Yah payah nih..gue sama Jibran lagi flu..Jibran udah agak lama sih, udah seminggu lebih idungnya congested gitu tapi sama dokternya nggak boleh di kasih apa2..memang nggak parah sih, cuma kasian aja liatnya although it doesn't seem to bother him. Dan sepertinya gue ketularan dia, dari bangun tidur kemarin bersin bersin terus dan agak mampet juga idungnya...kayanya gara2 cuacanya yang nggak bener deh, weekend kemarin disini sempet dingin dan windy soalnya. Di tambah lagi beberapa hari ini gue sleep deprived, Jibrannya bangun2 terus..4 to 5 times a night to nurse.
My teeth are OK now, went to the dentist again yesterday to get the permanent filling. Mungkin harus 3 kali lagi ke dentist till the end of the year. Hmm...apalagi yah??
I'll have another date with my dentist..*sigh*..waktu hari kamis minggu lalu udah kesana and turned out i have to get a root canal for my two teeth..tadinya mau langsung di kerjain satu tapi waktunya enggak cukup..so i had to come back the next day..itu juga baru satu sih..enggak kuat deh sekaligus dua...bukannya nggak kuat sakitnya..but my jaw is so sore after keeping my mouth open for about an hour. So tomorrow it is..and probably i still have to come back next week to get the permanent filling..sekarnag masih temporary. Sbenernya abis di root canal ini, harus di crowned, soalnya kalo enggak root canalnya bakalan ancur lagi. But since we can wait until at least 1 year to get it crowned, I figure i can do it back home. Abisnya kalo disini untuk satu gigi aja $700, itu aja udah di cover 50% sama insurance. Males banget kan?..
Anyway..one of my bestfriend works at a production house in Jakarta, and they are doing a pilot project for a TV program about pregnant moms and giving birth..and she is using my pregnancy and some of Jibran's pictures for the opening pictures..hihihi...nggak pa pa sih..asal kalo sampe programnya nggak kejual, jangan foto gue aja di salahin..:D
Sebulan terakhir ini..Jibran udah ngerti kalo lagi di berdiriin trus kita bilang "Jump Jibran..JUMP."..pasti dia langsung lompat lompat sambil ketawa tawa kesenengan hehe...udah ah..mau ngajak Jibran lompat lompat lagi..."Jump Jibraan..jump like a big boy"...=))
Jibran is a strong boy....and he loves to hit and kick me. He scratches, bites, pinches and licks my arm/leg..or any body part that he can reach. He tries to rip my earring out of my ear whenever I hold him. He loves to pull my hair. He grabs my hair on both sides and yank my head towards him with his drooling mouth wide open..and slobbers, bites and sucks on my face..my oh my..good thing he is adorable..hehe...so i can't help but laughing with him after the pain goes away....
Hari ini Jibran 6 bulan...happy b'day my Chunkie Munkie!!. Sabtu kemarin Jibran ke dokter..and this time daddy finally got to come with us for the first time. Jibran got 4 shots...yang pertama dia diem aja...he was like "hmm this is a piece of cake..i can handle this"...hehe..yang kedua he cringed a little bit dan kaya mau nangis gitu..yang ketiga sama keempat baru deh teriak.....tapi itu juga cuma sebentar..he cried for less than 30 seconds. Seneng banget dia di dokternya..smiling at the nurse and the doctors..playing around with paper sheet that covers the bed..soalnya kan kertasnya berisik kalo kita bergerak..so he loved it..creeping around here and there sampe dia hampiiiiiirrr aja jatoh..man my heart skipped a beat at that time..nggak ngerti gimana kalo sampe jatoh tuh..soalnya tempat tidurnya kan tinggi..dan bawahnya ubin. Untuung aja enggak. Bayi umur segini ini lagi mulai nggak bisa diem dan biasanya jatoh pertama kali umur2 segini....gue udah bilang sama jibran..kalo mau jatoh pegangaan yaaa mbul...hehehe. Anyway, here's his measurement:
Weight: 17 Lbs 12 Oz or 8.05 Kg
Height: 27 3/4 Inches or 70.5 Cm
Overall he is doing good....the doctor can't believe how active he is and when she felt his gum she said that a tooth is about to cut through..hmm reallyyy??...padahal sih kalo gue perhatiin kayanya gum nya nggak ada yang beda deh..so we'll see. Trus katanya Jibran doesn't need a middle of the night feeding..so do not nurse him when he wakes up in the middle of the night..kecuali kalo kita tau he went to sleep with an empty tummy. Kalo pas tidur udah kenyang..just pat him, soothe him, give him his pacifier..but don't nurse him or pick him up..(JIbraaan..did you hear that???). Solid is twice a day and is okay now to give him chicken/turkey.
Trus di kasih perscription untuk rash di pipi nya Jibran..kasian udah sebulan lebih rashnya nggak ilang2. Enggak ngerti gara2 kenapa..probably from the food...soalnya kalo makan kan nggak bisa diem..so the food is all smeared on his face...jadi mungkin alergi..kata dokternya sebelum di kasih makan pipinya di olesin vaselin dulu..so the food doesn't touch the skin directly. Mudah2an cream yang baru di kasih ini manjur deh...well it better be..it costs a freaking $188...we paid $70 and the insurance takes care the rest...
Weight: 17 Lbs 12 Oz or 8.05 Kg
Height: 27 3/4 Inches or 70.5 Cm
Overall he is doing good....the doctor can't believe how active he is and when she felt his gum she said that a tooth is about to cut through..hmm reallyyy??...padahal sih kalo gue perhatiin kayanya gum nya nggak ada yang beda deh..so we'll see. Trus katanya Jibran doesn't need a middle of the night feeding..so do not nurse him when he wakes up in the middle of the night..kecuali kalo kita tau he went to sleep with an empty tummy. Kalo pas tidur udah kenyang..just pat him, soothe him, give him his pacifier..but don't nurse him or pick him up..(JIbraaan..did you hear that???). Solid is twice a day and is okay now to give him chicken/turkey.
Trus di kasih perscription untuk rash di pipi nya Jibran..kasian udah sebulan lebih rashnya nggak ilang2. Enggak ngerti gara2 kenapa..probably from the food...soalnya kalo makan kan nggak bisa diem..so the food is all smeared on his face...jadi mungkin alergi..kata dokternya sebelum di kasih makan pipinya di olesin vaselin dulu..so the food doesn't touch the skin directly. Mudah2an cream yang baru di kasih ini manjur deh...well it better be..it costs a freaking $188...we paid $70 and the insurance takes care the rest...
I have a date with my dentist at 11.15...toothache sucks!!!
...my car of 3 years, my one and only pride when i was in carbondale..my loyal companion to just about everywhere i went. It was sold to this Indonesian family who just moved here a few weeks ago. I thought I would never sell the car until I decide to go home for good..but I realized that there isn't really a need to have 2 cars right now, mine has been untouched most of the time, pretty much since I've quit my job. I really love that car...nduti bought it for me, yea it's true he never bought flowers, but he bought me a car..so i can't complain, can i?..:P
I drove it for the last time on the way to the family's house yesterday...just me and the car..like it had always been. I remember the first time I rode in that car, the first drive..the new and showroom-y smell.I've spent a lot of time with that car..the mileage has gone up to 72000 in a matter of 3 years...i remember driving around town...taking my friends to the grocery, to the mall, to get something to eat, etc..I remember speeding down the highway to st. louis on the weekend, even back and forth everyday for a few times during the Missouri Valley Tournament..just by myself, listening to the cd, thinking about anything and everything. Thank god I've never got a speeding ticket even I drove way past the speeding limit most of the time...only a whole lot of parking tickets from school..hehehe..*I think i still keep those tickets* That car had been such a good car, never had a problem..never needed any of its part fixed, just the usual oil change and stuff.I'm gonna miss it a lot, it's gonna be weird seeing the empty parking spot that I used to park the car at and not having the car's key in my key chain. Oh well..I hope they take a good care of the car, and hope their kids won't tear it apart...
What's wrong with Jibran sihh??..masa dari kemaren nangiiiss terus, maunya di gendong/di pangku, main main sendiri cuma mau sebentar aja trus biarpun di temenin juga nangis setelah beberapa menit..minta di pangku. Di tinggal ke kamar mandi bentar aja nangisnya kaya orang abis di pukulin..huhuhu..asli kemaren yang nggak bisa ngapa ngapain seharin!!!..Hari ini juga gitu, walopun agak mendingan soalnya tadi tidur siangnya lama sekitar 2 jam lebih..baru bangun satu jam sekarang malah udah tidur lagi. Jibran jibran..kamu kenapa sihhh?..takutnya ada yang di rasain sakit sama dia..tapi apa yahhh...
We went to the Arch in downtown around 4 PM to see the annual Independence day celebration...rame juga sih, everybody was there. Acaranya juga banyak, ada airshow..i personally enjoy all of the military aircrafts performance (The harrier, the Globemaster, Stratotanker, etc). Concerts (Saliva and Wallflower). Lots of food stalls..Turkey Leg, Funnel Cake, Lemonade, Roasted corn..etc2. Ada yang jual sunglasses juga yang ternyata orang Indonesia..khusus buat Indonesian di kasih discount...$10 for 3..hihi. Kita disana sampe jam 10 malem, soalnya nunggu fireworks nya dulu. Jibran was so impressed with the Fireworks..lucu deh ngeliat ekpresi nya dia pas nonton fireworks..between scared and amazed..hehehe. Pas siang2 Jibrannya agak rewel..abisnya panas banget sih, lengket..trus tidurnya juga nggak enak, cuma sebentar..kasian deh..tapi lama2 seneng juga akhirnya. We got home around 12 O'clock..macet banget jalanan, apalagi waktu keluar dari garage parkingnya. But we all had fun, too bad my camera's battery went dead after a few snaps. Shoot!!
Asiik..this weekend is a long weekend, soalnya kan pas 4th of july. Ternyata di jakarta long weekend juga yah...PEMILU boww. Speaking of pemilu, kemaren pas nyokap telfon..katanya baru dateng ber dus dus kaos dengan gambar salah seorang kandidat untuk di bagi bagiin..hihi..iseng banget deh bokap gue.
Anywayy, Jibran was being such an eaassyyy baby yesterday, emang dia juga nggak fussy sih biasanya, tapi tadi dia main2 sendiri di exercausernya lama banget. I put the exercauser in the bathroom, and then i took a shower, biasanya baru 5 menit aja dia udah bosen main sendiri, tapi tadi enggak and i even took a longer shower than usual....shampooing my hair and all that. Trus abis pake baju dia masih asik aja main, so I blow dry my hair dan dia cuma ngeliatin bingung dengerin suara hair dryer nya..sambil terus main main. Setelah rambut gue kering..ternyata dia belum bosen mainnya..so i plugged in the flat iron and begin straightening my hair..sampe udah selesai dia juga masih asik main2..=))..pinternya anakku
Sekarang Jibran udah bisa tengkurep sendiri...I thought he's just gonna skip that stage, tapi hari kamis kemarin ternyata dia ngebalik sendiri dan terus2an aja guling2an, kalo di taro di karpet ngegelindingnya juga udah lumayan jauh. Kalo tengkurep juga bisa mundur2, bukan crawling sih..tapi kaya nge gelesot gitu..kaya tiarap trus mundur2..lucu deh kalo mau mundur pantatnya di nunggingin trus di dorong ke belakang..hehehehe. Sekarang Jibran udah agak susah di tinggal sendirian, biasanya kan dia main sendiri di depan tivi, guenya di dapur trus dia yah biasa aja. Kalo sekarang kadang2 ngeliat gue walk away from his side langsung teriak gitu. Soalnya kemaren ini kan sebulan ada yangti nya, so he's never alone even for one minute..kecuali kalo lagi tidur. Kalo sekarang kan cuma gue sendiri aja di rumah sendirian. Lagian ternyata umur segini ini cara berpikirnya lagi.."out of sight, out of mind"...jadi menurut dia kalo kita nggak keliatan, berarti kita nggak ada, walaupun ternyata cuma di ruang sebelah. Sekarang juga emotional feelingnya udah mulai terbentuk. Kalo dia lagi asik mainin mainannya trus tau2 di ambil..pasti langsung nangis, kalo dulu kan di ambil diem aja. Kalo ke supermarket, dia suka mainin barang belanjaannya..trus kalo pas di kasir kan harus di scan..nah pas di ambil tuh langsung ngamuk. Apa yang lagi gue pegang pasti di ambil, waktu itu gue lagi minum bubble tea trus di minta..ya udah gue kasih dia pegang...tapi abis itu nggak boleh gue ambil lagi..huhu. Trus juga I think he knows his name, kalo denger namanya di sebut suka nengok trus senyum2. Kalo nangis kadang suka bersuara.."Muh..Muh.."...it sounds like Mama..or is it Mamam??..lucu banget deh.
Anyway..have a nice long weekend everybody..=))