Life is good once again
October 16, 2003
Yuhuu…life is good once again, senangnya jadi bisa online2 lagi, bisa blogging dan blog hopping lagi..bisa upload foto2 lagii…dan lain sebagainyah…! Asli deh 2 minggu terakhir ini full of activities banget, thank god my classes are over, next week is a new term and I’m only taking one class, I’m taking it easy this time..daripada ngambil banyak banyak akhirnya kerepotan sendiri. Skarang tinggal dulu hasilnya niihh..and I’m crossing my finger here…
I’m not worry about my telecommunication foundation & management class, I think the A is in my hand..*amin amin amiiinn*..tapi kalo yang business law ini yang agak agak nggak jelas, well first of all I don’t like the class, it is interesting sometimes reading those cases but still I don’t see the point of taking that class..*it’s a core curriculum that’s why I have to take it*, when you’re taking a master’s degree, you just wanna go straight to the point and learn and deal with stuff that are related to your major, it does give you a little benefit to have knowledge on the business law areas though but I don’t think it’s necessary, I just don’t see me dealing with those kinds of stuff in the work environment. Kalo soal ethic2 an sih kayanya if you have a good common sense then you won’t have any problem. Gurunya pikir gue peduli kali Robinson Patman Act isinya tentang apa….. Jadi ya gitu lah, I didn’t take this class seriously at the beginning, but I did put a lot of effort when it was time to do the project but unfortunately….temen se group gue ini nggak bisa di andelin banget. Harusnya kan satu group itu 3 orang, tapi kalo gue Cuma berdua..soalnya yang laen udah 3 – 3 semua..see..this is why you should come at the first class session of the semester, cause that’s when they formed the group. I didn’t come the first day, jadi pas dateng ke session kedua..tinggal satu orang aja yang belom punya group and that left me with no choice. Pertama nya gue happy2 aja se group sama dia..orangnya baik banget, she always come to class after work..with her work suit and everything..jadinya keliatannya professional gitu lah. Tapi seminggu sebelom project nya due gue mulai2 curiga kalo ni orang agak2 nggak beres..ehh bener aja..when the presentation came, kan gue duluan..abis itu dia..she was so unprepared..kerjanya bolak balik kertas melulu..nyari2 note nya dia, udah gitu she didn’t even present the case clearly..and she skipped a whole section..nggak ngerti kenapa tuh tau tau di skip gitu sama dia..i guess she didn’t know what to talk about that section..gila yaaah… Not that I say mine was a wasn’t perfect or anything, but people could see that I put a lot of effort into it and I know what I’m talking about..Erghh.. this is what I hate about group projects, I hate the idea of letting people take parts of my grade..not that I think I would have done a hell of a better job if it’s done all by myself, but I do care about my grades and I don’t know if others care about theirs as much as I care about mine. Makanya nyebelin banget deh, kayanya dia tau kalo gue agak2 BT, abis itu dia yang ngasih2 alesan kalo her sister just delivered her baby in the morning so she’s been awake all night waiting for her at the blab la. Ah ya sudah lah….we’ll see how it turns out…
Work has been a breeze..i don’t have that many workload..malahan waktu hari selasa kemaren I didn’t know what to do at work, jadinya malah bisa belajar deh. We have a gourmet bazaar this Sunday, but we have a special committee for that..makanya gue jadi nggak sibuk..Cuma Bantu bantuin dikit aja.
Sebenernya…I didn’t fill my last two weeks with study and study only siih..hihi I managed to squeeze in sometimes to take dendre’s mom and sista around..yang ada emang kebanyakan jalan2nya sih..huehe. More jalan2 to come I guess now that I’m free of school work..and I finally can read those books and magazines she brought for me..YAY…ada Akarnya Supernova, ada Biru nya Fira Basuki, ada Perjalanan Spiritual Selebriti, seratus tokoh, ada Jakarta Undervocer..dll…trus banyak majalah2 juga, dari mulai SWA, A+, Kosmo, dewi, female, male emporium..etc. etc…bisa nonton VCD Andai Ia is indeed good once again....=)).
Selain itu juga di bawain baju2 bayi banyak…newborn basic lah yang disini cuma sedikit aja macemnya. Trus juga di bawain kaya gurita, minyak telon *bau khas bayi Indonesia*, pajamas. Trus juga di bawain bantal dan guling bayi beserta bed cover untuk cribnya..wahhh lucu banget deh...disini soalnya nggak ada bantal dan guling bayi, bener2 nggak ada..jadi bayi2 disini ya pada nggak di kasih bantal, makanya gue minta bawain. Trus palingan di bawain blanket2 gitu, dan baju2 bayi yang lucu2 baby is gonna by STYLIN!. Sekarang udah hampir 27 weeks..meaning bulan depan udah 7 bulan..wahh nggak terasa feels like yesterday when I discovered that that line on the magic stick turned blue…kayanya bentar lagi gue bakalan semakin membesar... I think he’s developing Ok inside *I hope he is*, especially now that I’ve been very well fed since his mom is here..hehe. Dia juga tambah sering bergerak..there are times when I feel he is doing a cartwheel inside..but apparently he also has his lazy days…that’s when I couldn’t feel his moves all day long...and sadly, up until now, the baby is still remain nameless…huuhu..poor little’s hard to find boy’s names..i have a long list of girls names that I like..but I only have 2 list of boys names. Makanya waktu belum tau ce/co nya itu gue pernah bilang ke babynya while rubbing my belly..”little baby…if you’re a’ll have a name, but if you’re a may name yourself”..huihihi…whatta great mom banget nggak sih gue...
Ya sudah lah….i’ll update some more later……….
I’m not worry about my telecommunication foundation & management class, I think the A is in my hand..*amin amin amiiinn*..tapi kalo yang business law ini yang agak agak nggak jelas, well first of all I don’t like the class, it is interesting sometimes reading those cases but still I don’t see the point of taking that class..*it’s a core curriculum that’s why I have to take it*, when you’re taking a master’s degree, you just wanna go straight to the point and learn and deal with stuff that are related to your major, it does give you a little benefit to have knowledge on the business law areas though but I don’t think it’s necessary, I just don’t see me dealing with those kinds of stuff in the work environment. Kalo soal ethic2 an sih kayanya if you have a good common sense then you won’t have any problem. Gurunya pikir gue peduli kali Robinson Patman Act isinya tentang apa….. Jadi ya gitu lah, I didn’t take this class seriously at the beginning, but I did put a lot of effort when it was time to do the project but unfortunately….temen se group gue ini nggak bisa di andelin banget. Harusnya kan satu group itu 3 orang, tapi kalo gue Cuma berdua..soalnya yang laen udah 3 – 3 semua..see..this is why you should come at the first class session of the semester, cause that’s when they formed the group. I didn’t come the first day, jadi pas dateng ke session kedua..tinggal satu orang aja yang belom punya group and that left me with no choice. Pertama nya gue happy2 aja se group sama dia..orangnya baik banget, she always come to class after work..with her work suit and everything..jadinya keliatannya professional gitu lah. Tapi seminggu sebelom project nya due gue mulai2 curiga kalo ni orang agak2 nggak beres..ehh bener aja..when the presentation came, kan gue duluan..abis itu dia..she was so unprepared..kerjanya bolak balik kertas melulu..nyari2 note nya dia, udah gitu she didn’t even present the case clearly..and she skipped a whole section..nggak ngerti kenapa tuh tau tau di skip gitu sama dia..i guess she didn’t know what to talk about that section..gila yaaah… Not that I say mine was a wasn’t perfect or anything, but people could see that I put a lot of effort into it and I know what I’m talking about..Erghh.. this is what I hate about group projects, I hate the idea of letting people take parts of my grade..not that I think I would have done a hell of a better job if it’s done all by myself, but I do care about my grades and I don’t know if others care about theirs as much as I care about mine. Makanya nyebelin banget deh, kayanya dia tau kalo gue agak2 BT, abis itu dia yang ngasih2 alesan kalo her sister just delivered her baby in the morning so she’s been awake all night waiting for her at the blab la. Ah ya sudah lah….we’ll see how it turns out…
Work has been a breeze..i don’t have that many workload..malahan waktu hari selasa kemaren I didn’t know what to do at work, jadinya malah bisa belajar deh. We have a gourmet bazaar this Sunday, but we have a special committee for that..makanya gue jadi nggak sibuk..Cuma Bantu bantuin dikit aja.
Sebenernya…I didn’t fill my last two weeks with study and study only siih..hihi I managed to squeeze in sometimes to take dendre’s mom and sista around..yang ada emang kebanyakan jalan2nya sih..huehe. More jalan2 to come I guess now that I’m free of school work..and I finally can read those books and magazines she brought for me..YAY…ada Akarnya Supernova, ada Biru nya Fira Basuki, ada Perjalanan Spiritual Selebriti, seratus tokoh, ada Jakarta Undervocer..dll…trus banyak majalah2 juga, dari mulai SWA, A+, Kosmo, dewi, female, male emporium..etc. etc…bisa nonton VCD Andai Ia is indeed good once again....=)).
Selain itu juga di bawain baju2 bayi banyak…newborn basic lah yang disini cuma sedikit aja macemnya. Trus juga di bawain kaya gurita, minyak telon *bau khas bayi Indonesia*, pajamas. Trus juga di bawain bantal dan guling bayi beserta bed cover untuk cribnya..wahhh lucu banget deh...disini soalnya nggak ada bantal dan guling bayi, bener2 nggak ada..jadi bayi2 disini ya pada nggak di kasih bantal, makanya gue minta bawain. Trus palingan di bawain blanket2 gitu, dan baju2 bayi yang lucu2 baby is gonna by STYLIN!. Sekarang udah hampir 27 weeks..meaning bulan depan udah 7 bulan..wahh nggak terasa feels like yesterday when I discovered that that line on the magic stick turned blue…kayanya bentar lagi gue bakalan semakin membesar... I think he’s developing Ok inside *I hope he is*, especially now that I’ve been very well fed since his mom is here..hehe. Dia juga tambah sering bergerak..there are times when I feel he is doing a cartwheel inside..but apparently he also has his lazy days…that’s when I couldn’t feel his moves all day long...and sadly, up until now, the baby is still remain nameless…huuhu..poor little’s hard to find boy’s names..i have a long list of girls names that I like..but I only have 2 list of boys names. Makanya waktu belum tau ce/co nya itu gue pernah bilang ke babynya while rubbing my belly..”little baby…if you’re a’ll have a name, but if you’re a may name yourself”..huihihi…whatta great mom banget nggak sih gue...
Ya sudah lah….i’ll update some more later……….