A propaganda war
April 08, 2003ella…ada kok reporter indonesia yang di kirim ke Iraq, i don’t know how many exactly but i know there are quire a few. republika newspaper sent one of their reporters, Damanhuri Zuhri yang waktu taun 91 juga di kirim buat ngeliput gulf war. tempo juga ngirim reporternya (Rommy Fibri). TV 7 juga ngirim, sama photographernya segala..trus dari harian surya juga ada yang berangkat, kompas juga ada (Mustapha Abduraahman), dari SCTV dan Metro TV juga ada. lumayan banyak juga tuh.
Kalo Peter Arnett. iya dia di pecat dari NBC. alesannya di pecat nggak jelas juga. emang sih dia salah karena nerima interview dari TV iraq, but it’s not like he had a choice kan…kalo dia tolak interview nya, pasti lah dia bakalan di kick out langsung dari Iraq. but i think he was fired more because of the content of the interview. soalnya dia bener bener speak the truth dari apa yang dia liat selama ini di iraq sana. dia bilang kalo there have been surprises, delays in implementing policy, trus juga dia bilang kalo amerika udah underestimate kekuatan iraqi troops, makanya skarang lagi pada ribut di pentagon and rewriting the war plan.
beberapa tahun lalu Peter Arnett juga di pecat dari CNN, because of the same thing, trying to tell the truth, kalo yang ini tentang vietnam war dulu. di online news negara negara lain headlines tentang berita dia itu FIRED BY AMERICA FOR TELLING THE TRUTH..!!..see, everybody knows he did nothing wrong but piss off the pentagon. dia juga bilang kalo “I report the truth of what is happening here in bahgdad and will not apologize for it”
who says there is a freedom of speech here in america??
sampe skarang ini, since the war started…total independent journalists yang udah tewas itu banyak, more than a dozen!!! yang bikin orang jadi mikir kok kayanya udah nggak make sense lagi. some are mysteriously missing, ada yang injured, mysterious accidents (Terry Lloyd, jatoh dari atep..y’right), etc. padahal independent journalists itulah yang di harepin orang orang sebagai sumber berita yang fair dan nggak bias.
Ini ada sebagian facts that i got from fair.org tentang usaha usaha mereka untuk nutupin what’s really happen out there and that the freedom of speech in amerika is merely a slogan.
. MSNBC canceled Phil Donahue’s talkshow, because Phil Donahue seems to present guests who are anti-war, anti-Bush and skeptical of the administration's motives.
read the news here..
. Brent Flynn, a reporter for Lewsiville Leader (Texas), was told he could no longer write a column for the paper in which he had express anti-war views. coba kalo semua artikel artikel dia isinya supporting the war….would they removed her?...i don’t think so…! ada lagi reporter dari San Francisco Chronicle and Michigan Huron Daily Tribune yang di pecat karena sama sama anti war.
. Yellowtimes.org was shutdown (skarang udah bisa lagi). here’s a quote.
“here, at YellowTimes.org, we did not want these stories to go untold. we wanted to bring the horrors of war inflicted on all sides. we condemn killing, we condemn war, and we certainly condemn persecution and torture. we also condemn the intentional absence of truth. however, there are some who would prefer we did not publish and inform the public. Consequently, as of this afternoon, March 24, 2003, we were shut down"
. Al-Jazeera, the most powerful arab news network website were hacked. sama siapa?..ya sama siapa lagi kalo bukan amerika. skarang udah ada lagi sih websitenya, tapi banyak yang mikir kalo amerika juga yang set up website barunya.
orang orang amerika nya sendiri banyak yang udah nggak percaya lagi sama apa yang di beritain di tv tv sini. and in an attempt to get the network news programs to cover the war in an unbiased and uncensored manner, skarang orang orang pada nge boikot product product yang masang iklannya di news program itu. salah satu nya bisa di check di tvboycott.org
i have to agree with dian, kalo news program disini terlalu one sided. they forget the most basic fact of war: people are killed!!! iraqi people tentunya. yes they do mention about the Iraqi casualties, but that’s about it. where’s the pictures of the blownout brains?? the full of blood corpses? the picture of the screaming innocent kids who don’t understand shit about this war or pictures of women who got their hands chopped?? too extreme to be broadcasted??..well…that's what the so called brave american troops are doing over there.
i also haven’t heard from the news here about the bombing of the maternity hospital (click here to read the news), nor have I heard about the shoula market blast that caused great suffering to innocent women and children in their homeland. dan beberapa bombing lainnya lagi…
dan apa iya pesawat pesawat/helikopter yang jatuh itu karena ada technical problems?..apa bener tentara nya ketembak karena friendly fire? atau gara gara kena tembak tentara iraq aja tapi amerika nggak mau ngakuin??.
amerika juga violate the geneva convention yang nggak ngebolehin tv untuk ngebroadcast the prisoner of war. waktu itu amerika complain karena iraq nge-broadcast POW nya amerika, tapi dia sendiri nge broadcast POW nya iraq, Aaron Brown (CNN) cuma bilang kalo it’s okay for the US to broadcast it since their (the Iraqis POW) family wouldn’t be watching. Hel-looo…there are thousands of iraqis living outside iraq who may recognize an iraqi POW as a family member and CNN is broadcast around the world.
banyak juga newspaper around the world yang bilang kalo reporternya (salah satunyaRageh Omaar , reporter nya BBC) mereka lagi jalan jalan di bahgdad dan nggak ngeliat satupun tentara koalisi disana. padahal di sini di beritain kalo tentara amerika udah nyampe di baghdad dan hampir menguasai kota nya. i don’t know who’s telling the truth in here…tapi ya harus di pertanyakan juga dong apa iya amerika segampang itu untuk bisa masuk baghdad?? iraq tuh angkatan daratnya banyak lho, ada fedayeen, garda republic, relawan isabilillah, dll, belum lagi tentara specialnya saddam. di tambah lagi sama civilians (the population is over 5 million in baghdad) yang rela mati, dan nyerang secara sporadis. mungkin emang banyak rakyat iraq yang nggak suka sama saddam but now they hate america more than they hate saddam, because this war was supposed to be fought in their name, to liberate them from the Iraqi government, but this is starting to take its toll on many of them.
kalo soal akurat nggak akuratnya berita, kita nggak tau siapa yang bener, apa cnn yang bener apa detik.com ..kayanya itu tergantung dari kita lebih percaya ama yang mana. yang disini mungkin lebih sering nonton cnn dan lebih sering denger berita dari cnn daripada dari koran koran indonesia, jadi pas nge check detik.com atau kompas dan beritanya lain..langsung pada “ih ngaco banget sih detik, jelas jelas di cnn tadi nggak kaya gitu beritanya”…padahal ya..nggak tau juga yang benernya yang mana. once again, we don’t know who’s telling the truth here, but we have to acknowledge the fact that there are other news flying around out there that are opposite of what we have heard in cnn or nbc or fox in here. the key is to QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!!! this war is mainly a propaganda war at its core but amerika will pay for it, sooner or later…..