Happy Idul Fitri

November 24, 2003

..lebaran sebentaaar lagiii *nyanyi lagu bimbo*..hihi..enak banget sih yang pada mudik untuk berlebaran sama keluarga nya...gue nggak pernah tuuh ngalamin gimana hebohnya bermudik ria itu..maklum lah nggak punya kampung sih...*betawi asli niihh*...jadi lebaran ya di jakarta jakarta aja...dan yang paling enak kalo lagi lebaran itu..jakarta sepiiii..jalanan lancar selancar lancarnya.pokonya tenang banget deh. Anyway buat yang mudik...hati hati di jalan yaahh..dan buat semuanya Happy Idul Fitri..mohon maaf lahir dan batin..=)

The people here believed that last friday night was THE night, the night of power..the night of honour and dignity. The Masjid opened all night long ..it was soo crowded..good thing we were all prepared for that..udah sewa valet service segala, hire some cops..and we even rented a shuttle to transport people from the park to the Masjid because a lot of people parked their cars in the park across the street since we wouldn't have enough space at our own parking lot. and we had a fundraising dinner before the taraweh, the committee was expecting to raise about $30000 that night...and guess what..they raised about half a million..wayyy beyond their wildest dreams....hats off to them....

I didn't do anything special this weekend..just sitting around being lazy at home. Finished off The Red Diary by Moammar Emka and pleasee...do yourself a favor and use that Rp25000 for something useful rather than buying this nggak penting book. Beneran deh bukunya nggak penting banget. Gue bacanya juga kebanyakan di skip soalnya banyak banget puisi puisi nggak jelas dan percakapan2 sms yang begitu begitu aja. Pokonya nggak jelas deh..nggak ada naik turunnya *aduh mo ngomong apa sih han??*..pokonya baca buku itu datar aja nggak membikin kita carried away with the story gitu. But i still managed to finish the book though..cause that's me..somehow i was taught since I was a kid to finish everything that i've started *berani memulai berani mengakhiri..lhoo apa sih kok jadi dangdut gini*...jadi kalo ngerjain apa2 ya harus di selesain..jangan setengah setengah. I also finished off Akar by Dewi Lestari over the weekend, in one go...I like her first book better than this one..i'm not saying this one is bad...bagus siih..tapi kurang bisa relate aja sama tokoh nya si Bodhi itu...dan juga agak2 nggak ngerti dengan hubungan spesial yang dia punya dengan Kell (or is it kerl?) sesama backpacker yang ketemu di Thailand. Trus gaya cerita nya si Dee di buku ini enggak menggunakan tanda petik (") untuk menandakan suatu percakapan..jadinya sempet bingung juga pertama nya.

Now i'm reading Biru by Fira Basuki..i have a feeling i'm gonna like it..i always like her book..simply because the storyline always about everyday life dengan karakter yang banyak di temukan di sekitar kita..so it's easier for me to visualize it...bahasa yang di pake juga bahasa sehari hari yang nggak jelimet. So i guess i'm off to read her book now......later!

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