6 hours to go!!

October 03, 2004

It's exactly 6 hours to Indo Night..I still have to go to Kinkos, print all the backstage passes and go to office max to get the string and some other stuff...but the car is acting up..the battery went dead..of all the days..WHY TODAYY??...ergggh...!!..Dendre just left for auto zone with manda...maybe i should just get a quick nap..we got home at 2.30 in the morning and only slept for a mere hours...i think i'm getting sick...mana sekarang udah dingin lagi udaranya. .anywayy..wish us luck!!..i should be back with lots of photos from the event. Have a good weekend everybody!!

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  1. reportnya dong haaan... sukses kan acaranya? :-)fotooooo fotooooo

  2. Sori ya say, ttg smsnya...lg agak sibuk nih nyari2 tiket 'n mulai ngurusin paspornya Youssof. Dikau sendiri gmana sama acaranya? sukses? Jibran jd bintang tamu gak? hehehe. Ini Youssof lg gak mo' mkn solidnya. Well, gak mo' yg bikinan gw gtu...klo yg commercial mau. Huh, dasar yaaa...emang sgitu gak enaknya gtu, masakan gw =(. Jibran 'pa kabarnya? ngubril2 lg dunks, saaay...

  3. NINIT: Alhamdulillah niit....=))..fotonya ntar yahh..i need to catch up on my sleep..hehe..belum lagi besok ada presentation!!Anonymous: iyaahh..saya dan shinta kan memang satu hati...;) *ya nggak shin??..hihi*..RIA: Acaranya alhamdulillah..sukses doong..Jibran ikutan jaipongan...hehehe. Nggak pa pa lah youssof nggak mau makan makanan homemade..yang penting kan mau makan..daripada nggak makan sama sekali repot. Jibran baik2 aja nih..kasian dia ikut kecapean juga pergi2 melulu....nanti ya ceting2 lagi hari selasa..besok gue presentasi soalnya....ntar gue msg2 deh..=)

  4. Waaaaah... seru pasti yaaaa Indonesian Night. Foto2nya jgn lupaaaaa....

  5. good luck and have fun han!
