head down. Oklahoma state is a damn good team, one of the best teams in all the land of college basketball (if i'm not mistaken 4 of their starters were in Final FOUR last year)...Read More

Jibran Jibran..

March 20, 2005
just so you know, i'm willing to go to hell and back..for you!!!..Happy 14 months!! ...Read More

On to the second round..

March 19, 2005
Oh sweet..finally we pulled out a win in the first round of the NCAA tournament after two years of dissapoinment when we lost only by one point!!. Finally the smack talking St. Mary's fans can shut their mouth. Next we'll take on Oklahoma State...and i have faith in my salukis..i believe we have a decent shot against them..and if we play 40 minutes...Read More

We're so in

March 15, 2005
Of course we're in...:P, we were ranked #15 in the nation last week (RPI wised). We're seeded in the Chicago bracket as #7 and will be playing St. Mary #10 this friday in Oklahoma City where the salukis will be wearing their white jersey for the first time in NCAA Tournament, we usually got to wear the maroon one since we were the...Read More

Still in shock

March 08, 2005
We won the Saturday game against Indiana State, but we didn't win by default, it should've been one easy game for us..turned out it was tougher than expected. Sunday game (the semifinal) was against Southwest Missouri State, just like last year. We had a 23 point lead in the first half, we hit so many threes and completely owned the bears in the...Read More

Thank GOD It's Friday

March 04, 2005
Akhirnyaaaa hari Jum'at dateng juga, I've been waiting for the weekend to come cause it's March Madness Weekend Babyyy. Salukis finished the conference game in style and came up as the number one seed in the conference, so we'll get to play the first game on saturday at savvis center against whoever wins friday night game (it's either Bradley University or Indiana State)....Read More