..he woke up every hour last night...baruu aja kemaren di tulis disini kalo i have no problem getting him to sleep a few hours at a stretch during the night..ehh langsung berubah gitu patternya..emang nggak boleh bragging kali yah..hihi...yah begitulah yang namanya live with a newborn, there's nothing permanent..and we have to expect the unexpected. But the good news for this afternoon is..he sleeps on his own..YAYY....ini barusan gue taro aja di tempat tidur dan gue ikutan tiduran..i put him on his tummy though..he sleeps better like that..but i swear i check every few seconds..tapi dia dah bisa sih mindahin kepala nya..nengok ke kanan dan ke kiri kalo di tengkurepin, kadang stuck juga di tengah gitu..biasanya dia usaha lagi sendiri kalo nggak bisa trus nangis deh, hehe..but you know what, it's actually a good thing when babies cry when they are unable to do something, it shows that they have a strong desire to do what they wanna do. Anyway, so he's sleeping right now..i'm gonna wait for a few more minutes until he is in a deep sleep..then i'm gonna leave him alone...i have some serious ironing to do!!
I let him cry for 10 minutes this afternoon..huhu, this was the first time i let him cry..kasian deh nangisnya sampe keluar air mata banyak. I actually don't believe in the crying it out method..especially if it's practiced on a 5 weeks old baby....but i was just curious on how it's going to turn out....he fell asleep when i fed him..so i put him on the couch and then he started screaming, i usually picked him up right away but i waited for a few minutes this time..to see if he would go back to sleep on his own..he stopped crying after five minutes but then he cried again until i finally picked him up 5 minutes afterwards...and no i didn't leave him crying by himself, i sat there beside him, trying to console him by patting and caressing him etc...-and i cried too by the way-...and then i realized that this is not going to work so i picked him up and he stopped crying
You see, I've never had a hard time putting him to sleep on his own before..pokonya kalo dia ketiduran pas lagi minum susu trus di taro di cribnya ato di tempat tidur or on the couch...dia bakalan tidur aja terus. It's all started since last week..pas nyokap gue mau balik somehow jibran maunya di peluk nyokap gue terus..mungkin berasa kali ya kalo mau di tinggal, tidur juga maunya di temenin...tambahan nenek gue juga disini ..yah namanya juga nenek2..apalagi ini buyut satu satunya dan dia cuma seminggu aja ketemunya...of course lah dia sibuk gendong2..dan mungkin sekarang jibrannya is so used to it..keenakan di peluk2 terus...iya emang enak sih kan di pangku..it's warm and i'm sure he feels more comfortable and secure, apalagi ada sepupu gue yang masih 3 taun umurnya seminggu kemaren ini..namanya anak kecil kan..kalo ngomong suka teriak2..jadi jibran kalo lagi tidur suka kaget..tapi kalo sambil di pangku gitu tidurnya lama. Anyway..makanya nih semenjak nyokap dan nenek gue balik...jibran jadi susah banget untuk tidur sendiri during the day, always wanted to be held..you can see that by reading my previous post..tapi kemaren udah mendingan, dia tidur sendirian for like 3 hours. Nah hari ini i was just trying to see if he could go back to sleep on his own..soalnya kan hari senen gue dah balik kerja dan dia bakalan di taro di day care kantor, susah kan kalo dia nggak mau tidur sendirian siang2..takut babysitternya jadi nggak sabar sama dia..huhu. I hope this is just a phase though...! Kalo malem sih dia cuma bangun 2 or 3 times and go right back to sleep after i fed him -which takes about 15 minutes- i don't need to rock him or anything to put him back to sleep.
Skarang setelah gue diemin nangis for 10 minutes..dia yang jadi sedih gitu...skarang kan tidurnya sambil di pangku tapi tiap beberapa menit kaya sobbing gitu sebentar..mungkin keinget yang tadi kali yah....kasian deh..i won't let him cry ever again now...jadinya mikir yang jelek jelek..takut kalo dia kenapa kenapa..takut kalo nanti something bad happen to him. i know i won't forgive myself for every minutes that i let him cry.
Banyak orang yang trying to establish a schedule for their kids by letting the kids cry..some people do it as early as two months..a lot start it by 6 months..and some wait a little longer until the kids reach one year old. I think it's OK to let them cry it out once a while if the situation forces us to do..-i.e the kid doesn't want to sit on the car seat- and if nothing else works...but i don't know if it's a good idea to do it deliberately out of our selfishness to establish a routine, to make our days easier. Emang sih, most babies will fall asleep after hours of crying..but do you think they sleep because they have finally realized that they have to sleep?..i don't think so..most likely they fall asleep out of exhaustion..and babies have feelings too...sama aja kaya kita kalo lagi sedih dan lagi pingin di perhatiin by a certain someone tapi ternyata itu orang cuek aja sama perasaan kita..pasti nya kan kita sakit hati dong?. same thing with babies too, they would feel neglected and abandoned..and feel that they are not worth being responded to. Babies cry for a reason, they try to communicate to us and tell us that they need something, even if it's just needing to be held..and i don't think that trying to meet their needs could spoil him. Anyway, jadi penasaran mau browsing2 tentang this crying it out thing..pingin tau aja opini2 para2 expert dan hasil2 research yang ada. So far..i have the following:
7:00 It's time to wake up, sebenernya masiy ngantuk siyy, tapi dendre mau berangkat kerja so i had to wake up to lock the door, etc..biasanya langsung bangun gitu, but this time i went back to sleep..Jibran juga dah bangun, tapi ikutan tidur lagi.
8:05 - 8:30 Bangun, jibrannya juga bangun..changed his diaper..beresin tempat tidur, buka buka jendela and all those stuff.
8:30 - 8 :45 Jibran is sitting on his bouncer, I turned on the TV..he is watching MR. WIGGLE...I made breakfast, bikin roti + Kopi (Kopi ginseng, my newly found addiction), eat breakfast and check my email in front of the TV.
8:45 -9:05 Browsing the net while Nursing, i actually got to get online a lot, soalnya kalo sambil nursing ato mangku dia ya sambil ngapain lagi kalo enggak ngonline...tapi karena sambil mangku..online nya cuma satu tangan deh, jadi kalo cuma nge click nge click aja sih bisa..tapi buat nulis email, chatting, nge blog ato ninggalin komen sih agak susahh..makanya maap yaahh kalo gue jadi sering nggak ninggalin komen..tapi tetep baca kok..;)
9:05 - 9:45 Jibran is playing with himself on the couch, I switch the channel to MTV, get online..pay my bills, etc.
9:45 - 10:15 Yahh Jibrannya nangis, bosen kayanya dia main sendirian..ya udah akhirnya mandiin dia aja.
10:15 - 10:20 Minum obat..yes it takes 5 minutes..there are just too many medicines/jamu that i have to take, and i'm not good in taking medicines..
10:20 - 11:05 Nursing
11:05 - 11:15 Ayun2 jibran and then put him on the couch
11:15 Waa jibrannya poop
11:15 - 11:25 Change his diaper..Tiduran sama Jibran di couch
11:45 He finally fell asleep
12.00 waa jibrannya nangis...tried to calm him down
12:35 Asiik dia dah bobo lagi..langsung buru2 sikat gigi..eh yahhh kok nangis lagii??..*langsung buru2 lari ke living room*...oohh....ternyata binkie nya copot..ya udah gue masukin lagi ke mulutnya...*balik lagi ke kamar mandi*...cuci muka dan langsung mandi
12:45 Pas udah mo selesai mandi kok denger sayup2 suara nangis..wahh anakku nangis...*langsung buru2 lari*..kasiaann..nangisnya ada air mata nya gitu..*langsung gendong jibran*..huhu..maaf yah sayang...kasian yah kalo di pikir dia nangis selama gue mandi, but i was in the shower for a mere 5 minutes ..jadi kalo pun dia nangis ya cuma 5 menit aja sebenernya..but that's a pretty long time juga kan?..wahh abis gimana dong kalo nggak gitu gue nggak mandi...lagian nangis agak lama sekali sekali nggak pa pa kali yah...kata dokter, nangis itu olahraganya bayi. Hmm..tetep aja gue ngerasa kasian banget...=(
12:50 - 1:15 Nursing
1:15 - 1:35 Makan dan sibuk nelfon ngurusin domain
1: 35 Eh Jibrannya dah banguuun
1:35 - 2:00 I put him in his bouncer dan dia bengong aja ngeliatin ikan2 boongan di bouncernya..
2:00 Nangis..minta di gendong..ya udahh...
2:20 I put him on the couch, eh trusnya ketiduran..
2:40 My little prince is still sleeping, i sit with him on the couch sambil ngonlinee..
2:50 Ehh dia bangun, i changed his diaper...
2:55 Nursing
3.00 Finished Nursing...waduuh ini Jibrannya nya ngepoop?atas di isi bawah keluar gini...
3:05 - 3:25 hey he just smiled at me..a wiiideee one?lucu banget deh...trus dia tidur tidur aja di pangkuan, i waited a few minutes before changing his diaper..kali aja dia nge poop nya belom selesai..eh tapi dia malah ketiduran lagi
3.25 - 3:45 Cuma 20 menit tidurnya..tapi pas bangun kok he seemed to want to nurse again..laper kali yahh makanannya abis di keluarin...eh trus kok bobo lagi sihh??
3:50 Hey he just smiled again...in his sleep...he must be dreaming something nice
4:00 wahh kok masih bobo yah..padahal kan harus di ganti tuuh diapernya..
5:15..My baby is still sleeping..dia kalo tidurnya di pangku emang lama..anget kali yah di peluk, tapi gue jadi nggak bisa ngapa ngapain gini..paling sambil online aja. Mau di taro di tempat tidur tapi kasian abis tidurnya lagi enaak banget...
5:20 - 5:35 Hehe..bangun juga you stinky poo...ya udah langsung cuci2, di siram air dari pinggang ke bawah, di sabunin...diapernya di ganti, bajunya di ganti, kasih minyak telon, bedak..dah nggak stinky poo lagi deh...
5:35 - 6:05 Nursing, Dendre got home..
6:05 - 6:30 Main main aja sama Jibran and Dendre....
6:30 - 6:40 ..Iihh dia poop lagiii....changed his diaper..
7:10 - 7:25 Mangku jibran sambil nonton basket SIU VS Creighton di komputer..C'mon..bring on those dirty birds..Dendre bikin sambel tempe sambil bolak balik nonton basket juga..
7:25 - 7:40 Jibrannya bobo..langsung buru2 makan
7:40 - 8:00 Nursing again
8:45 - 9:20..put jibran on the futon, nyuci piring, sikat gigi and then changed his diaper
9:20 - 10:00 Nursing -i think it's the last feeding of the day-sambil chatting with my cousin..
10:00 - 11:10 Jibran dah bobo dan guenya dah mo bobo..dendre got a call from his sister..trus abis itu kita ngobrol2 dulu..abisnya ada gosip seru sih..hihi...
11:10 put jibran in his crib, dari tadi dia masih tidur on my bed..and then i went ZzzZzzz
12:00 Yahhh...kok jibrannya bangun..belom juga sejam tidurnya...i just picked him up and put him on the bed with us trus tidur lagi, dia lebih lama tidurnya kalo di tempat tidur bareng..nyempil di tengah tengah..mungkin lebih ngerasa nyaman kali yah..sebenernya sih gue nggak mau tidur rame2 setempat tidur gitu..tapi mo gimana lagi..daripada dianya nggak bisa tidur dan gue nya juga nggak bisa tidur...susah deh kalo ngurusin bayi gitu, kita nggak bisa kaku maunya gimana, you just have to be open to whatever works..as long as it makes everybody happy why not kan?
1:57 - 2:15 Nursing...
4:05 Jibrannya nangis..I nursed him again..this time i don't know how long it lasted...soalnya guenya yg langsung ketiduran lagi..hehe...
6:30 - 6:50 Bangun, Jibrannya nangis...Nursing lagi deh..it's been more than 2 hours sih yah..trus dianya tidur lagi abis itu
7:00 Bikin kopi, bantuin dendre siap2 kerja...trus Jibrannya bangun GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE..he always wakes up around 7 o'clock when it's time for his dad to leave, i guess he wants to say bye bye..and then I changed his diaper yang udah berat gitu...
..and the day continues.........so far today is a lot better than yesterday..he is easier to handle today and seems happier too...I love you my stinky poo
So how was YOUR day??
we just won yet another conference game tonight..and that was VS our big enemy Creighton..it feels goood to beat them twice this season, the last game was in omaha and this time is in SIU arena before the sellout crowds..yay.....my dawgs rawks!!..2 more game..and let see if we really are unbeatable..it would be awesome to win the last 2 games..but even if we're not, we're still the champion of the missouri valley conference because we're up to 4 or 5 games from creighton who is in second place.
For a chance to be with you, I'd gladly risk it all
Through the fire, through whatever come what may
For a chance at loving you, I'd take it all away
Right down through the wire, even through the fire
Jibran just got his social security card in the mail yesterday..time for him to get a job??..hehe..
Ok i now decided to just use this domain for my blogging purpose..abis untuk apa juga ada 2 domain kan..i actually have registered my domain a couple of days ago, tapi ternyata gue salah nulis nomer telfon, the last numbernya tuh somehow gue salah ketik..jadi waktu hostingannya nelfon to verify..ya nggak ada lah nomernya..so they voided the application..and when i found out about it mereka nyuruh gue register lagi..tapi dah males jadinya..especially when i saw how much they charged me.. $220 in total for one whole year...widiihhh kapan2 aja kaliiii??.. Jadi azalia.org tinggal history...nggak pa pa lah, nggak penting juga!
Skarang biarin aja deh template nya kaya gini dulu..kalo nungguin mo bikin layout dulu sih nggak ngeblog ngeblog dong yang ada, bisa sih pake layout yang lama..i just have to upload all the files, itu dia..with my limited online time..kayanya nggak sempet deh. Tag board or komenbox juga nggak ada...abisnya gimana yahh..as much as i love having lots of people dropping a line or two..it does take time to answer all of those...Oh well.....
My mom and my grandma left last weekend, we all went to chicago to take them to the airport..sebenernya tadinya mereka mo berangkat dari st. louis aja tapi ada kejadian yang panjang bener kalo di ceritain disini..jadinya berangkat dari chicago. So it was jibran's first out of town trip...belom juga 40 hari..udah asik jalan2 aja. Mungkin weekend ini juga mo ke carbondale..to watch the last home game of the season..btw can't you believe that the salukis is now ranked 16 in the country?!?!..woohoo..*bows down* I'm so proud of my dawgs..Before the season started..we were ranked 5th in our conference..since our 2 best players are gone and change of coach...now we're number 1 and has been undefeated all season long in our conference and number 16 in the country!!!..see..it's good to be underrated, it makes you hungry and motivate you to prove them wrong...!
1. Stanford (64)
2. St. Joseph's (8)
3. Pittsburgh
4. Gonzaga
5. Duke
6. Oklahoma St.
7. Mississippi St.
8. Connecticut
9. Kentucky
10. Texas
11. Wake Forest
12. North Carolina
13. Providence
14. N.C. St.
15. Cincinnati
16. Southern Illinois.
17. Arizona
18. Georgia Tech
19. Memphis
20. Kansas
21. Louisville
22. Wisconsin
23. Illinois
24. Utah St.
25. Texas Tech
No Weber, No Williams, No Dearman..NO PROBLEM!!!!...
- my domain is expiring tomorrow..and i'm now shopping for a new hosting..my current hosting is actually pretty reliable..but they don't have that much features compare to other hosting with the same price. So this site won't be accessible after tomorrow until i have transferred all the files to the new hosting..and i don't know when i'll be able to get it done...ah time..you precious thing..i need more of you!!
-my mom has been trying to persuade me to let her bring Jibran home with her ..hehe..try harder mom...:P
-the local grocery store here, the one that i go a few times a week, just placed a new parking spot right in front of the entrance..and it's for expectant moms....perfect timing huh...just when i'm done being pregnant....
-my mom is going home this weekend..what am i gotta do?..i haven't even tried giving jibran a bath..
-I am supposedly going back to work last monday...but i don't think i'm ready..both physically and mentally..the thought of leaving him at the day care just make me feel like a horrible mom..
The salukis men basketball team cracked the top 25 rankin in the nation..wohoo...so proud to be the salukis..we have flawless record for the conference game..12-0..six more games to go until the Missouri Valley Conference Tournament..can't wait can't wait..!!
Jibran lagi sakit dari kemaren..=(, pilek..batuk dan bersin2...kasian deh....rasanya pingin banget transfer sakitnya ke gue..kalo aja bisa ya. Dan yang bikin sedihnya lagi..sakit nggak bikin dia jadi a fussy baby..cuma jadi diem aja dan lemes gitu. It breaks my heart to hear his helpless cough..sedih banget deh liatnya...but i think he's getting better this morning..i hope he is..belum di bawa ke dokter sih..kemaren dah telfon dokternya katanya suruh kasih oceans spray aja..and use the bulb suction for his stuffy nose and don't let him lie flat..i could put him in his car seat last night..tapi kasian..so i just held him almost all night long and breath in his baby smell..i did put him on his crib and placed 2 pillows under his head for a while..tapi yang ada malah khawatir gitu..abis dia suka nyungsep sih kepalanya..hehe. He also passed a lot of poopies..kata nyokap sih biasa anak kecil sakit gitu..dan biasanya kalo mau bisa apaa gitu pasti sakit dulu, misalnya mo bisa jalan or mo tumbuh gigi..mo bisa ngomong, etc...wah tapi ini jibran mo bisa apa yahh..kan baru 3 minggu..mo bisa lari jangan2..hihihi. So far sih dia dah bisa ngangkat2 kepala nya kalo di tengkurepin..he can make a cooing sound sometimes, dah bisa senyum dan ketawa...ngegemesin banget. Cepet sembuh ya Jibran sayaang...
I come to you as a small, immature being with my own style and personality. I am yours for only a short time, enjoy me.
1. Please take time to find out who I am, how I differ from you and how much I can bring to you.
2. Please feed me when I am hungry. I never knew hunger when I was inside you and clocks and time mean little to me.
3. Please hold, cuddle, kiss, touch, stroke and sing to me. I was always held closely inside of you and was never alone before.
4. Please don’t be disappointed when I am not the perfect baby that you expected, nor disappointed with yourselves that you are not the perfect parents.
5. Please try not to expect too much from me as your newborn baby, or too much from yourselves as parents. Give us both six weeks as a birthday present – six weeks for me to grow, develop, mature and become more stable and predictable, and six weeks for you to rest and relax and allow your body to get back to normal.
6. Please forgive me if I cry a lot. Bear with me and in a short time, as I mature I will spend less and less time crying – and more time socializing.
7. Please watch me carefully and I can tell you those things which soothe, console and please me. I am not a tyrant who was sent to make your life miserable, but the only way I can tell you that I am not happy is with my crying.
8. Please remember that I am resilient and can withstand the many natural mistakes you will make with me. As long as you make them with love, you cannot ruin me.
9. Please take care of yourself and eat a balanced diet, rest and exercise so that when we are together, you have the health and strength to take care of me.
10. Please take care of your relationship with each other, for what good is family bonding if there is not a family to bond?
Although I may have turned your life upside down, please realize that things will be back to normal before long.
Thank you,
Your Loving Child
Jibran had his first doctor's appointment this afternoon..di imunisasi Hepatitis B..wah nggak tega deh liat di suntik gitu pahanya..but my little guy is a warrior..he only cried for less than a minute..=))..he is measuring 8 pounds 1 oz now..that's almost one full pound since his birth...and he has also grown one inch taller...emang makannya gembul banget siyy..can't wait to introduce solid food to him, i'm sure it'll be fun.