Back to work

March 05, 2004

wahh belom apa2 kerjaannya udah banyak bener..organizing this banquet with the governor for next week...ngebahas issues confronting muslims of missouri and the possible solutions. Anyway..tadi pagi pagi i put Jibran at Tante Anne' house..enggak di day care sini soalnya day care sini jam 12 udah bubar cause school is done before the friday i have to take him here in the office after that..ribet kan..padahal itu saat sibuk sibuknya. So today is the first day of work..kasian deh tadi gue sedih gitu ninggalin Jibran, biasanya pagi pagi main2 sama jibran..tadi nggak sempet karena udah sibuk siap siap, nyiapin ini itu....trus tadi pas mo berangkat dari tante anne jibrannya mukanya yang kaya mo nangis gitu..mungkin berasa kali yaahh..i hope he knows how much i love him. Waktu masih ada nyokap..gue ninggalin jibran paling sejam dua jam gitu kalo ke supermarket...tapi sekarang bakalan seharian..wahhh..sediihh...tadi aja hampir mo nangis kalo aja nggak tengsin sama si tante..hehe..i also feel so uncomfortable right now..i usually nurse him every 2 hours..wahh dah mo meledak niih rasanya..huhu.

Tadi di jalan..on the way here..i had a lot of thought in my mind..trying to justify what i'm doing..wahh ribet deh. Tapi gue kerjanya cuma part time more than 20 hours a week..baru ngatur jadwal baru..jadi kerjanya cuma rabu, jum'at sama minggu..jibran will be at the day care here on wednesday, at tante anne's house on friday...and at home with dendre on sunday..jadi biar bisa bonding anak sama bapak..hehe. Actually it's good to have my time alone out of home to keep my sanity alive so i can interact with other people (not just doing babytalk all day long..hehe)..kalo kerja juga jadi bisa get some money (wish i was made of $$$), a good way to build my resume and experience...and i can actually have intellectually stimulating activities. Abisan yah waktu baru ngelahirin itu gue kan hampir 2 minggu di rumah aja..trus pas keluar jadi kaya bolot gitu..kalo di tanya orang responnya lama..trus kayanya pikirannya blank aja dan jadi nggak PD..i felt like i was from another planet or something. manager is upstairs right now..lagi tidur tiduran diw oman's lounge..perutnya keram gitu katanya..wah emang sakit sakitan mlulu tu orang..biarin deh jaidnya gue bisa browsing2 kan..hihi.

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