Look Ma..No Hands!!
November 05, 2004Another picture only post...I have lots of things that I want to write..yet couldn't find the time to sit down and write...so much to do..so little time. But here's my little boy trying hard to master his new skill..=)
Jiblaaan, kamu lutu sekali deeehh, kapan nih punya dede? :)
ReplyDeletemas jibraaaan... ganteng banget sih ni anak... selamat ya atas keterampilan barunya ;-) kalo ketemu awas yah! gua gigitin pipinya huehuehuehe...
ReplyDeleteJibbbbbbbbyyyy, you can stand up by yourself!!!!;D I am so happy.... I love your big smile, but where are your teeth? You are cute even with no teeth, imagine when he has teeth..hmmm *in lala land*P.S- Is that a pic. of you imitating someone playing a guitar? he..he..
ReplyDeleteEheheheh, anakmu sudah bisa berdiri sendiri.....=)
ReplyDeletewah mas ganteng making ganteng deh hehehe...i think he soo looks like u even more han..gak sabar pengen ngeliat jibran langsung hihihi...dicubit2 gemes boleh gak? hehehehe...gue gemesan lohhan..tar kalo dah mo deket balik sms in no di jkt yaks..elo tau kan no hp gue, tar kita kontak2 oteh bu!
ReplyDeletemum tian :haaaaaa... jibraaann cutee amat sih .. ganteng.. ganteng :)senyumnya itu lohh.. gak nahan..kekeke :Phann,bikin pudingnya pake gula batu aja, itu lebih sehat. Kalo gak pake susu formula. Susu formula kan manis, trus dicampur deh ke pudingnya.Resep2 nya contohnya puding mangga: susu formula atau susu uht plain, agar2, mangga yang udah diblender,sama gula pasir deh dikit aza.. kalo gak gula pasir yah gula batu.ganti2 aza, Tian mau kadang2 pake melon,jeruk.Anak2 emang suka banget yah yoghurt, Tian 2 botol aja abis tuh.. tp takut sakit perut juga kalo kebanyakan.
ReplyDeleteWow baby J ... you're standing up already!! Soon you gonna walk and drive your mama crazy ... :P~~~
ReplyDeleteIRISH: Hihi..kapan2 kali yah??..hehehehe..:DNINIT: Weeehh ada juga elo nit yang di gigitin sama dia..hehehe....DINAR: Iya tuh kayanya keseringan sama pakdenya di ajarin main gitar2an sih...:DFARI: Hihi..iklaaan deh looo.... ELLA: Sip2 laaa'..ntar langsung gue telfon deh pas baru nyampe airport..:D DWI: Thank you saayy..=))ITA: Iya emang gue juga suka takut Jibran sakit perut kalo kebanyakan..makasih ya say resepnya..nanti di praktekin deh and i'll let you know how it goes...AJITA: Hihi..he drives me crazy already..even before he started to walk..:D