What's up people??

June 02, 2003

dah lama nih nggak ngeblog, i have been out and about..drinking bubble tea..hihi..can't get enough of bubble tea..it really is addictive. urusan pindahannya blom selesai selesai juga nih..jadi nggak sempet online2..blum lagi internetnya masih dial up..sebenernya sih it's not that bad...tapi mesti one browser at a time..hehehe..lagian ribet aja mesti konek2 dulu ..udah gitu kalo ada telfon masuk pake kediskonek segala lagi.

pindahannya emang banyak banget nih yang harus di urusin *that reminds me kalo gue harus ganti driver license, license plate, etc*, soalnya kan pindah state juga. dari illinois ke missouri, walopun cuma setengah jam aja jaraknya. slama ini, i go to school and work in st. louis, Missouri.. dendre kerjanya juga di st. louis, but we lived in fairview heights..which is still under Illinois State yang letaknya emang right at the border between Missouri and Illinois. nah skarang kita pindah ke st. louisnya, jadi lebih deket ke tempat kerja dan sekolah gue..sedikit lebih jauh ke downtown tempatnya dendre kerja sih, tapi ada metro train..so it's fine.

this area is a lot nicer than the one that i was supposed to move in..jadinya malah ngerasa untung nggak jadi pindah ke tempat yang kemaren itu. yang nggak enaknya disini cuma nggak ada washer dryer in each unit..and i'm so used with the convinience of having my own washer dryer. tapi ada beberapa laundry room di apt kompleksnya...so at least i don't have to drive to the nearest laundromat, plus the machines use a laundry card instead of quarters..which is a really good idea..soalnya nyari quarters kalo kita lagi butuh tuh suka susah banget!!...

anyway, i got one precious present for my birthday last week....it's sooo precious that i wouldn't even trade it for anything..certainly not for an unlimited shopping at barneys...not even for a trip around the world let alone a pair of mr blahnik's collection...hehe...gotta thank the master up there..=))

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