Wife: "Sayang, nanti jangan telat yah jemput aku di kantor"
Hub: " Iyah"
Wife: "Beneran lho..jam 6 kurang harus udah nyampe"
Hub: "he eh he eh"
Wife: "Pokonya kalo kamu nyampenya jam 6 tepat aja, berarti kamu telat"
..and the wife passed away at 5:55 PM..
He did come way earlier than that and got a chance to see her for the last time when she, out of the blue had trouble with breathing and passed away on the way to the hospital. This couple is a newly wed, they just got married 2/3 months ago, so they are still in the honeymoon period ...I didn't come to their wedding cause i was here. But they did come to my wedding and were one of the first people in line to congratulate me ...and the husband told me that their wedding was going to be at the same venue as mine. And you know what, before they went to work in the morning on that day, the wife found out that she's pregnant..they were so ecstatic and blissfully in love. Who would've guessed that at the end of the day, it's time for her to take off..and that they will never see each other again in this world..
Buat koko, tabah ya ko, may God gives you all the strength and patience to endure all the pain and sorrow...and may she rest in peace..
Moral of the story: Always try your best to fulfill your loved ones' request...it might be their last..and your last chance to make them happy...you'll never know.
But i'm not going to put up the link in here...just shoot me an email *princessazalia@yahoo.com* and i'll be more than happy to let you know the URL. I just like the idea of knowing who's going to visit that blog because i don't feel comfortable having some strangers who don't even bother to say HI to visit quite a personal space of mine...let alone staring at the pictures of my ever expanding belly bare...teehee...

The area with the number one sign is the head part..you could see the nose looks like a lil button, the lips and the chubby cheek and also the left ear.
Number two is the fingers in the right hand..the nurse said there are all five of them..so that's good..
Number three is the tummy..it's about the same size as the head this time around..
There are the legs also but you couldn't see them clearly in there..
..and that..my friend..is my LIL BOY....=))..5 and a half months..

This has been a pretty uneventful pregnancy..i've only tossed my cookies out once...everything has been smooth....and i'm in clouds nine...i've gained 12 pounds..and i'm now down to 2 pants..but that's OK..this is the first time in my life that i actually want to be huge. hopefully everything will stay smooth until this little bundle *rubbing my belly* is finally arrive - estimated date of delivery january 17 2004-...*amin*
a woman's joy begins when new life is stirring inside,
when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time,
and a flutter of kicks reminds her that she is never alone...=)
"Where did I come from?" the baby asked its mother.
She answered, half-crying, half-laughing, and clasping the baby to her breast:
"You were hidden in my heart as its desire, my darling. You were in the dolls of all my childhood games. In all my hopes and my loves, in my life, in the life of my mother, and in her mother before her, you have lived."
-Rabindranath Tagore
At first I hated it…but then I fell in love with it..and now I miss it like crazy..huhu. I lived there for one and a half year, not that long…but surely long enough to make me feel like home in the city of “no worries”..
Kangen deh jalan jalan di city-nya, strolling around King Street, Hay Street, Murray Street, Plaza Arcade, London Court, etc. Kangen my fave shoe store, Mollinis and other boutiques such as LIVE, Tutti Frutti, Atelier, etc. I miss playing at the beach..when I first got there..I lived with an Australian family in Cottesloe area, and the house was just one block away from the beach..i used to take a stroll along the beach everyday. Trus waktu udah tinggal di apt sendiri..sempet tinggal di south Perth area, it was located by the Swan River, which is connected to the Indian Ocean and overlooking the city, it was a beautiful view from the balcony. Kalo siang rame banget di rivernya..ada yang rollerblading or biking along the river, ada yang BBQ-an or playing Frisbee, dan kebanyakan yah doing all kinds of water sports dari mulai boating, sailing, water skiing, wind surfing, rowing, parasailing, jet skiing…etc…some would just take the ferry and cruising around….Now I’m stranded in this flat land of Midwest area…
Di Perth dulu banyak banget orang Indonesia….saking banyaknya..jadi kurang lebih rasanya kaya di Indonesia juga.. ….I don’t remember missing Jakarta while I was there…bayangin aja, at the apt building that I lived, tiap lantai ada orang Indonesia nya..dan setiap lantai ada beberapa unit yang isinya orang Indonesia. The unit right above mine was actually occupied by my high school friends….dari angkatan gue aja yang ke Perth ada 15 orang....banyak banget kan?..kalo lagi ada perlu tinggal teriak aja dari balkonnya. Pergi kemana mana ketemu nya orang orang Indonesia juga, makanannya ya makan makanan Indonesia juga setiap hari karena restoran Indonesia banyak banget, dari yang fast food sampe fine dining. Some of the places that I still remember are Rasa Café, Sparrow (murah meriah), Matahari, Indonesia Indah, Kartika Restaurant, Rumah makan padang di leederville, etc. ..and that was actually one of the reasons why I ballooned up since the day I set my foot in that city…successfully gained 18 kilos in one and a half year…(if you are looking at the picture..don’t tell me I didn’t warn you!...haha) but I’ve shed all of the unnecessary weight the following year though..…..:P
I also miss Fremantle, it’s a town where a busy port is located, just 20 minutes from Perth. Kalo weekend sering jalan2 kesana, makan fish and chips…shopping at its vintage stores. I miss the cosmopolitan Subiaco and Claremont area as well…I wonder if they still have the flea market every Sunday. Banyak deh dulu kegiatannya main mainnya disana, dari BBQ, bowling..and oh clubbing was a routine every weekend (Duilee)..huehe…there was this one club called “excapade” and it opens until 7 in the morning, there were times when I walked out of the club and saw the sun shone brightly. Life was so free and easy back then, karena emang ambience nya gitu kali ya disana, very laidback…everybody just wanted to have fun and enjoy the sun during the days.
One thing that I don’t like about Perth, ( and other Australian cities in general kali yaa) is their shopping hours. Masa mall and all the stores in the city tutupnya jam 5 sih setiap hari?...Cuma hari kamis aja yang buka sampe malem….they called it late night shopping hours. Other than that I have no complain about the city, I love the transportation system..and I actually miss cruising with the jetty that I usually take if I want to go to the city from my apt… I love the city landscape, di tengah kota ada park yang agak di atas letaknya..namanya Kings Park..the city and the ocean view from there is simply breathtaking. Pokonya overall it’s my kinda city deh, the city where the downtown area is lively and is a bustling hub of shopping, cafes, sassy nightclubs, government and big business…and where the suburbs has small stores, used bookstores, delis and sidewalk café within a walking distance. The city where it’s not too big and too crowded but has enough things to keep you entertained all year long. And the thing that makes that city more memorable is because it’s where I fall in love..where I found the love of my life…somewhere along Aberdeen street….=)
Sekolah gue dulu namanya Perth Institute of Business and Technology, I was pursuing a Diploma of Communication..tadinya mau transfer ke universitas disana to get my bachelor degree..but then I switched my mind totally and flew to the United States instead. Well..i guess I’ve had my fun..and it was the time for me to go, and this was the way I chose...so I had to leave everything behind. I met a lot people in there, found new best friends, friends and so called friends. I learn quite a lot of valuable things while I was there.....I know I did things that I would never be proud of but hey I managed to get back on track.
I could go on and on about Perth....but I guess this is enough for now...tehee.....
* I’m listening to some of the songs from the glorious Perth era as I’m writing this..
You gotta Be – Des’ree
Frozen – Madonna
If I didn’t love you – Tina Arena
Doin just Fine – Boyz II Men
Semi Charm Life – Third Eye Blind
The Freshmen – The Verve Pipe
The Drugs don’t work – The Verve
If I Ever Fall in Love – Shai
The Real Thing – Lisa Stansfield
No Body, Twisted – K Sweat
I’m gonna get you – Angie Brown
Ditty – Paperboy
All my life – KC and JOJO
All songs from The Beautiful London Suede, Air Supply and The Lighthouse Family…
Last week was one crazy week...sinting banget deh banyak banget kerjaan, untung pas jum'at nya mendingan, cause everybody was gone to the 40th annual ISNA convention in Chicago..and thank God the office manager is finally back this week..now i don't have to mess around with the accounting stuff anymore..YAYY...Kemaren kemaren ini karena dia pergi..jadinya gue yang ngurusin accountingnya..dan itu ribetttt banget. We have so many accounts, ada accountnya sekolahan, sunday madrassa, charity account, construction account, operating fund, etc etc...i have to print out a lot of checks..and deal with the vendors yang nggak sabar minta check nya di kirimin. Trus kita kan tiap hari dapet check banyak dari donasi/pledges...so i have to deposit them to the bank...donationnya banyak banyak juga lho..ada sih emang yang 10/20 dollar..ada yang ratusan dollar..dan ada juga yang puluhan ribu dollar. My obgyn just donated $200,000 towards the phase 2/3 construction...gila yah...kok orang bisa setajir itu yahh?...i knew i should've gone to medical school instead of business school...heheee. Anyway..trus belum lagi cash dari kotak kotak amal itu yang jumlahnya banyak juga, apalagi kalo hari jum'at...
Anywayy..emang deh pokonya minggu lalu itu hectic banget, soalnya weekend ini bakalan ada acara diskusi gitu, topicnya.."Difficult Questions frequently Asked by American"...should be interesting, tanggal 11 juga ada forum diskusi with the FBI..tentang Patriot Act...trus tgl 12-14 we're holding a Seera Conference...makanya banyak kerjaan banget deh. Mana minggu kemaren sekolah udah mulai..hari selasa sama rabu nya kelas jam 6-10 malem, jadi nyambung aja terus dari pagi kerja, malemnya sekolah. Pas weekend udah berasa nggak enak badan sih..tapi dasar nggak mo rugi, jadi mainnya di puas puasin..mumpung long weekend..jalan jalan kesana kesini..balik rumah jam 3 pagi, tidur..bangun trus jalan lagii...minum bubble tea nggak brenti brenti..udah gitu ujan terus kan weekend kemaren, jadi yang ada gue pun tepar...batuk, pilek, pusing, demam...dll. Selasa akhirnya nggak masuk kelas karena nggak kuat and the manager sent me home early yesterday and today..nggak tega kayanya dia ngeliat gue yang udah lemes banget...mudah mudahan besok udah sembuh deh yah...Dah ah..now there's one full basket of clothes waiting for me... fresh from the dryer.