9 months check up

October 27, 2004

Jibran had a 9 months doctor check up last saturday. He got one shot..but he didn't get the flu shot..it was available for high risk babies only. Jibran is not considered high risk cause he wasn't born prematurely and he doesn't go to day care..so the dr thought it would be wiser to give it to those who are more exposed to the virus..ya emang bener sih..ya mudah mudahan aja kita nggak ada yang kena flu..dan lagi kan mau pulang ke jakarta for one and a half month so we won't be exposed to the germy season as much.

Jibran sekarang beratnya udah 20 pounds (9.07 KG) at the 50th percentile and his length is 29 inches something..kurang lebih 74 cm and it falls on the 75th percentile and his head measurement falls on the 90th percentile..hehe..emang jibran bagol banget deh.. kepalanya gede bener..kalo beli topi aja untuk yang umur 1.5 sama 2 taun baru muat..hihi..nggak pa pa deh big head means big brain and big brain means smart brain..hehe..:P

I asked the dr about his gum that still remains toothless...she said not to worry about it as the later the teeth erupt..the better they are..so all good. Anyway..since Ramadhan began, Jibran has been taking 2 to 3 bottles of formula during the day..I know moms who breastfeed can be exempted from fasting but I don't wanna miss another year of fasting..and plus i'm trying to wean him off the breast anyway so I'm just gonna use this occassion to support my decision..:P. Some people stop breastfeed their childs abruptly..but I wanna do it gradually..kasian dia nya soalnya and plus i'm not ready to give it up all together..and i know i would miss it more than i thought i would when I'm finally done with it. But hey I breastfed him exclusively for the first 9 months of his life *he only gets a bottle of formula like once a week before*...and i'm so proud of that, the fact that I gave him the best he could get...never thought i could make it this far.

Anywayyy..Jibran turned 9 months last week (I'm now 9 months Tante Dinar and Tante Etha..not 8 months!!..I'm not a little baby anymore..:P)....Happy 9 Months ya Jibran sayang, It's been a sleepless wonderful and enjoyable 9 months for me, hope you feel the same way too.i wuff you!!

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  1. Happy 9 months ya Jibran tayang, I wuff you jugaa! hehehe

  2. oops... i'm sorry, jibby!! i know you're not a baby anymore... what did you 'rents get you for your 9-months-birthday?? a shot from the doc?!! he..he.., don't worry, they're giving you the shot for a good reason. miss you jib, i'll see you soon otay?? muach..muach!!P.S.- baby j, you don't have a big head... i mean, where else will you put all your cuteness?? hihihi =P

  3. mum tian :Happy 9 months cute boy !! *muach muach* Masa sih kalo kepala besar artinya pinter .. ???

  4. Youssof also turns 9 mos today =). Cepet ya say tnyata, gak krasa gini. O iya...happy belated 9 mos, baby J hehe. InshaAllah qta ktemuan ya 'ntar. Cup cup muach muach buwat baby J...buwat mamanya jg deh =D

  5. --Mya--Haii si baby udah gede.. cup2 muah2 dari tante ya :) Jagoan kan disuntiknya?Udah 20 lbs lagi, besar yaa? Btw kepalanya ga gede lagi hihih iyo jg dulu sama, 90%. tapi Iyo emang agak kurang tinggi. Tingginya cuman 65%.. but it's ok mengingat guepun pendek heheh. Lagian kepala gede tandanya otaknya gedeee hahaha. Moga2 pinter deh gedenya, amien.Gimana puasa Han? Kita di sini Alhamdulillah lancar. Cuman tiap puasa emang homesick gue ga nahan. O iya barusan leave comment di yg kerry defeat bush tapi error. Sebel deh dah nulis panjang2. Gw jg nonton seru tuh. Presentasinya bagus skali. Apalagi pas si Moore ketemu bush dan bushnya ngomong "go find a real (or some other ya.. lupa) job." Kemaren jg gue ditelp telemarketer yg mau nyuruh kita nonton dokumenternya Kerry. Gue maki2 aja orangnya heheh. Lagian, apaan sih sok2 bikin balesan. Kalopun dokumenter Kerry itu emang si Kerry nya jelek, tapi kan 9/11 lebih ke pengaruh keputusan Bush thd amrik dan dunia. Heran deh..

  6. Tante Manda: I wuff you muchoo tante...Tante Etha: I heard they're gonna give me a shot too on my first birthday...*pouting*Mom Tian: hehehe..nggak tau yaa itu sih teori nya gue aja...:DRia: Happy 9 months juga yaa buat Youssof..senengnya nanti yang ke 10-11-12 nya di jakarta...hey maybe we should make a join b'day party for jibran and youssof?..hehe...Mya: yaahh gue kan sama elo tinggi nya sama aja bukan?..hehe..untung aja bokapnya tinggi nih, mudah2an nurun dendre deh..amin2. Puasa alhamdulillah lancar..tapi tetep aja yah something is missing kalo nggak bareng keluarga..=(.Iya gue juga denger tuh ada film tentang Kerry yah, udah keluar ya? Kok segitunya amat promosi nya sampe pake telemarketer segala?? Coba kita nonton bareng ya myaa..pasti seru banget sambil ngebahas..hehe...

  7. Huwah, akhirnya gue bisa posting comment di blog loe juga, setelah beberapa kali gagal mulu.....;-p Happy 9 month Jibby.....:-D See you on Saturday at Oom Ading's place.....;-)

  8. emang niih commenting systemnya blogger suka lammaaa dan error..tapi jangan putus asa ya far yah..hehe

  9. Jibran gendut juga ya ... n tinggi. Dendre tinggi ya say? .. *kayaknya sih kalo diliat dari foto*. Foto2 baru mana dong say ... haha, kangen liat kelucuan Jibran .. *nagih, bo*

  10. Happy belated 9 mos, baby J! makin lucu ya! *eh Jibran lucu amat sih dgn kostum gajah! (di next posting.. hihi..)
