Sebenernya ini udah di tulis dari kemaren kemaren...tapi kok maleeessss banget ya nyelesainnya?..Anyway...last week was full of event. Ada 2 keluarga yang balik for good ke jakarta. Salah satu nya mas heru n mbak susi dari carbondale, memang sih sejak kita pindah ke st. louis jadi jarang ketemu lagi..but we always visit each other once in a while. They are really nice to us, we used to hang out at their house every weekend, just to chitchat until pass midnite..they always cook delicious indonesian food for us, gives a hand to help and all that. Too bad I didn't get the chance to take them to the airport, I called them the day before their departure but they had disconnect the phone. They promised to call me to let me know the check in time so we can meet in the check in area but i guess they were too busy they forgot to call me..huhu.
The other family who has gone back home is MD, Mbak Risti and Rashad...Rashad is Jibran's buddy..they are only 2 weeks apart at birth. Sekarang kalo ngumpul2 agak sepi deh..biasanya ada 2 babies..sekarang tinggal 1. They had an early all of us went to the airport around 4.30 in the morning to bid them farewell..ugh why why why everybody is going home?!?!..I knew I wanted to go home for good sometimes..but after my last visit there..i realized that i'm not ready to go home..not mentally, emotionally, physically (not until i lost this bellyyy..hehe..oh man i'm so shallow..:p), not financially and other possible lly. I know I want to be around my family more than anything but i'm just not ready yet to face whatever the hell i have to face back home. I do feel guilty most of the time for being away from my family for so long, especially now that there is Jibran...all they want is to be near him, to watch him grow and witness his every milestones..and i take that away from them. Huhu..sedih jadinya kalo di pikir. Airport is a sentimental place for me, makanya pas kemaren ke airport itu jadi inget waktu harus balik lagi ke sini...masuk nya di lama lamain, kita baru masuk ke boarding area pas orang2 udah ngantri masuk pesawat, padahal itu juga udah di anterin sampe ke dalem, passed the check in area..passed the immigration gate..masiih aja kurang...and i'm not good in saying goodbye to my family cause then my voice becomes strangled in my throat, my heart is throbbing and tears start streaming down my cheek..huhu..cupu banget deh pokonya.
Anywayy..we have heard the news that MD and family have arrived jakarta safely..we wish you the best of luck and continual success in your future endeavor..mudah2an bisa cepet adaptasi sama lingkungan dan suasana baru. We miss you guys already..=))!!
So after we took them to the airport, we went home to catch up some sleep...woke up at noon, had dimsum and planned to go to st. louis mills right after, but jibran was sleeping on the way there, kasian kalo turun pasti dia bangun, so we stopped by at target, d and yoga went inside and i just waited in the car sambil nemenin jibran bobo...made some phone calls, played with the camera..and i even had a chance to pluck my eyebrows..:D. Abis dari situ baru deh ke mills where jibran played in the PBS kids play area..he looked so happy. He walked like he own the place.
Monday was a valentine's day...I woke up to find a cute package, a small red teddy bear with a red Mrs Fields heart tin filled with decadent chocolates and a card that says.."To my wife: Thank you for being you ...and for being mine"...ahh..monday is not that bad afterall..=))
*taken at legian, bali
Birth date: 1/19/04
Current Age: 12 months and 3 weeks
Weight @ Birth: 7 lbs 3 oz
Length @ Birth: 19.5 inches
Current Weight: 21 lbs 3 oz
Current Length: 29.5 inches
Diaper Size: Pampers first steps absorbent pants (1T - 2T)
Clothing Size: 9 - 18 months
# of Teeth: 1 (hihihi)..2 are on the way though, you can see and touch the sharp little pearls on the surface of his gums
Pacifier: Yes
Thumb Sucker: Nope
Siblings: No
Sits without support: Yes
Crawling: Yes
Standing w/assistance: Yes
Walking w/assistance: Yes
Standing unassisted: Yes
Walking unassisted: Yes
Bends over & picks up an object: Yes
Walks backwards: Hmm...i havent noticed this one yet
Dances to music: Yes, he sways back and fourth and also do the headbanging thing
Climbing: Yes
Running: he tries it all the time but haven't really got the hang of it
Babbling: Yes
Responds to own name: Yes
Understands No: Yes but does it anyway..=)
Combines Syllables (wordlike sounds): Yes sometimes
Says Dada and/or Mama: Yes, mostly dada though (and i thought i'm the one who is with him 24/7)
Uses 2 words skillfully (Hi, bye, etc): Hmm..not really
Vocab of 5 words: No..he would says "hawaa" (hallo) when he picks up the phone. He says "deh" (does he mean 'that?') a lot and "deeh" means a lot of things for him
Eating Solids:Yes
Finger Feeds: Yes
Can use spoon & fork: Nope. not yet, i haven't taught him that.
Waves bye bye: Yes
Picks things up with pincer grasp: Yes
Plays patty-cake: hmm..what's a patty-cake??
Imitates others:No..i don't think so
Indicates wants with gestures: Yes, when he wants his binky, he'll go to the kitchen and point to where his binky is. and when he wants some snacks, he'll go to the kitchen pantry and point to it
Empties containers of contents: Yes..not just containers, but also the kitchen cabinets,my underwear name it!!
Plays with ball: Yes, he loves ball..he plays basket ball too in his own tiny basketball backboard and rim
Turns the pages of a book: Yes
Has temper tantrums: Oh yes..unfortunately
Attached to soft toy/blanket: Nope
Enjoys pretend games: Yes, lately he likes to pretend that he tips over when he walks and then he would just lay there and laugh.
Likes riding toys: Yes
Will read book alone:Yes
Can peddle when put on a trike: No, he can't reach the peddle on his new bike, the one that pakde sam and bude dien gave him for his birthday..=)
Scribbles: hmm?..i guess no?
Anything else?
Jibran loooveess to throw stuff into the toilet first he threw things into the trash can, including the remote, the phone etc..but i moved the trash can into the counter top so he couldn't reach it..and now he throws things into the toilet bowl..yea..and my book became the victim just now. But he knows where things are supposed to be, like yesterday he took off the living room's table edge guard and today he found it in my room, he picked it up and ran off to the living room and tried to put it back to the table..hehe. He gives me a kiss or a smooch whenever i ask for it. I have a good laugh everyday with him, just watching him do his things and acts silly all the time. He is my silly boy..i couldn't ask for a better baby..=)
*playing peekabo in the plane's bassinet, on our way home to j-town
This has been a busy week indeed, had to wake up early to take dendre to the metro station these last few days, came back and picked him around lunch time in downtown to check out some open houses..apointment with the mortgage officer and this and that. But we're getting this close to sealing the deal now. I'm so excited..:-)
Akhirnya...the long awaited tooth has finally appeared!! Jibran udah ada gigi nya satu di atas..hehe..tapi kok satu yah..bukannya biasanya kalo tumbuh sekali dua?..dan ini kok di atas..bukan di bawah dulu..kaya kelinci gitu jadinya..hehehe....he's gonna leave toothmarks everywhere now. Ketauan udah ada giginya pas sehari setelah entry di bawah di post..jadi sebenernya pas nulis itu juga udah ada giginya tapi kita belum ada yang nyadar..hehe..good thing daddy realized it when they were in the bathroom at like 5 in the morning (we were still jet lag at that time). Oh well.. I think that explains his crankiness lately...memang tambahan sempet jet lag dan lagi pilek sih, jadinya semakin aja deh. ..and plus i think he is bored..soalnya sekarang setiap hari di rumah dan yang di liat lo lagi lo lagi gitu kali ya pikirnya kalo dia liat gue..hehehe. Waktu di jakarta kan enak..rumahnya juga nggak kecil kaya apt disini, udah gitu banyak orang kan..dan ada aja yang dateng, banyak yang ngajak main dan bercanda..banyak yang bisa di berantakin juga...jadi nya seneng dia. Sebenernya kalo di pikir..anak2 kecil yang tinggal di indonesia itu lebih exposed sama orang banyak daripada anak anak bule disini, tapi kenapa anak2 di indonesia malah lebih banyak yang pemalu ya di banding anak2 bule??..
Anyway..i think i'm gonna send Jibran to day care, enggak buru2 sih..maybe when it's getting warmer, sometimes next month the meantime harus cari dulu yang bagus dan deket rumah. Palingan dia di day care nya dua kali seminggu aja dan nggak seharian penuh...maybe from 10 to 4..just so i have enough time to manage the house and do something, could be a part time job or anything that generates money for me, hehe. Lagian kasian kalo di rumah terus setiap hari, the space is limited, the toy is limited too..nanti daripada dia kebanyakan nonton tv, mendingan di day care kan..banyak temennya, banyak mainannya yang edukatif dan belajar mandiri juga dan yang lain2 lah..pasti banyak bagusnya dengan di titipin di day he can learn to share dan manner2 lainnya..di rumah memang bisa sih di ajarin tapi kan susah praktekinnya kalo dia cuma sendirian aja.
oh it's breakfast time for jibran now..i'll write some more later...