Finger Food
August 10, 2004Yesterday was Jibran's first time eating finger food. I gave him the Banana Puffs from Gerber and he likes it a lot. At first he made weird faces when i put them in his mouth, I guess because the texture is different with what he used to..but then he munched on it like a pro. Emang enak sih banana puff nya...gue juga ikutan ngemilin..hihi. Now he gets excited everytime he sees the jar..tangan sama kaki nya langsung gerak2 heboh. Bentuk finger food nya kecil banget sometimes he has a hard time picking the puff..and when he is able to grab's right in the middle of his palm and he tries hard to put it in his mouth tapi nggak masuk masuk..yang ada the whole fist goes into his mouth...kasiaan dehh...
3 hari belakangan ini..Jibran has been trying really hard to crawl. He puts his body in the crawling position all the time, he can stay like that for quite a while tapi belum bisa maju/mundur..cuma goyang goyangin badannya aja ke depan dan ke belakang. Beberapa kali bisa maju ke depan satu atau dua langkah..tapi trus nya langsung jatoh. Selain itu juga dia lagi seneng posisi push up..jadi tengkurep trus badannya di tahan pake tangannya sama telapak kaki nya..jadinya badannya nge-arch gitu lumayan tinggi...what a strong boy...katanya sih kalo udah ada attempt to crawl tandanya nggak bakal lama lagi buat crawling beneran...yay..this is getting exciting..
udah balik ke rumah han?
ReplyDeleteudah dwii..mari kita ceting2 lagii..=)