stuffed up!

October 06, 2004

Jibran is catching a cold, his nose is so stuffy that sometimes it makes him hard to breath through his little nose and he also makes some grunting noises when sleeping..but he is still a happy camper i'm not too worry. I've rubbed his chest with vicks, gave him the oceans spray..and i will do the vapor bath tonight. If his stuffy nose is still not clearing up by tomorrow that means he has to miss school...but we can make it up another day...!!. I don't feel good either, my throat is sooo sore and my eyes are a bit watery...i took tylenol last night and just now..hopefully this doesn't get worse..cause i can't afford to get sick..not now..not with the final exam coming up next monday!! Maybe i should just get a flu shot..oh well..stay healthy everyone..don't let the flu bugs bite!

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  1. hi han...jibran sakit juga ya ? smoga cepet sembuh yah...btw foto mas jibran itu lucu banged ih...gemes...

  2. awwwwwwww....Jibby sakit. Kasihan yha... cepet sembuh donk. Biar kita bisa play play lagi. Mamahnya cepet sembuh yha....

  3. ya....jibran kok sakit sih.... =( mamanya juga, lagi. Cepet sembuh ya mbak ke Galleria yuk! ;p (ga jauh2 dr shopping, hehehe)

  4. samaa.. Tian juga lagi sakit.Mau pinter kali yan, han .. hahaha *ngeles*

  5. MBAK NDA: Iya niih lagi pada sakit..mdah2an nggak lama deh sakitnya. Itu fotonya dia lagi cemberut gitu..nggak mau di pakein blangkon..hehe..DINAR: Iyaah..tengokin doong biar cepet sembuh..hihi..*manja*MANDE: Iya nih sepertinya harus ke mall biar sembuh..hehehe..yang ada malah tambah sakiitt...sakit hati tapi karena nggak bisa beli apa2...huhu.. MAMA TIAN: Amiin..ya mudah2an aja...kali Tian jadi bisa jalan dan Jibran jadi bisa berdiri sendiri..hehehe..
