Jibran finally got a flu shot this afternoon...it was not bad at all, he screamed for like 5 seconds and then he was back to his happy mood right away. Sekarang beratnya Jibran udah 21 lbs and 4 oz (9.6 kg). Sebenernya Jibran lagi pilek..I thought we have to reschedule the shot until he gets better... that's why I called them first in the morning, tapi katanya kalo nggak kena fever in the last 24 hours boleh boleh aja kok flu shot. But he won't get the second shot *booster shot* though. Untuk orang yang pertama kali flu shot, di kasihnya itu sebenernya 2 kali, the booster shot will be given 30 days after the first one..tapi karena 30 hari lagi Jibran udah di jakarta jadinya ya nggak dapet..kalo nunggu pas baliknya udah kelamaan..jadi ya cuma sekali aja..but that's ok..it's still better than no shot at all katanya.
Trus tadi sebenernya kita nggak usah ketemu sama dokternya, cukup sama nurse yang nyuntiknya aja. I asked the nurse to check on his ears..tapi katanya dia nggak bisa..harus tunggu dokternya dulu yang lagi sama pasien lain..so i decided to wait. Trus pas dokternya dateng dan nge check kupingnya..bener aja..he got a double ear infection..oh la la..good thing I insisted to wait for her..kalo enggak it's just gonna get worse and we won't know what's going on. Padahal sebulan yang lalu di periksa nggak ada apa apa..cepet juga ya ear infection itu. Pantesan belakangan ini Jibran suka nangis nggak jelas..he usually cries for fixable reasons..kalo terakhir2 ini nggak ngerti sebabnya apa dan nangisnya itu kaya kesakitan. Semalem aja he cried for almost half an hour around mid night...kirain masuk angin tapi kayanya enggak deh...berarti ya gara2 ear infection itu kan. The dr prescribed an antibiotic for his ears..dan obat untuk pileknya juga. He's been taking DimeTapp for the last 7 days but it doesn't do any good to him, yang ada malah bikin Jibran susah tidur. I've done the oceans spray, sucked his nose and I've done the vapor bath too..but nothing works like a charm. Makanya karena kelamaan pileknya malah lead to ear infection. Here's an info taken from Dr Sears Website: When your child has a cold, the nasal passages get swollen and mucus collects in the back of the nose. This environment is a breeding ground for the bacteria that normally live in the nose and throat to begin to overgrow. Mucus is also secreted within the middle ear space just as it is in the sinuses.. Mudah mudahan aja cepet sembuhnya ya ...we will go back to the Dr on the 8th.
Jibran sekarang jalannya tambah sering..paling jauh sampe 15 langkah..tapi kadang 2 langkah juga udah jatoh sih. Belakangan ini dia lagi seneng tepuk tangan sambil teriak YAAYY...hehe..trus kalo dia tau dia ngambil sesuatu yang nggak boleh di pegang pasti langsung kabur sambil ketawa ketawa deh pas mau gue samperin. Kalo di bilang "NO" dianya geleng2 kepala..hehehe.lucuu banget...tapi tetep aja di terusin apa yang nggak di bolehin. Hobby nya masih ngeberantakin..bukain laci2 dan ngeluarin semua yang ada di dalemnya..padahal dia sering kejepit laci tuh tapi nggak kapok2. Trus juga seneng banget bukain kabinet2 dapur..mainin panci2..ampun deh..
Anywaayy..I don't think I will get a chance to update this blog as often as I used to...lots of things need to be done and taken care of before we leave. Stuff to buy, things to confirm and reconfirm..I have my own Dr appointment... exam tomorrow and a big project due on the 7th...nganterin Jibran sekolah..*he missed 3 sessions in a row..so we have a lot to make up*...group meetings. Mana Jibrannya lagi sakit..nggak mau main sendiri...dan kalo malem juga tidurnya nggak nyenyak. I feel like there is not enough time to do everything we are supposed to do before the departure day..I don't even have time to cook..tadi dari dokter langsung ke sekolah to get my I-20 signed..ordered Mc Donalds from the drive thru window for lunch and ate instant noodle for dinner and maybe i have to survive with them for this coming 2 weeks..damnit..i do eat those stuff sometimes..when i feel like it..not because i have no choice..but right now i can't afford to be picky...can i?..maan i'm so exhausted...i think i'm about to fall apart..huhu...
To end this entry..here's a pic of Jibran when he was playing at the PBS Kids play area at st. louis mills friday night...

Trus tadi sebenernya kita nggak usah ketemu sama dokternya, cukup sama nurse yang nyuntiknya aja. I asked the nurse to check on his ears..tapi katanya dia nggak bisa..harus tunggu dokternya dulu yang lagi sama pasien lain..so i decided to wait. Trus pas dokternya dateng dan nge check kupingnya..bener aja..he got a double ear infection..oh la la..good thing I insisted to wait for her..kalo enggak it's just gonna get worse and we won't know what's going on. Padahal sebulan yang lalu di periksa nggak ada apa apa..cepet juga ya ear infection itu. Pantesan belakangan ini Jibran suka nangis nggak jelas..he usually cries for fixable reasons..kalo terakhir2 ini nggak ngerti sebabnya apa dan nangisnya itu kaya kesakitan. Semalem aja he cried for almost half an hour around mid night...kirain masuk angin tapi kayanya enggak deh...berarti ya gara2 ear infection itu kan. The dr prescribed an antibiotic for his ears..dan obat untuk pileknya juga. He's been taking DimeTapp for the last 7 days but it doesn't do any good to him, yang ada malah bikin Jibran susah tidur. I've done the oceans spray, sucked his nose and I've done the vapor bath too..but nothing works like a charm. Makanya karena kelamaan pileknya malah lead to ear infection. Here's an info taken from Dr Sears Website: When your child has a cold, the nasal passages get swollen and mucus collects in the back of the nose. This environment is a breeding ground for the bacteria that normally live in the nose and throat to begin to overgrow. Mucus is also secreted within the middle ear space just as it is in the sinuses.. Mudah mudahan aja cepet sembuhnya ya ...we will go back to the Dr on the 8th.
Jibran sekarang jalannya tambah sering..paling jauh sampe 15 langkah..tapi kadang 2 langkah juga udah jatoh sih. Belakangan ini dia lagi seneng tepuk tangan sambil teriak YAAYY...hehe..trus kalo dia tau dia ngambil sesuatu yang nggak boleh di pegang pasti langsung kabur sambil ketawa ketawa deh pas mau gue samperin. Kalo di bilang "NO" dianya geleng2 kepala..hehehe.lucuu banget...tapi tetep aja di terusin apa yang nggak di bolehin. Hobby nya masih ngeberantakin..bukain laci2 dan ngeluarin semua yang ada di dalemnya..padahal dia sering kejepit laci tuh tapi nggak kapok2. Trus juga seneng banget bukain kabinet2 dapur..mainin panci2..ampun deh..
Anywaayy..I don't think I will get a chance to update this blog as often as I used to...lots of things need to be done and taken care of before we leave. Stuff to buy, things to confirm and reconfirm..I have my own Dr appointment... exam tomorrow and a big project due on the 7th...nganterin Jibran sekolah..*he missed 3 sessions in a row..so we have a lot to make up*...group meetings. Mana Jibrannya lagi sakit..nggak mau main sendiri...dan kalo malem juga tidurnya nggak nyenyak. I feel like there is not enough time to do everything we are supposed to do before the departure day..I don't even have time to cook..tadi dari dokter langsung ke sekolah to get my I-20 signed..ordered Mc Donalds from the drive thru window for lunch and ate instant noodle for dinner and maybe i have to survive with them for this coming 2 weeks..damnit..i do eat those stuff sometimes..when i feel like it..not because i have no choice..but right now i can't afford to be picky...can i?..maan i'm so exhausted...i think i'm about to fall apart..huhu...
To end this entry..here's a pic of Jibran when he was playing at the PBS Kids play area at st. louis mills friday night...