

May 02, 2003

akhirnya selesai juga semuanya, I always love the feeling I get at the end of each semester, the feeling of completing something, of passing one stage of your life and moving on to the next one……It felt good when I stapled it together and handed in all of the assignments.

Anyway…I just got a job…YAY..it's about time i cross one of the lists in my new year resolution. I’m going to be working for this Islamic foundation of greater st. louis, I had my first interview like a week ago and they asked me to come for the second one last sunday and I was hired on the spot..wohooo……*syeneeng*…hopefully I can start working in two weeks, I just need to wait for the working permit to be issued. Anyway, it is not like a big corporation or anything, but it’s a pretty big non profit organization, and right now expansion is underway. The foundation has Islamic school for kindergarten and grade school as well as sunday school…kantornya masih satu area sama masjidnya yang paling besar disini dan juga sekolahnya..hmm meaning no more excuses to skip sholat anymore..teehee. Anyway, nanti gue bakalan bantuin ngurusin publikasi nya, newsletter, magazine, administrasi nya dan juga helping them with organizing events cause they hold so many events throughout the year, mostly fund raising events. So pretty much running around here and there….and that’s okay with me cause I think I’ll learn more that way....=)

Anyway…I just heard a disturbing news, it’s official that Bruce Weber, salukis’ head coach, has accepted the job to coach at the University of Illinois, Urbana (Fighting Illini)…huuhuhu…! I am sad!!!..he’s been with us for 5 years and now he’s gone…..salukis will never be the same again without him. Everybody’s shocked right now…all the players are angry, it’s not like we’re mad at him, of course we’re happy for him, everybody will do the same thing if put on his position, and we’re all agree that he should get his brain examined if he doesn’t take this job. Soalnya dia dapet (you do the math) $2.5 million buat kontrak 5 taun, and that’s just the contract!!. Base salary nya $150,000 setaun + $350,000 kompensasi for media appearances yang berlipat lipat dari salary yang dia dapet from SIU. Illini is lucky to have him, a great coach with an excellent work ethic, he turned the siu basketball program around, he leaves the program with a lot better condition than when he first found it. Illini is a good team and I’m sure they’ll go far next season with Bruce Weber, and seems like they are happy with his arrival

congrats coach!

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