I'm just starting a photoblog HERE..hopefully i'll have at least one picture a day..doesn't have to be new picture though..just any pictures i feel like posting....:p..Oh and there are new pictures in the yahoo gallery, a few were taken in chicago when we went there the other day. enjoy!!...
Yesterday was father's day..and Jibran said..
"Daddy, I was going to get something for the Boss of the family...but then I remember something.....
Hehehehe...I got that from one of the cards they have at Wallgreens..had fun browsing thru the card's section, glancing from one card to another...they are all cute!! So anyway..Happy Father's day to dendre and to my dad, the men who have everything...and share it with me..=))
She is my celebrity gossiping partner, she follows newlywed religiously and knows about Paris Hilton more than I do and she can name you a song from 50 cent. She watches the NBA Final with us and her heart skips a beat whenever the Lakers are down a few points a few minutes before the buzzer..and oh..she also knows who LeBron James is. And most importantly...she is always on my side whenever dendre and i have some sort of disagreement, like when dendre doesn't understand why I need another bag and couldn't see the difference between the particular bag that i wanted to the ones they have at walmart..hehe..so she schools him on that and even buys a pair of sandal from the same brand for herself to support me..YAY.See..She Rocks!!..Too bad she already left this morning. Oh well...
*picture taken at Downtown Chicago
Wiiihh..udah lama juga ya nggak nge-blog...bales komen2 aja belum sempet. Kemaren ini kita jalan2 ke chicago dan nginep 3 malem...dendre's mom is still here so i've been taking her here and there..i also have been busy with my ebay store..taking pictures of the items, listing them all(it takes quite a lot of time), replying emails, wrapping the items and shipping them, etc. Lumayan.. 2 brand new seven jeans udah ke jual, 2 of my maternity pants and lots of Jibran's items yang masih baru baru dan nggak sempet dipake. Still have a lot to sell......harus cepet2 nge listing lagi. So talk to you later...
Aduuh kok sekarang sekarang ini lagi muaaalesss banget ya nulis nulis di blog? Sebenernya nulis sih sering..tapi nggak pernah selesai..akhirnya cuma i save as draft aja..trus besokannya udah males nerusin lagii...*sigh*...