Born: Monday, January 19 2004 @ 8:18 PM *It was Martin Luther King Day*
Weight: 7 Lbs 3 Oz
Length: 19.5 Inches
APGAR Score at 1 minute = 9, at 5 minutes = 9 again.
ada lagi beberapa fotonya di sini....
Jibran means Reward/Gift..*anugerah*, Aimar di ambil dari Ammar yang artinya Abadi..dan Razza itu = Rizky *first name nya dendre* + Azalia..=)) .
I had a long 18 hours of labor, and 2.5 hours of pushing that i thought i would end up with an emergency c-section. But thank God he finally appeared with a help of vacuum Extraction.... I guess he was kinda mad with the being born business..screaming as he entered the world..hehe. He was so alert and his eyes were wide open, staring around and gazing at everyone in the room.
So far, i would say the hardest part is the postpartum time, all the while i thought once the baby is born you can just dress him in a cute outfit and take him around the mall with his new stroller and all...boy was i wrong?..gimana mo ke mall, jalan aja masih tertatih tatih, i couldn't even move my body without having a cringe on my face...i was so sore and tired. It's frustrating when you don't have control over your own body.
Having a newborn is a challenge..we're still figuring things out, learning new stuff everyday *Daddy is still learning how to change diaper..hehe* ..we're trying to get a system down. I'm so thankful that my mom is here..don't know what i'd do without her.
Anyway...thanks to everyone who has posted notes, sent congratulatory e-mails, thoughtful gifts and visited us both at the hospital and home. I promise to respond to all the emails and send thank you notes soon..=)