
Whoaa...walking already?!??!

November 09, 2004

Sebenernya dari minggu lalu Jibran udah mulai discover the power of his own two feet..he started to take one or two steps when I kneel infront of him and hold out my hands. Tapi gue nggak ngerti aja apa itu beneran apa dia ngelangkah cuma karena terpaksa aja *gimana sih??!* . But Jibran sure is a show off..waktu hari jum'at di rumahnya tante Manda..he took about 3 to 4 steps quite a few times..and he did that again on saturday night in front of everybody. And last night...boyy..last night was something...i was sitting on the couch across the TV and doing something on my laptop and Jibran was standing in front of the TV *he likes to watch TV right in front of it while holding on to the TV stand..his face is literally 20 cm away from the screen*..and suddenly he turned around and decided to walk towards me...wahh asli gue kaget banget ngeliatnya dan jadi bingung sendiri harus gimana..between excited dan panik takut dia jatoh...hehehe..daddy was smoking in the balcony but he witnessed everything through the sliding door. Walaupun Jibran jalannya masih sempoyongan gitu kaya orang mabok..hehe..but he was able to manage his balance until he reached me..i think it took him about 8 steps..waahh asli dehh...senneeeeeeng banget liatnya...of all the milestones..nothing beats seeing your baby first few steps. I picked him up right away and kissed him all over his face, I think he sensed my excitement and felt proud too. Tadi juga dia lagi berdiri senderan di sofa tau2 langsung jalan ke box tempat mainannya..tapi akhirnya jatoh di tengah jalan.

Sekarang nih masa masa nya jatuh bangun buat dia..kasian sih..tapi mau gimana lagi, it's part of the process kan. Belum tau sih how long it's gonna take him to master this walking milestone..I let him take his time. Tapi gue udah seneng banget karena udah keliatan kalo dia berani and believe in himself that he can do it..dan juga keliatan ada kemauan yang keras dari dirinya..and that's all that matter to me...that's one of the parenting methods that I wanted to apply to him..that's why I never intentionally make everything easy for him...life is tough..so i might as well toughen him up from now on. Contohnya ya dari hal hal kecil aja..kaya waktu belajar makan cheerios..emang sih it would be easier to feed him one by one, lebih cepet dan lebih bersih kan..tapi kalo di suapin terus kapan bisa nya..I want him to learn to feed himself..so i just dumped cheerios all over his tray..kasian sebenernya dia susah banget mau makan cheerios2 itu cause he hadn't mastered his pincer grasp at that time...jadi palingan yang kemakan sedikit dan kerjaan gue jadi bertambah karena harus mungutin cheerios2 itu di bawah..hehe..but that's ok..i want him to learn from his mistakes. Sekarang pincer grasp nya udah mantab..ada beras satu biji di bawah juga bisa dia pungut..hehehe.

Anyway...most babies have teeth by this time around... they even have one as early as 5 months..but Jibran doesn't even have one yet now that he is 9.5 months..so go figure...all of his energy goes into his legs cause he craves for mobility so much. Wow... my baby is gonna be a toddler sooner than I expected..but just so he knows..I'm still going to call him my baby even when he is 16 and going on his first date...=))

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  1. Let's go Jibran!!!! Ayoo!!!! Hehehehe...PeaceC-git

  2. Hi Mbak Hani and Jibrannn....he..he.he.. seneng yha udah bisa jalan. Jibran masih ompong..he..he. tapi keren udah bisa jalan, jadinya nggak papa. Apa mau gigi palsu???? Oh iya, kemaren pas bersihin tas, Dinar nemu traces of cheerios. Ternyata dari Jibran. Pas pengajian tas ditaro dibawahnya high chairnya Jibby..he..he.. *sigh* jadi kangen ;(

  3. kok sama ya, Dylan kalo nonton TV juga mukanya ditempelin didepan kaca TV itu, sambil aku teriak2 .. come here dylan, come here!! ... LOL.Good job J, I can sense how proud your mama is for you!! :)Siompong Jibran udah jagon jalan nih yaaaa ... hahaha .. iri gue :P~~~~~

  4. That's how a Mother feels.....;-) Even though you guys are now parents also, each of you (Oky and Hani) is a baby of your respective Mommies.....:-) No matter how old you are.....;-)

  5. Go JB GOOO!!!! hehhehhe, nanti kalo udah GD bakalan JaDi Atlet ni bocah. Buktinya baru dua bulan udah nonton saluKi game, sembilan setengah bulan udah bisa bolak balik sendiri, nanti lima taun udah maen benteng kali ama bapak nya, sepuluh taun udah nombok di ring sekolahnya.... adoh2, you better keep up Q! "OM ADING"

  6. alow..met kenal juga yah dari kita di sydney...liat foto-foto jibran di bawah lucu deeeeeh...seneng yah udah mulei jalan :)astrikeluarganugraha.net

  7. edhish n chayin mengucapkan selamat lebaran buat Hanzki n suami n baby Jibran yah, maaf kalo ada salah kata nulis di con sysnya yah..wahh siganteng dah bisa berdiri yah... :tepuktangan:aku juga anggep Chayin baby terus say, malahan ga mau gitu rasanya dia tumbuh.. hihihi
