The new blogger

May 10, 2004

ternyata blogger udah canggih juga yaa sekarang..udah lama nggak nengok2 kesini....ternyata interface nya baru dan feature2 nya lebih canggih, ada comment systemnya sendiri...template2 gratisannya pun lucu lucu..and the one i'm using is one of them. Maybe i should just stick to blogger for a while, sebel deh..i want a permanent place sebenernya..nggak mau pindah sana pindah sini..i had my for quite a while...more than 2 years i think...but its expiration date was a few days after i gave birth..bisa sih langsung di renew but i wanted to move to a different hosting service to get my money worth but i didn't have the time to manage all the files, so i just let it go and use instead...but whaddaya know..the domain was expired not long after that...jadi 2/3 minggu yang lalu itu domainnya expired tanpa sepengetahuan gue..abisnya i didn't get the notice..ternyata mereka kirim ke alamat email yang dah nggak pernah di buka..ya udah akhirnya di renew domainnya..dan resenya tuh lebih mahal reactivation fee nya than just the usual renewal..tapi ya udah nggak pa pa lah. Trus selain domainnya, hostingnya juga hampir expired..but i got that under control. Tapi nggak tau kenapa setelah 2 2 nya beres..skarang malah ada masalah sama hostingnya..kalo upload file di ftp, the files got uploaded successfully tapi tetep aja nggak keluar..ngebingungin deh.

Anyway, the new version of blogger suits me fine..for now..;)

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