
March 08, 2003

…akhirnyaaa bisa muncul juga layout barunya *kipas kipas*. Sebenernya ini bukan yang di bikin kemaren, yang di bikin kemaren itu black and white tapi nggak ngerti kenapa nggak bisa di upload. Masih banyak yang mau di benerin sih detil2nya, tapi buat skarang segini aja dulu kali yaaaaa… Oh yaa, ini ada foto foto dari gathering di Oh la la January kemaren, I have posted some of the pictures a while ago, tapi beberapa hari yang lalu baru di kirimin banyak lagi sama Nunique, ya udah jadinya di jadiin satu aja. So enjoy the pictures guys and if you’re in the pictures and want to have some of them, feel free to save it to your computer..=) (maybe you, det? Since there’s a close-up picture of you, hehehehe…) .

Just checked out this news and the saluki’s coach just named coach of the year, congrats! Now I hope we can take care of business tomorrow and play again Sunday…Hang tight kids, cause March Madness is about to begin………..

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