whaat...the kentucky wildcats proved to be not so wild afterall.....they got their ass whooped...damn damn damn...the nba bound dwayne wade finished with his first triple double....that kid can flat out play ball....let's see if the next wildcats turn to be mildcats as well...teeheeee.....
i ordered a few books from amazon.com last week, and they finally arrived....lalala..*i ordered it with the free shipping so they said it's going to take a while" so i didn't expect the books to arrive sometimes this week..but it did.. anyway, i've never ordered stuff from amazon before, but this one book "a march to madness" is really hard to find. borders or barnes noble always out of stock whenever i was looking for it so i decided to just order it online and since i wanted to take advantage of their free shipping offers *on order $25 and above*, so i ordered two more books..here they are
shopaholic ties the knot, sophie kinsella
who doesn't love sophie kinsella and her character, blecky bloomwood?? i've read her first two series, confession of a shopaholic and shopaholic takes manhattan and i had a lot of fun reading those books. becky is this fashion minded heroine who views shopping as a bright investment and thus always overspends. it's just hillarious to read the stupid excuses she makes and how she goes about avoiding the debt collectors and in the end paying all of her bills. i'm sure this one would be fun to read also...especially since she's tying the knot..gosh can't believe how overjoyed she is now that she has the legitimate excuse to go shopping..and oh..how is she going to deal with Luke's (his boyfriend) mother?...
the circuit, francisco jimenez
this is a story from the life of a migrant child whose families migrated from a small village near guadalajara, mexico to california illegally. the story revolves around on how the families cope up with the culture shock, the different values, lifestyle, the pain and the struggle that they have to face in the states. and not only that, they also had to deal with their poor living situation, etc. i haven't read this though, but i expect it to be good and even expect to shed some tears..teehee . i always have interest to learn about migrant family, not that i'm planning to migrate here or anything, but i salute them and see them as a great inspiration. they have the guts, the courage to take the risk and the consequences, and move out to different country to pursue a better life, better job, better education for their children. it's all about survival, faith and hope
a march to madness, john feinstein
march is not complete without this book!!!...i haven't seen the actual book before i ordered it online, therefore i didn't know how thick it would be, etc...i know amazon provides all of those information but it just didn't cross my mind to check first. i was expecting this book to be full of glossy paper and lots of pictures but it's not. it's friggin' 470 pages long, it's even thicker than my textbook. a bit dissapointed but..that's fine cause i still wanted to read the story no matter what. anyway, this book is about college basketball, focusing on the atlantic coast conference. it includes the stories about the coach, the players, how hard it is to have good recruits, the expectation, the dissapoinments, the conflicts inside the team, the rivalries, etc. basically a behind the scene look during the entire season. so far, i've only managed to read up to page 19...*sigh*...451 more to go.........
bener....ternyata rumah gue abis kerampokan kemaren. seperti biasa, siang siang lagi nggak ada orang di rumah, rumah gue emang bisa di pastikan slalu kosong kalo siang, kecuali cuma ada si mbak mbak aja. nyokap gue seringnya pergi, ade gue dua duanya sekolah sampe sore. bokap juga nggak mungkin ada siang siang. emang sih rumah gue bisa di bilang an easy target. pertama ya karena selalu kosong kalo siang. udah gitu, rumah sebelah kiri juga nggak ada yang nempatin, orangnya lagi tugas di kalimantan, jadi pulangnya cuma sebulan sekali aja kalo weekend. dan rumah sebelah kanan juga udah lama kosong, tapi 2 bulan terakhir sih lagi di renovasi, jadi banyak tukang tukang nah belakangan ini udah selesai renovasi nya, tapi belum di tempatin sama yang mau pindah, jadi cuma ada satu tukang cat yang lagi beres beresin.
jadi ceritanya ada 1 orang nge bell rumah, sama si mbak mbak nya cuma di intip aja dari dalem, dan karena nggak kenal sama yang nge bell, ya di diemin aja dong, nggak di bukain. trus orangnya akhirnya pergi......tapi nggak lama kemudian, ada yang nge bell lagi...pas di intip, ternyata orang yang tadi...tapi sama gerombolannya, yang jumlahnya 6 orang. mereka nge bell2 maksa gitu, akhirnya si mbak yang satu lari ke atas belakang, ke kamarnya si doddy *supirnya nyokap* trus somehow manjat genteng gitu untuk ke rumah sebelah, mau minta tolong sama tukang cat di rumah sebelah. nah mbak yang satu masih ngintipin orang orang itu, dan tau2 pintu pager rumah gue di dobrak!!!...nah si mbaknya langsung lari ke belakang juga, ngumpet di kamar mandinya.
akhirnya pintu ruang tamu juga di dobrak....dan seluruh isi rumah di porak poranda-in, kamar nyokap yang di kunci ya di dobrak juga, begitu juga lemari lemarinya. kamar kamar lain juga di acak acak, laci lacinya di terbalik terbalikin, isi isinya di keluarin semua. tas tas nyokap gue aja di periksain semua satu satu sampe zipper zippernya segala di buka bukain. yang ilang barang barang kecil, my mom's jewelry, my dad's watches, hp, camera, uang, dll. barang barang yang besar nggak ada yang di ambil. mereka juga nggak bisa bawanya lagian, soalnya pada naik motor. rampoknya operasinya tuh cepet banget, mungkin nggak sampe 15 menit.
trus, kebetulan tetangga gue (om nya shanti) baru pulang, dan dia bingung ngeliat di depan rumah gue kok ada beberapa motor. nggak biasa biasanya kan. trus di liatin sama dia, dan maling yang nungguin di luar ini berasa kalo di liatin dan langsung klakson klakson, abis itu semuanya pada lari berhamburan dari dalem rumah gue. baru deh om nya shanti itu nyadar kalo itu maling semua. trus akhirnya dia langsung masuk ke rumah gue yang udah acak acakan itu...dan nyariin si mbak mbaknya, katanya dia denger suara orang nangis dari kamar mandi belakang yang lagi teriak teriak minta tolong untuk nggak di apa apain.
it's just so scary, isn't it??. yang gue takutin, ada motif lain di balik ini, enggak tau apa...but i just find it odds that they only drive motorcycle in their operation. bisa bawa apa sih kalo di pikir? bingung kan, masa niat mau ngerampok cuma naik motor.... kalo cuma mau ngambil yang kecil kecil, kenapa sampe nekat nge-dobrak rumah segala? i'm dead worried about my family safety, i'm also sad that my little sister and brother have to go through this shitty experience, mungkin buat yang belum ngerasain nggak tau kaya apa rasanya, but it is quite traumatizing and it can haunt you for life...*sigh*. this is exactly one of the reasons why i can't wait to go back home for good. karena untuk apa gue disini, i know maybe it is good for my career and all that shit, but what are you trying to prove in here..? even if you have a bright career in here and work in some goddamn fortune 500 companies you're still a nobody if you can't be there for your family when they need you the most!!! all of the things that you're trying to build here is just not worth it.
anyway, akhirnya untuk keamanan sementara, jalan di deket rumah gue itu di tutupin pager/portal yang tinggi banget kaya pager. masih ada jalan lain sih lewat blok yang satu nya. tapi yang di tutup ini emang yang paling deket banget dari rumah. semua orang orang di sekitar situ pada setuju kalo jalannya di portal, ya udah akhirnya di tutup. tapi ternyata, ada beberapa orang...yang rumahnya di belakang belakang rumah gue itu pada protes, minta jalannya di buka lagi. god..some people can be so ignorant sometimes, padahal kalo di tutup juga it's for their own benefits kok. nggak bikin susah, kalo naik mobil ya tinggal lewat jalan satunya, kalo jalan kaki juga bisa tetep lewat situ karena di kasih jalan buat pedestrians. tapi mereka tetep minta portalnya di buka, ya udah...we're just trying to prevent the same thing to happen here, karena bukan nggak mungkin kan maling2 itu ngincer rumah rumah yang lainnya. but i guess they want to learn it the hard way..
akhirnya rumah gue skarang di pakein satpam plus di pasangin alarm juga, bukan alarm yang langsung nyambung ke police station sih, tapi katanya at least itu alarm bunyi nya bisa bangunin orang se-kelurahan. yah begitu lah ceritanya kurang lebih.......ngeri ya, if you don't feel safe in your own home then where else you could feel safe kan?....hmm, maybe it's time to build a bunker inside.......or some kind of a panic room or something!!!....gosh this is so scary. anywaaayy, for all of you who read this, thank you for taking the time to read..=) but please please..pretty please...maybe some of you want to express some sort of warm sympathy towards this unfortunate event but i'm not really in the mood to read something about "sorry to hear that ya han..bla bla bla...".. . not to sounds rude, it's trully appreciated but i just don't wanna hear nothing about it......so please just let it go. if you wanna leave some comments, just leave something that could amuse me, ok... THANK YOU...=)
anyway, emang tuh jakarta itu serem banget, dan gue ikut ngerasain kejamnya ibukota waktu balik kemaren. jadi ceritanya sore sore, i was on my way to dendre's, lagi nyetir sendirian....lewat tol pondok indah dan turun di lebak bulus situ, tau kan yang perempatan carrefour, dan karena lagi jam pulang kantor..jadinya lampu merahnya agak macet. trus ya udah, sambil nunggu lampu ijo nya nyala, gue lagi bongkar bongkar tas, so i wasn't aware of my surroundings kan karena lagi ngeliat ke tas.
trus tau tau kedengeran suara kletak kletek gitu dan gue spontan langsung nengok, dan ternyata.....ternyata ada orang yang lagi nyongkel nyongkel kaca spion sebelah kiri mobil gue!!!..gila asli ngagetin banget, panik..dan nggak ngerti harus gimana. jadi yang ada gue mencet2 klaksonnya deh nggak brenti2, dan orangnya terus ngutak ngatik spionnya sambil ngeliatin gue, kerjanya cepeettt banget, it only took him a few seconds to take the mirror out before he walked away and dissapeared into the crowded traffic. gue langsung gemetaran dan lemesss banget, nyetir pun udah nggak bisa konsen di tambah dengan nggak ada spion sebelah kiri!!!
rumahnya dendre kan cuma semenit aja dari lampu merah situ, jadi begitu sampe rumahnya, kita muter lagi tapi pake mobilnya dia. tapi orangnya nggak ada, padahal i could recognize him in an instant, sampe skarang pun gue masih inget mukanya kaya gimana. it felt so surreal, sebelomnya emang udah sering denger cerita cerita seremnya jakarta, tapi sampe di jakarta ternyata nggak pernah ngalamin or witness any crime secara langsung, jadi gue sempet mikir.."ah jakarta nggak se serem yang di koran koran kok"..tapi ternyata..."welcome to jakarta han..." .
padahal dua minggu sebelom kejadian itu, the day before my wedding day juga udah di colong orang sebenernya spion yang sebelah kanan.* iya iya i know, kok kayanya musibah mlulu yaa* kan karena lagi di pasang tenda tenda, garasi harus di kosongin dong. nah mobil yang ini di taro di luar, emang ada hansip yang jagain keamanan khusus buat beberapa hari itu, tapi ini sama hansipnya cuma di tinggal 5 menit aja, tau tau spion sebelah kanannya udah ilang!!. nggak ngerti siapa yang ngambil, mungkin salah satu tukang yang masang tenda itu. padahal ngapain juga ngambil spion itu, kenapa nggak mobil yang laennya, karena kalo di jual spionnya juga siapa yang mo beli. kecuali kalo ada yang mesen khusus. akhirnya spion yang sebelah kanan itu buru buru di tambel sementara, pake spion yang dempulan..huhu.. jelek banget deh. nah yang ke colong kedua kali nya itu spion yang sebelah kiri!!!....
ya udah, akhirnya setelah itu kerjaan gue bolak balik ke pasar cipete. all hail shiva jaya, hehehe..!!! karena si andi yang ngerjain ini baik banget dan canggih banget..!! sebelomnya kita bolak balik ke dealer toyota, dari toyota astra motor di sunter sampe astra 2000 yang di tb simatupang sana untuk mesen spion. akhirnya ada siih setelah nunggu beberapa hari, tapi pas barangnya udah dateng, ternyata itu tuh kaca nya aja, bener bener selembar kaca, nggak ada pegangan belakangnya yang untuk attach kaca itu ke tempurung spion, kalo nggak salah sih socket deh namanya. ternyata mereka nggak ada socketnya, kalo mau harus pesen ke jepangnya langsung, sama tempurungnya gitu, udah gitu super mahal dan nunggu nya kurang lebih 2 bulan. heh....lama bener, i needed to get this done the next day sebelom bokap gue tau, emang sih dia jarang pake mobil itu. tapi waktu baru yang kanan ilang tau tau dia mo pake mobil itu untuk ke serang, huhu..untung aja supirnya dia yang nyetir.
lewat jalur resmi nggak bisa, akhirnya ke pasar cipete deehh dan di akal akalin disana. untungnya bisa lho, dan ngerjainnya juga rapiih banget, you wouldn't notice the difference unless elo ya tukang benerin spion kaya dia kali ya, teehee. dan yang penting lagi, electric mirrornya bisa jalan..uhuyyyyyyy.....
yesterday was not a good day...
my team got robbed
my house got robbed *sigh*
my team got robbed
my house got robbed *sigh*
but the chippewas kicks azz though..*yay*, thanks for sending creighton to pack up their suitcases back. i know i should've rooted for my 'beloved' mvc team, but i'm sick of their fans and i hate to see them braggin and talk like they're the shit so WHAT THE HELL!!!!!.....i told you they are overrated, the truth is they had no business to be anywhere near 6 seed...! sorry creighton fans, the match up with duke only happens in your dream..padahal udah pede aja tuh bisa ngalahin duke dan masuk sweet 16 lawan kansas... so much for the trash talk!!!
true life salukis show is postponed to monday night, it's all because of this war thingy
had this conversation with nadja this morning
ibu : do you love me.. nadja?
nadja :ah-ha *nodding*
ibu : how much?
nadja :much!!!
ibu : how big ?
nadja : big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *spreading her little arms apart*
ibu : how come?
nadja : come!!!!!!!!!!
hehehehe..that is so adorably cute...how can you not like her??..visit her mommy's site here to read more...
i was chatting with shanti last night, rumahnya dia di sebrang rumah gue di jakarta.
shanti: "han..rumah lo ngeri ya yang kemalingan itu!!"
me: "iya sih, untung nggak ada yang kenapa kenapa ya dan cuma ngambil CPU"
shanti:"haaaaahh...elo nggak tau baru ada maling lagi 6 orang kemaren?"
me: "HuaaahH???!? yang bener loooo?!?!?!"
..then i called home right away
to be continued...
shanti: "han..rumah lo ngeri ya yang kemalingan itu!!"
me: "iya sih, untung nggak ada yang kenapa kenapa ya dan cuma ngambil CPU"
shanti:"haaaaahh...elo nggak tau baru ada maling lagi 6 orang kemaren?"
me: "HuaaahH???!? yang bener loooo?!?!?!"
..then i called home right away
to be continued...
that was a tough loss...the foul against dearman 4 seconds left was a bs!!!...it should've been a charge...too bad the refs were friggin blind...we got hosed big time..!!!
huhu...hold your heads up dawgs...there's nothing to be ashamed of, mizzou didn't beat us, the refs won the game for them *bitter*
but anyway..mad propz to my dawgs.. they played their hearts out and gave it all they've got......bye williams..bye dearman, i wish you all the success in the world. for the rest of the team...see you in november...
lots of upset in my bracket...don't care about other teams but my team is going ALL THE WAY...hihi...no..not all the way to the championship game though, but at least we'll go as far as Final Four, but then we'll be facing 'zona, which is like a death sentence, so we'll lose. but that's fine..at least history has been made..teehee...
the game is in a few hours, can't wait can't wait! mizzou is tough though, i mean even if this is the first time you've ever heard of them you'd still think they are tough, cause their name, the image of their name.. the name itself sounds tough, don't you think? MIZZOU.....compare to SOUTHERN ILLINOIS..of course you'd be more intimidated by the word MIZZOU, even if you don't even know the two teams. I guess it's the Z sounds...any object that has z sounds would be most likely comes off as strong, like Zebra...or Zorro..hehe...or what else?? and the fact that their school mascot is tiger only make their image even more tougher...
dearman is excited to play in dearmanland as he's from indianapolis, so he'd have lots of his family members and friends coming to see him. we have 4 players from missouri, who basically grew up rooting for mizzou, so this is kinda like an emotional game for them too.. they have played each other during summer tournament so we know a little of what to expect from each other. AJ is a monster inside...we need to get him into foul trouble...they don't have a deep bench though so we can take advantage over that. our guard have to play well....
this is going to be an interesting match up, our players are hungry for some victory, they practiced so hard this last couple of days, the coach said this has been the hardest practice they have been through since last november..... i hope we win and mess up a lot of people's bracket...well...i'll find out in a few hours...but even if we don't win, i'm pretty sure it won't be a blowout though, i'm sure we'll give it all we've got.. it's going to be 40 minutes battle and whoever has the last basket wins the game. GO DAWGS!!!!!........and don't forget to watch MTV tonight....9 o'clock central time..seeyaaaa
Now all of the fans across the country have starting to talk smack about the other teams....*yes, I’m still talking about basketball here…maybe at least until the season's over, hehe..so bear with me..=)..* if you visit any message boards in espn.com or cbssportsline.com or any other sports network all you see is this endless message board war, you can smell arrogance and ignorance in every single post. Well that’s not a new story though, cause this is part of what college basketball is all about. I have no problem with that, in fact there were times when I log in and join the riot...hehe..but naah not now..I’ll save my trash talk for later…teeheee.
Anyway, I haven’t seen a lot of fans outside my school conference though… I just happened to know texas tech and Georgia fans last year when we got to play them during the ncaa tournament. And they were like..”if your team is within 15 points, that would be an accomplishment..bla bla bla..” and other ignorant comments like that. But when the clock hit 0:00, it was them who had to go back home..HA!!. They think Andre Emmet is the best thing that happen to the world..well..think again!!
I have no problem hearing all of the disrespecting comments from the fans though...But it’s a different story if it comes from the media (newspaper, online news, TV or anything), any powerful media that have their share in shaping up people’s opinion. I read an article recently in Omaha World Herald…talking about the ancient Creighton victory over SIU..that’s okay, brag all you want…I don’t care…but then I read a paragraph that creates a bad vibe…insulting and dissing SIU. Our school paper never insulted Creighton, I even read one edition that has korver in it, applauding him for his achievement, although I don’t agree with the article at all. Korver just play an old skool basketball style..happen to shoot well..when left unattended!!!.
Anyway, here’s part of the article that I find very disturbing, I’m sure you’ll find nothing is wrong with the article, but lots of people in here think it’s some classless reporting.
Maybe it was the obnoxious way SIU has turned this series and "rivalry" into a goofy grudge match. Maybe it was the way SIU Coach Bruce "Whiner" Weber appeared to rub it into CU Coach Dana Altman as Weber accepted the Valley coach of the year award on Friday, calling it the "Dana Altman Trophy". Maybe it was how, for dessert, Weber called out Creighton at the Friday lunch, saying he hoped SIU could play the Jays for the title Monday night.
Lesson No. 1: Be careful what you wish for.
Maybe it was those wacky T-shirts. The "I H8 CR8N" shirts, worn by students and adults alike, few of whom have been within 100 miles of 24th and Burt. Or the obscene chants at Kyle Korver.
Or maybe it was those other T-shirts, the ones the SIU players were wearing as a warm-up on the floor, with the message "Who will be celebrating on Monday night?" on the back, as if to offer the world a big hint.
Man….so what If the students wore that "who will be celebrating monday night?" t-shirt…I don’t think that’s arrogance, and I don’t see there’s anything wrong with letting the world know that you want your team to win. And it’s just a legitimate question and we got the answer……so can we just move on now? And those I H8 Creightons t-shirts....what's wrong with that..everybody knows it's an ugly rivalry between the fans and we're just creative like that..*HA!*. About the chanting, yes we chanted at the tops of our lungs, even i did that too...but it goes the same way the other way, their fans were chanting at our players too.
And the comments from Bruce Weber.. I’m sure it was purely out of respect, there's a mutual respect between the players and the coaches in those two teams. And the reason why we wanted to play Creighton again was not out of arrogance, the reason was simple… that’s the match up that we needed to get into the tourney and Didn’t Creighton want to play SIU too?
It’s also stated somewhere in the newspaper that Creighton students were booing SIU when they saw our name popped up last Sunday. I’m sure SIU probably booing Creighton too when their name popped up but you don’t have to make it public and write it in newspaper and let the world know how much of a hater you are. The writer is trying to stir a pot and creating bad vibe instead of helping people to get along together.
Creighton fans are the worst man, I’m telling you, they are nothing but a bunch of whiner, even when they win, they don't take it gracefully, don’t you find it sad that a newspaper has to rip on the other team when their team just won??? That is poor winning, you should have just celebrate it and seize the moment. Like right now, they are whining about being put in the tough bracket, and complaining why the committee is always in SIU favor by putting SIU in the Midwest bracket and a home court advantage by playing in Indiana. Well first of all..this is NCAA..there is no cupcake team in here and if you always brag about how NBA bound your players are then why the hell do you complain about having to compete against tougher team. Champions want to be champions by beating the best team, you dumbass!!!! Erghh, I guess I’m gonna write an email to the reporter and tell him to take Ethic in journalism 101 or something!!!!
You know what, a few months ago, I read an article about Nafa Urbach in sctv.co.id. it was about her having a throat surgery and basically just telling how miserable she was, couldn’t talk, couldn’t sing, couldn’t do anything. And..at the end of the paragraph, the retarded writer wrote…”BIAR MAMPUS!!!”…heh…..don’t you find it pathetic??? man that is some serious classless reporting and I was mad when I read that I emailed the PR manager right away!!!.. they took those words the next day, hehehe. Man, never ever..in my wildest dream I would dream about standing up for Nafa Urbach..hahaha…I don’t even like the girl…..but hey, I couldn’t just act all cool if I see something that I think is wrong even when others maybe perceive it as trivial…I guess every now and then, somewhere, some place, sometime, you are going to have to plant your feet, stand firm and make a point about something that you believe in..
thirty three more hours to go……..
the clock is ticking and it’s only a matter of hours till sadam’s palace go up in flames….
well... we still have no idea what's about to happen though.
will the american warmongers finally accomplish in what they call sweeping off the evil???
or will the US of A get blown off the map??....who knows..
we’ll never know..
one thing i know....i feel sorry or the troops, i’m sure they would rather be at home, filling out their ncaa brackets...*teeheee*
sitting in front of the tv to cheer for their favorite teams in the tourney rather than shooting off missiles to the innocent iraqi civilians!!!
"We are the greatest nation in the world"..…*yawn*…typical american arrogance..
the clock is ticking and it’s only a matter of hours till sadam’s palace go up in flames….
well... we still have no idea what's about to happen though.
will the american warmongers finally accomplish in what they call sweeping off the evil???
or will the US of A get blown off the map??....who knows..
we’ll never know..
one thing i know....i feel sorry or the troops, i’m sure they would rather be at home, filling out their ncaa brackets...*teeheee*
sitting in front of the tv to cheer for their favorite teams in the tourney rather than shooting off missiles to the innocent iraqi civilians!!!
"We are the greatest nation in the world"..…*yawn*…typical american arrogance..
i'm sorry but i really have to get this out of my system...*wooohooooooooooooooo.......* cause this has been a hell of a long week for me as well as other people in salukis republic..*teeheee*, this weekend was tough as there were quite a few upsets that put our chances in jeopardy.......but oh boyyyy salukis popped up on the screen, i know we deserve to be in..the committee must be on crack if they didn't pick us out..hehehe....!!! actually, one of the committes, i forgot who his name was, lindewood or livenwood, something like that... was an athletic director in SIU some times ago, i heard he wasn't very well liked back then, but oh boy don't we all just love him now???
we'll be playing mizzou in the first round....wow, i really didn't expect that, they are a team that plays good come tournament time, they were on the bubble last year and yet went all the way to the elite 8. and mizzou is actually one of my favs....*ya gimana ya i live in missouri state gitu lho..hehe*.. but of course i wasn't rooting for them this afternoon...*not because i love sooners yas, but because i had to root for all of the big boys this weekend (for once)*..hehehehe.....noo, i love sooners too kok ..anyway, they'll be playing in indianapolis, 4 hours worth of driving...not bad at all.........to go or not to go....that's the question!!....
C'mon dawgs.......it's time to make some noise...! oh by the way.......turn in to your mtv channel thursday night...9 o'clock central time for the MTV TRUE LIFE....."i'm a college baller" and of course, it's the salukis show......about our school, our team, our players, etc...they have been filming this and follow the players around for a few months...can't wait to see the show!! ....yuhuuu......is america ready for the salukis????
the weather has been unbelievably beautiful these past few days, sunny with enough wind…it’s rather gloomy today actually, but it’s fine with me as long as they take away the freezing weather. my classes has started, i’m taking two classes this term, strategic marketing management and database principles, I’m going to be dealing with a lot of SQL statements and syntax. Anyway, I haven’t been feeling well these past few days and neither does dendre, for some reason he got diarrhea and didn’t even go to work yesterday.
nggak jelas sih sakitnya gara gara apa..mungkin kecapean, mungkin gara gara Creighton attack, hehehe…coba kalo menang kan, I’d be the happiest girl in the world..hehe, mungkin emang kecapean kali ya, soalnya dari sabtu kemaren banyak banget kegiatannya and we practically lived in savvis center last weekend, watching game after game. hari minggu setelah seharian disana, we went to the airport at night to pick up mas pupung and rommy, two of the fullbrighters from carbondale who got back from a conference in houston. they stayed over in our house since both of them plus ben and mas heru were planning to go to the ins office for the special registration. i don’t mind to have people staying over night, as a matter of fact i like playing host providing the guests are well behave, hehe. enggak kok mereka nggak ngerepotin sebenernya, tapi si maspupung ini kept talking on the phone sampe jam 2 pagi. Dia ini sebenernya udah bapak bapak, punya anak tiga, semua keluarganya di bandung. Nah ceritanya kemaren itu dia ketakutan, tegang, takut deh judulnya karena mau ke ins, sebenernya kan santai santai aja, apalagi dia legal kok disini. Tapi dia ketakutan banget, jadi dia itu semaleman nelfonin temen temennya seamerika, nanyain gimana sih special registration itu, di Tanya apa aja, disuruh bawa apa aja, dll. Dan dia juga nelfonin sodaranya di bandung berkali kali, curhat karena ketakutan dan juga minta di doain supaya nggak kenapa kenapa. Kan kasian yaa keluarganya di bandung, jadi waswas mikirin yang enggak enggak karena di sana nggak tau apa apa. Ya udah pokonya dia sibuk nelfon nelfon dan berisik banget deh. we went to bed at 11 dan kebangun bangun terus sampe jam 2 gara gara denger suaranya dia. Padahal kan kita harus bangun pagi, dendre had to get up at 6 to go to work, ya udah gue kluar kamar aja pura pura ke kamar mandi dan akhirnya dia ngerasa nggak enak, mungkin tau kalo kita ke ganggu akhirnya telfonnya di matiin. tapi oh my god jam 2.30 dia maenan telfon lagi..arghh i have had it up to here *point to forehead*, kok enggak ngerti amat siih, ya udah akhirnya gue kluar aja, dan gue bilang “kok blom tidur sih, kan udah malem..besok harus bangun pagi kan pada mau ke ins…tidur gih, kita juga harus bangun pagi soalnya..” trus lampu2 nya gue matiin aja..jadi kan dia mo nelfon gelap, mo nyalain lampunya lagi juga pasti nggak enak..hahaha. baru deh dia nggak maenan telfon lagi dan kita bisa tidur, tapi 3 jam setengah kemudian harus bangun lagi..*sigh*..
Monday morning mbak susi came along with mas heru, and she brought her friend, orang Bangladesh, sama nyokapnya temennya juga. temennya ini minta tunjukin jalan ke airport. so i went back to airport yesterday to show them how to get there trus mereka minta anterin ke international grocery, di carbondale ada sih tapi nggak lengkap, ya udah kita kesana, trus juga mereka minta anterin ke toko yang jual daging halal, yang masih fresh dan langsung di potong potongin di tempatnya, mereka nggak mau yang udah frozen. so i took them to akbar grocery store, beli dagingnya banyak ajaa, they spent a few hundred dollars for 45 pounds worth of beef. emang sekalian buat beberapa bulan katanya, jadi laaah mobil gue bau daging, huhuhuhu..mereka bawa cooler sih tapi dagingnya nggak muat saking banyaknya. itu pas udah siang tuh, gue blom makan apa apa, udah gitu tidurnya cuma sebentar banget kan, so i was cranky as hell but i was still excited cause i was looking forward to go to the game, udah gitu pusiiing banget di mobil karena nggak brenti brenti denger mereka speak bangla. beneran deh, dengerin orang ngomong pake bahasa yang kita nggak ngerti selama berjam jam tuh bikin pusing!!! sebenernya sih gue seneng seneng aja ngajak mereka jalan2 dan mereka berdua ini (temennya mbak susi sama ibunya) baik baik orangnya, they gave me a bar of chocolate, just a little thank you aja katanya udah di anter anterin, and they also insisted on buying gas for my car, tapi enggak lah nggak enak kan, emang sebelumnya udah kosong itu tanknya, hehe. trusnya abis itu mereka minta anterin ke rumah kenalannya yang orang bangladesh juga dan kita di ajakin makan siang disana..oh no, gue langsung pungip seketika…bukannya apa apa yaa, tapi gue emang paling nggak mau deh ke rumahnya orang bangladesh ato india gitu, soalnya bauuuuuuuu man, kita masuk ke rumahnya 5 menit aja trus keluar pasti deh rambut, baju sampe seluruh badan tuh bau semuaa, bau masakan!!! aduh, nggak usah ke rumahnya…kalo deket deket mereka aja mereka baunya gitu kok, pokonya bikin pusing deh. tapi ya mau gimana lagi, ya udah lah akhirnya gue anterin kesana, dan bener aja baru juga pintunya di buka baunya udah kecium gitu, apalagi mereka baru selesai masak, kenapa siih itu jendela2nya nggak di bukain kalo masak, biar baunya keluar…*heran*. Trus ya udah, kita di suruh makan deh, makannya model curry2 gitu lah dan pake nasi yang kaya nasi kuning, tapi berbumbu macem macem dan lembek gitu, adoohh..gue udah meringis gitu ngeliatnya tapi nggak enak banget kalo nggak di makan. i think i almost passed out for consuming too much coriander *lebay*, hehe...untung di rumahnya ada dua anak perempuan kecil yang lucu lucu, yang kakak cantik, namanya amira, she's the model for st louis children hospital, i call her a porcelain dog, trus dianya yang kesenengan gitu... kalo adenya super lucu...namanya rabia. i post their pictures here....just click on it..

selesai nganter nganterin mereka jam 5 and i picked up dendre right away, abis itu jam 6.. kita, sama rommy and ben langsung ke savvis center, game nya sih jam 8 tapi pasti penuh. sampe sana emang udah ngantri banget ticketnya, counternya sih baru di buka jam 7, tapi mereka udah pada nungguin dari sore. udah gitu antriannya nggak rapih, serabutan.. udah kaya ngantri karcis pulang kampung. setelah desek sana desek sini, pepet sana pepet sini, senggol sana sini, goyang sana goyang sini..*lhoo emangnya inuL..* akhirnya sampe juga tuh di depan ticket counternya, dan pas orang di depan gue lagi mau beli, ternyata student ticket yang 8 dollar tinggal dua...….jadi pas giliran gue udah abis…aduuh..lucu banget yah.. perjuangannya tuh udah kaya apa buat sampe ke ticket counternya tapi sampe situ abis. untung yang non student masih ada sih, 18 dollar..yee tau gitu kan gue ke loket yang laennya aja, yang khusus buat non student kan nggak ngantri, udah bisa masuk dari tadi tuuh..huuh..*misuh misuh* ..karena pake ngantri dulu kan jadi telat, it was almost tip off time when we finally got in...dan sedihnya lagi pas udah masuk ke dalem ternyata gue pingin lari lagi keluar sejauh jauhnya..huhuhu..…still can’t believe that Creighton had more dunks than we had field goals……….aahhh lesu lesuuu……..
last nite was the mother of all games and it was our last chance to impress the ncaa selection committee to send the ticket to the ncaa tournament our way. but why oh why we couldn’t hit anything even though a lot of the shots were open or lay up under the basket. tell me why we didn’t hit seventeen of our first eighteen shots and why we didn’t get our rebound and also tell me why the players let themselves to be humiliated in front of national television....why tell me why..
it was a nightmare last nite, total disaster!!! we simply got outplayed, outscored, outrebounded, outcoached and outhustled. and what hurt the most is we got there, we have reached that moment to reserve a spot in the ncaa tourney, to prove something but we just blew it away by playing our Z game while creighton was playing their A game, and we have to live up to that. creighton picked the right time and the right moment to shine, they stepped up last nite and played like a true champion despite their terrible play in their last 2 games while we only shot 16% field goals on the first half and had a 30 points deficit. the final score was 80 – 56. i was dumbfounded, i still am. i told myself not to worry about the deficit in the first couple minutes of the game cause i knew my dawgs would make a great comeback, i patiently wait for them to make their big play, but after half time, i realized in dissapointment that they would never make a comeback, they were already down mentally and couldn't keep the spirit up. i wanted to believe that miracle does happen but it doesn’t.
i tried to stand still and support them to hang in there but at the last minute i just couldn’t take it anymore, it tore me apart to watch our player got bullied around..*sobs*…and on the way out i saw from the monitor outside that their fans rushed the court after the final seconds ticked off the clock and confetti fell from the ceiling...it could have been us who celebrate the victory but why it's the opposite instead....
now I don’t know what happen come selection sunday, i know in my previous entry i said that i believe we are a lock regardless of whether or not we win the game, but that if it were a competitive game, last nite was a no contest. we do have excellent credentials for an at-large bid since we have 24-6 records but last night was the last game the committee watched and i’m sure they will base their decision on that, that’s the game that will stick on their head from now on. the committees are so bias and they are looking for every excuses to leave us out and and we gave them their excuse last night. i wanted to believe that an entire year of success shouldn’t be wiped out by one performance. but life is unfair……
...and neither is sport.
it’s going to be a long week…but i’m a saluki bred and i’ll be sweating it out in front of the TV this sunday witchall!!! hopefully we heard them announce our team as one of the 65 teams that make it to the tournament. if not, that means season is over and thanks for the ride dawgs... it’s been a heck of a great season…
we defeated southwest missouri state last night, and tonight is the night, we will face the overrated creighton tonight at 8 central time, and it will be broadcasted on ESPN!!! i believe it's safe to say that we're now a lock for the ncaa tournament, regardless of who wins tonight's game. cause i don't think this game would be so much for ncaa tournament, but we are going to be fighting for pride. it's going to be a war tonight.....and shoot, i need a maroon t-shirt , i showed up with my white t-shirt yesterday, first of all because i was running out of my maroon t shirt and second was because southwest missouri state color is maroon too but since we're the higher seeded team, the players wore their white jersey, so i decided to wear white as well, but i did wear maroon underwear if that counts..teeheee. i'm hitting the road any minute now....i'm sure the salukis are more than ready to battle, because we have something to prove plus creighton hasn't been playing that well lately eventhough they did win their last 2 games, but they won ugly, they were just very fortunate. wichita state was handling creighton asses yesterday, i was so happy they almost got beaten but then again, we want a piece of creighton too..so let us be the one who sends them back to where they belong...hihi.........
…akhirnyaaa bisa muncul juga layout barunya *kipas kipas*. Sebenernya ini bukan yang di bikin kemaren, yang di bikin kemaren itu black and white tapi nggak ngerti kenapa nggak bisa di upload. Masih banyak yang mau di benerin sih detil2nya, tapi buat skarang segini aja dulu kali yaaaaa… Oh yaa, ini ada foto foto dari gathering di Oh la la January kemaren, I have posted some of the pictures a while ago, tapi beberapa hari yang lalu baru di kirimin banyak lagi sama Nunique, ya udah jadinya di jadiin satu aja. So enjoy the pictures guys and if you’re in the pictures and want to have some of them, feel free to save it to your computer..=) (maybe you, det? Since there’s a close-up picture of you, hehehehe…) .
Just checked out this news and the saluki’s coach just named coach of the year, congrats! Now I hope we can take care of business tomorrow and play again Sunday…Hang tight kids, cause March Madness is about to begin………..
sucks? I know, haha..i’m bored with the old layout but at the same time I can’t seem to have my creative mind working, hmm…like I have one?..anyway, I’ll just stick to this layout for a while until I can create a decent one, hopefully soon cause school starts next week and I’m sure I’d have tons of projects to do after next week
Last weekend was sweet, I have never seen the arena so crowded before, yes we have had a couple of sold out games before but the atmosphere is just different, the crowd was yelling and chanting non stop, booing Creighton with passion and chanting airball whenever Korver touch the ball, haha. He averages 92% from the free throw line and he never missed a single free throw whenever he plays with us since 4 years ago, but he missed two free throws that night plus a few other airball shots.. So you can tell from there that the crowd kinda got into him, although he didn’t want to admit it, he said in the press conference that his bad performance didn’t have anything to do with the crowd, yea right. We were actually kinda had trouble like the first 3 or 4 minutes of the game, maybe the players were nervous or something cause it was an emotional moment for the senior, but after that they just took off. Two minutes towards the end of the game was breath taking cause we only had 2 points lead and it was way possible for Creighton to take over the game, they had the momentum to come back. But I guess our player had more determination and wanted to win more than Creighton. I bet it was a long and quiet trip back to Omaha, haha.
So since we won that game, we are seeded number 1 in the Missouri valley conference. But we didn’t have the title outright yet cause there was one more game for us to win in order to be granted the sole possession of the regular season championship, we had to beat Illinois state the next Monday and if we lost and Creighton win Monday night game against Wichita state then we had to share the title with Creighton like last year, since we are in the same rank. Of course by Monday night the title was safely in hand, we beat Illinois State in their own arena…
Now the conference is over and here comes the tournament... The tournament will be held in savvis center, st louis this weekend…wohooo..isn’t that great I don’t have to drive miles away to watch my team play. Since we’re seeded number 1, we don’t have to play on Friday, we’ll start playing in the quarterfinals on Saturday with whoever wins Friday. And if we win Saturday, we’ll play again Sunday in the semifinals and if we win again Sunday, we’ll play again Monday night for the championship which will automatically give the winner a trip to NCAA tournament. Man, I wish we’ll go all the way to the championship and win it so we can get automatic bid to the NCAA and cut the nets in st. louis. But even if we lost in the final game, I hope we still get the invitation to join the NCAA cause we’re truly deserve it. We are a good team but we just don’t get as much media exposure as the big majors, which is suck. But I know once we’re given a chance we’ll show them that we can do some damage in the NCAA just like last year when we make it all the way to the sweet 16, beating texas tech and Georgia in the first and second round. Hopefully we can play with the same sense of urgency like we’ve been playing these past two months and get the respect we deserve. Go dawgs..you know I’ll be rooting for you guys!!!
On a not so happier note though…..i lost all..and I repeat..ALL my files in this computer yesterday. This is such a mess. We had windows ME before and dendre just installed windows XP yesterday. Everything was still in its original place when he was done installing. But, you know XP provides multiple/different account right, I can have my own password protected account to save my own files without anyone interfering it, and he can have his own too. This is the perfect situation for any computer who has multiple user but we don’t see the need to have different accounts with this computer but he did created an account for me just for trial purposes. After that, since we only need one account he deleted his account so we can together use mine. But my oh my…he was supposed to delete my account since it’s new, it’s empty, there was no file in it, but it was his account (the admin account) that he deleted and all of the files was saved in there, everything. Hundreds of downloaded songs since Napster Era, all of the pictures, we have uploaded some pictures to the server but there are still a lot left in the pictures folder. I have my school files, the paper, project from previous classes, I know I’m done with those but I wanted to keep them. All of the websites that we’ve built is gone, all of the files of this blog is gone too….everything is gone, vanished, whatever you wanna call it. I feel like using a brand new computer now cause it’s so empty.
Another computer related disaster happened in my house back home too last week. No, the computer didn’t crash or anything but it got stolen!!…It was on Friday afternoon, the house was empty, ya nggak kosong banget sih, ada si mbak mbak and my little brother was home. Trus ada yang nge bell rumah, ternyata orang nggak di kenal gitu, si mbak yang satu ini..mbak asih namanya, padahal yang paling pinter dari yang laennya, she’s been with us for a while jadi udah tau mana yang orang di kenal mana yang enggak. Trus ini orang, mas mas, nanyain nyokap gue dan mbaknya bilang kalo my mom wasn’t home and this guy insisted to wait in the terrace, ya udah di bukain lah pintu pagernya trus dia nanya nanya banyak dan minta kertas sama pulpen buat nulis pesen ke nyokap, trus tau tau dia udah ngikutin masuk aja sampe ruangan meja makan. Pas si mbaknya lagi ngambilin kertas, tau tau tu orang masuk ke kamar gue dan langsung keluar gotong2 CPU tau nggak sih dan langsung keluar gitu aja, di luar udah di tungguin taksi. Abis itu baru deh si mbaknya lemes dan langsung nyadar kalo abis kemalingan, kayanya sih mungkin dia di hipnotis soalnya biasanya dia yang pinter gituu. It was really shocking to hear that, my little brother was there and anything could have happened…*merinding* . Dan takutnya lagi malingnya kan udah masuk rumah, udah tau keadaannya gimana and there is a chance for him to come back…..wah gimana dong…..it scares the hell out of me, I don’t want what happened a few years ago to happen again. Iya dulu juga pernah kemalingan, bukan kemalingan itu sih…..kerampokan!! Untungnya no one was home, we all slept over in my grandma’s house…. and that’s probably why the robbers decided to break in. Jadi pas besoknya kita pulang everything was a mess, jendela2nya udah pada di pecahin, pintu2 pada jebol, lemari udah di dobrak semua, laci2nya di tebalik tebalikin sampe kasur aja di angkat gitu lho, nggak di colong sih but I guess they were just checking it out in case my mom keeps some money under the bed..helloooo don’t you know there’s a place called bank??….they took everything, electronics, tv, stereo set, laser disc, playstation, they even took my walkman…they also took my mom’s jewelry, perfumes and the like. Ergghhh udah ah, bikin tambah ngeri aja jadinya kalo di inget inget. Mudah mudahan sih nggak bakal ada apa apa lagi..*amin*, doain yaah semuanya……….
Lalalalala…I finally got tickets to the game…*jumps up and down excitedly*…. There was this guy who was also looking for a ticket and he knew someone who wanted to sell 4 tickets all together, 25 bucks per ticket, and that scalper didn’t want to sell them separately. This guy told me that he would give me the scalper’s phone number if I would give one ticket for him for 20 bucks….resee, pemerasan banget kan tuh namanya, he said that because he read my msg that I would pay an extra 5 bucks than everyone else..hehehe..tapi kan tetep aja..kok mumpung gitu siihh…..oh well…what can I say I was hopeless and desperate so I said OK..ergghh what a gullible me. So anyway, the scalper had delivered the ticket to martha’s house… and I’m back to happy mode once again. This game is going to be huge, the media has been hyping this game since forever. The crowd is going to be fired up and we are ready to keep the home winning streak alive. GO DAWGS!!!….oh btw, hehe..why don’t you try to tune in to your FOX channel tomorrow night, 8 o'clock central time, who knows you might see me there..teeheee... I’m not sure if they air it on Midwest FOX only or the whole region though…
So yay, I’m happy now, especially when I heard another good news. Ben’s been using our car that we’ve been meaning to get rid of for the past few months, he said he’ll buy it from us once he got his car sold..and just last week he got a check from someone who bought his car so he’s gonna pay us tomorrow…wohooo…and also Rommy is buying my Compaq Presario..since I’ve moved in to dendre’s, there’s no point of having two desktop, they take up so much space plus we’ve never used it. So we’re bringing the computer to Carbondale tomorrow. That’s double woohoo to me, cash is flowing in, just when I need it, hehe…and maybe a fraction of the money would go into buying me a 76 piano-size portable keyboard that I’ve been longing to have……=)