NBA is on
October 30, 2003 Hmm apa yah? Kayanya gara2 puasa kok jadi maleess banget nge blog?..padahal sih puasa juga enggak..hihi..hey i did try to fast on the first day, but finally gave up around noon when i started to get dizzy and felt like i had no energy left..I haven't had a chance to try again after that..i'd probably fast during the weekend when i could just stay at home and sit around, lagian sekarang2 ini i don't feel like in my healthiest..soalnya cuacanya lagi nggak jelas..kadang dingin banget, trus tau tau panas lagi..dan anginnya kenceng banget..bikin sakit deh, apalagi kalo pake heater somehow it makes my throat feels yucky...gotta get a humidifier nih, trus matanya juga rasanya nggak enak...kaya pegel2 gitu, idungnya juga agak2 mampet gini..huhu..i just popped a vitamin c..hopefully will get better tomorrow, kalo enggak wahh nggak enak banget..we're going to chicago for the weekend..surely don't want to have a bad trip up north.
Kalo lagi kerja, biarpun nggak puasa juga rasanya tetep aja kaya puasa...well what do you office is located inside a mosque where everybody fasts..jadi nggak bisa makan seenaknya, minum aja susah..harus celingak celinguk dulu to make sure nggak ada yang liat. Jadi sebelom berangkat harus makan dulu sekenyang kenyangnya....abisnya males kalo keluar lagi buat makan.
Anyway...the NBA season has started..and i'm now back on my comfy couch watching ESPN, and this is actually the only time where i could sit for hours in front of my television. I'm not a big TV person, it's on only for the sake of company..paling nge check news aja atau kalo ada acara2 bagus di discovery channel or something. i've never watch the TV shows like Buffy the vampire, Smallville, Dawson Creek, The Bachelor, Will & Grace, Survivor...etc..I sometimes watch Friends and Sex and the city, but not religiously..and that's about it. Makanya kalo udah basketball season seneng banget...akhirnya TV gue kepake juga, hehe. Selain nggak begitu sering nonton TV..i'm also behind when it comes to movie...seneng sih seneng nonton film..tapi sewa dvd aja nonton di rumah, i don't remember when was the last time i went to the now you know you ask the wrong person if you ask me who won the oscar last year..hihi..but i could tell you this year NBA draft list..or who made it to final four last season..:P. Oh well...I guess that's why i've never drools on any male will never hear me talking about how hot brad pitt is or how sexy colin farrell is, i can guarantee you that..heehee *with an expection for JERRY YAN tapi yaaa*....:D. I know i'm weird like that sometimes...! Udah ah..enough babbling, LeBron James is on TV..buhbyee...